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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. Great citation. You're on top of your game tonight.
  2. You'd lose that bet. They were shared facilities. All the men's teams shared the same facilities. All the women's teams shared the same facilities.
  3. The NCAA is full of publicly funded schools, not private investors. https://ftw.usatoday.com/2021/03/ncaa-tournament-womens-weight-room-unequal-access Suggesting women need to wear smaller shorts is misogynistic whether there is private or public funding. I think the first time I see you support a minority I'm going to set off some fireworks.
  4. I played soccer on a co-ed team, and I wouldn't say the policies have changed all that much. Did you happen to follow the controversy surrounding the accommodations for men's NCAA basketball vs that of the women? It was embarrassing. Brazil has long had a great women's soccer team and arguably the best woman player in the world, yet the funding for the women is minuscule. One of the men in charge of the men's league suggested the women needed to wear smaller shorts. The misogyny has not gone away.
  5. Yes, they did that too. Women were not allowed to study science and instead were taught to cook and sew in school.
  6. No. It was 'sex-segregated' due to misogyny. Women and girls were considered unfit for sports that might kill them. Later on it was not considered a good use of resources to fund women's sports. Ever hear the term "you throw like a girl"?
  7. Another universal given.
  8. Because you would not answer me directly, twice, so I did my best to interpret what you were saying.
  9. I'll take that as a 'no'.
  10. There are a number of ways cis-genders can work the current system. Do you think one group is a bigger risk than the other?
  11. Is the potential cheating by transgenders any more troubling than potential cheating by cis-genders? For instance, will it be easier do you think?
  12. Do you believe that since there are people who will cheat, that justifies not allowing transgender women to compete? If not I'm unsure of the significance of pointing out that people can and will cheat. That is a universal given.
  13. Certainly we were not going to stop all bombing though. If we had not dropped the two bombs we would have continued killing people other ways even though peace may have been near. The atomic bombs were just another tool the Americans had.
  14. I've never really understood the special place reserved for nuclear weapons in WWII wrt 'morality'. Death is death, and the atomic bomb was no more indiscriminate than fire bombing. As long as the war was still raging I feel the Americans were basically obligated to use the weapons at their disposal.
  15. Based on your definition people with locked-in syndrome, sleeping people, and some people with mental disorders are not aware. On the other hand, a mouse trap, a door bell, and my television set are all aware.
  16. Two goalposts moved and not a hint of recognition that your assertion may have been a bit over the top. Or was it one goalpost and one read herring. Sometimes I'm not sure. Thank you but I don't think I'm going to chase you around this field. Given your track record on knowing what is going on in the church I think I'm going to take this with a grain of salt.
  17. Catholicism https://www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/human-life-and-dignity/environment/environmental-justice-program/upload/Environmental-Primer.pdf Some statements made over the years... “Created things belong not to the few, but to the entire human family.” “The Church is likewise conscious of the responsibility which all of us have for our world, for the whole of creation, which we must love and protect. There is much that we can do to benefit the poor, the needy and those who suffer, and to favor justice, promote reconciliation and build peace.” “Our mistreatment of the natural world diminishes our own dignity and sacred- ness, not only because we are destroying resources that future generations of hu- mans need, but because we are engaging in actions that contradict what it means to be human. Our tradition calls us to protect the life and dignity of the human person, and it is increasingly clear that this task cannot be separated from the care and de- fense of all creation.” “[T]his concern and commitment for the environment should be situat- ed within the larger framework of the great challenges now facing man- kind. If we wish to build true peace, how can we separate, or even set at odds, the protection of the environment and the protection of human life, including the life of the unborn? It is in man’s respect for himself that his sense of responsibility for creation is shown.” “How can we forget, for that matter the struggle for access to natural resources is one of the causes of a number of conflicts, not the least in Africa, as well as a continuing threat elsewhere? For this reason too, I forcefully repeat that to cultivate peace, one must protect creation!” “The protection of the environment, of resources and of the climate obliges all international leaders to act justly and to show a readiness to work in good faith, respecting the law and promoting solidarity with the weakest regions of the planet.” “Care for the environment represents a challenge for all of hu- manity. It is a matter of a common and universal duty, that of respecting a common good, destined for all, by preventing any- one from using ‘with impunity the different categories of beings, whether living or inanimate—animals, plants, the natural ele- ments—simply as one wishes, according to one’s own economic needs.’ It is a responsibility that must mature on the basis of the global dimension of the present ecological crisis and the conse- quent necessity to meet it on a worldwide level, since all beings are interdependent in the universal order established by the Crea- tor. ‘One must take into account the nature of each being and of its mutual connection in an ordered system, which is precisely the ‘cosmos’”. And Islam... Muslims are allowed to make use of what nature provides but they must avoid waste and excess. Shari'ah law protects animals from cruelty, defends forests and limits urbanisation. Muslim leaders, representing all the major groups of Muslims, drew up a Seven Year Plan in 2009. The aim was to improve the environment. Actions include limiting the use of new resources, encouraging recycling, and developing guidance for business on how best to protect the environment from exploitation. By helping people to focus on God and not on distorted values linked with money and possessions, Muslims hope to re-establish harmony in the world between people and with nature. Sunni Muslims have created haram zones where people have to respect natural resources and not exploit anything that is there. They have also created animal reserves to protect wildlife and forests. These actions aim to re-stabilish nature as Allah wants it to be. https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/guides/zvygjxs/revision/4
  18. 😁 “…the Emperors of Blefuscu did frequently expostulate by their ambassadors, accusing us of making a Schism in Religion, by offending against a fundamental Doctrine of our great Prophet Lustrog, in the fifty-fourth Chapter of the Brundecal, (which is their Alcoran). This, however, is thought to be a meer[sic] Strain upon the Text: For the Words are these; That all true believes shall break their Eggs at the convenient End; and which is the convenient End, seems, in my humble Opinion, to be left to every Man’s Conscience, or at least in the Power of the chief Magistrate to determine.” -Gulliver
  19. If highly advanced civilization were found to exist other than the solar system what would its effect be on humanity?
  20. Without a doubt it would result in an increase in gun sales in the US.
  21. Probably one group of earthlings would want to welcome them to the team while another group of earthlings would insist on ensuring parity first by seeing if their space rocks are bigger than ours.
  22. I imagine it would bring people together to some extent. We tend to group ourselves based on similarity, which means humanity is quite fractured. By country, race, politics, or which end of a soft boiled egg should be cracked open prior to consuming. If others were found to exist, suddenly we have a new group to belong to; Earthlings!
  23. Give me a fucking break. When have I ever presented my case like that?
  24. I realize that and also know you well enough to not think you are a troll or anti-LGBTQ. The real-life potential structural stress for my home is for an earthquake, lightening strike and tornado to hit while my house is on fire. As that is outside the realm of a reasonable expectation, the building codes don't reflect that. Yes, I know that. I also know that the "World's top male decathlete" did not transition from male to female. When Caitlyn transitioned she couldn't have competed with a group of 17 year old kids much less in the Olympic Decathlon. She may also have a perspective on how to win a Republican run for governor.
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