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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. I guess that is why the governments of the world and heads of businesses have commonsense advisors instead of economic advisors.
  2. But we're talking about PR here, not NTSB investigations. No, it is not a false perception. It is the perception from my perspective, that of a user. From your perspective it is also harder to order socks from Amazon than climb the tree in my yard because of all the difficult technology involved, but from my perspective I can order the socks in about 30 seconds without getting off the couch. Much easier than getting to the top of that oak tree. You mean like how they teach all the passengers how to pilot a 747 before they are allowed to board the aircraft and begin their tour of Europe?
  3. It is much easier to get into space. I cannot physically climb to 29,000 feet altitude, but I can sit in a comfy chair as I rocket to 254 miles in altitude. I guess it will be pretty much the same as handling the PR of death in Mt. Everest tourism.
  4. I think this line from Sheryl Crow's Soak Up The Sun got it right.
  5. Agree 100%. It is difficult to be a BMW snob when you've also owned a Tesla. It is difficult to hate Mexicans if you've lived and worked with them. It is difficult to be a racist if you find friends of all races. It is difficult to have a deficient diet if you eat some of everything. It is difficult to hate whiskey once you've had Johnnie Walker Black!
  6. Welcome Rift Zone, glad you decided to join us! Hope it's a long and mutually beneficial membership. Just so things don't get off on the wrong foot, remember that as a science site you will be expected to provide evidence if you make a claim that runs counter to the 'prevailing physics'. As long as you meet that requirement I think you'll find that the members here love a good discussion. Good luck to you!
  7. Feeling better I hope! And don't forget, loss of memory (and hair!) is a side effect.
  8. Stupid software! That's what happens when you quote from a quote rather than quoting from the original! 😃 My understanding is that 'efficient market' also includes the fact that information is available to all and therefore already factored into the price. Under this assumption it is 'reasonable' to buy any stock, and is the main reason that so many people invest in index funds. Active investing is the assumption that something may have been missed, which is where stock analysts earn their salaries. By reviewing PE ratios, which way the wind is blowing regarding specific regulations in congress, scandals, R&D spending, patents, likelihood of mergers, meetings with CEOs, discovered natural resources, etc., stock analysts compare stock price to their own valuations, looking for differences. It is this constant search for a slight edge that naturally keeps stock prices in line. This is not to say there can't be sharp drops or increases due to irrational behavior, but that in the long view, the values can be considered accurate. Bubbles only exist in the short term. In the long term they are smoothed out and are not significant. Part of our differing views on this subject may have to do with the time frames we are both considering.
  9. Hmm. I heard you also have eight times as many sheep as people...
  10. How could we have known months ago that they would be a tinderbox today? Did sending vaccines to others have much of an impact on Australia? I got my flu shot in October and they placed the shot incorrectly. My arm is finally just about healed.
  11. What are notmal values? Like, extra fingers or something?
  12. People in the Netherlands are taller than average.
  13. 'Niceness' notwithstanding, wouldn't that have put the US way behind in our vaccination targets? Personally I think you should have had the 1st vaccine globally, but that's not up to me. I believe the US should be helping other countries, but if it means my vaccine gets delayed I'd like to know it's for a good reason.
  14. Which countries should we have sent it to months ago and why?
  15. 2800 companies are traded on US stock exchanges. I don't think one short episode for one stock is enough to show that stock analysts don't know how to value a company.
  16. Roughly 90% of stocks are either purchased in passive funds like indexed funds, or by actively managed funds. Individuals make up the other 10%. https://www.cnbc.com/2019/03/19/passive-investing-now-controls-nearly-half-the-us-stock-market.html That means the price of 90% of the stocks is set by what stock analysts are willing to pay. Weak stock pickers don't keep their job very long.
  17. Amazon was founded in 1994. It wasn't before 2001 that they showed their first profit; $0.01 per share! Today their market capitalization is $1.7T. There is a reason their value is so high. Stock prices are set by people smarter than me.
  18. I was hoping for a summary from you, perhaps a paragraph or two describing why this is significant.
  19. No one here is likely to watch an entire hour long video on the chance it may be interesting enough to discuss. Can you summarize the video for us?
  20. That's probably because you are not here for discussion but to educate us. That's not what we do here.
  21. How very paternalistic of you. This is however a discussion site, not your blog, and certainly you were not hired to come here and teach us. I'm sure there are others who wish to be educated by you, but unfortunately you've come to the wrong place.
  22. Are you looking for praise for your intellect? Perhaps you've improved your inter-personal skills to a level you've never achieved before and wanted to show them off? You are looking to make new friends? What exactly is your purpose on this site? What do you hope to achieve?
  23. "There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home." Ken Olsen, founder of Digital Equipment Corporation, 1977
  24. Lighten up my friend. This is a discussion site, not a boxing ring.
  25. In which case I am not 100% wrong. Thanks for confirming. I don't care if they won't be continued in the future navy. It has nothing to do with my statement about TODAY'S CAPABILITIES.
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