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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. And it was so close to your vaccine appointment! Hope you feel better soon! 😓
  2. Hmm. Who has been funding exploration to this point? Individuals? Or governments from the US, the EU, China, Japan, India, etc.? Or are you suggesting that private enterprise is not now getting involved? Like SpaceX, Orbital, Boeing, Blue Origin, etc.? Perhaps you are unaware of people looking for adventure. Space Adventures sent seven private citizens to the ISS. NASA has announced plans to send private citizens to the ISS. Mars One has signed up 2700 people who have asked to be part of a one-way mission to Mars. I am unsure exactly what history you are looking at. Certainly there were companies that profited from trade. No everyone in the colonies was involved in trade with Europe though. Some actually farmed, raised animals, traded goods between the states only, became lawyers, coopers and blacksmiths. Not everyone is involved in trade. Your vision is short term. At one point the idea that one might cross oceans for a short holiday was also unimaginable to some. We seem to have arrived at that point just fine though.
  3. Exactly! Which is why we fund GPS and not perpetual motion machines.
  4. Most people learn who to trust and who not to trust, and which things sound reasonable and which things don't. But I agree that trusting some major news corporations (Fox for instance) is a mistake.
  5. The Americas offered a dream of cities of gold, silver, and a fountain of youth. When that dream was found to be false it was considered a bit of a waste. It wasn't until years of exploring that Europeans brought home anything other than invasive species and communicable diseases.
  6. In the long term I think human habitation off-Earth is inevitable. History tells us that Governments fund exploration, private enterprise gets involved, and eventually people who are simply looking for adventure or a new place to put down roots follow. It starts off as expensive and dangerous and moves toward everyday normal. At some point in time, people of Europe quit saying "I am going to the New World but will return", moved onto "Profit can be made there and be brought back", and finally settled on "I am moving there with no plans to return, hoping to make this new place my future". I'm sure that time is quite a bit off in the future for us as we explore our solar system, but I don't see any reason why we would stop doing what we've been doing our entire history.
  7. Meanwhile, back at the batcave...
  8. I have read a lot for as long as I can remember. I once got in trouble for reading The Godfather during class in 5th grade when I was 10 years old. Learning new things, especially extreme and strange things, was like an adrenaline rush for me. And there was nowhere better to get that kind of information than from science.
  9. Okay, average citizen. Degenerative spine, intractable pain, confined to bed, no cure, no insurance, no family.
  10. What if a painful death was imminent but unrelated to terminal illness, such as being burned alive?
  11. So it is not moral to kill yourself to save others? For example in the case of someone about to be tortured to reveal information regarding the whereabouts of their companions?
  12. I must have missed something. When did we "totally disregard the responsibility of the 'victim'"? Shouldn't we let the justice system play out first before we accuse them of doing a shoddy job?
  13. Yes, I agree in full too. As always an individual case doesn't buy us much. Either the officer or the driver could have been completely in the right or completely in the wrong. Knowing exactly who was responsible for what doesn't get us any closer to solving the problem. We already have enough overall data to tell us that both the officers and the black people they are encountering have reason to believe that ANY encounter could turn out bad for them and thus both are prone to making bad decisions. It seems clear that something has to change and IMO the biggest change must come from the police. We pay them to protect us, not harm us. They need to figure out a way to protect us without hurting so many people. There is something wrong with our system when our citizens fear for their safety simply because they have an encounter with the people who are there to protect us and provide order.
  14. Haha, that is a pretty cool inlay in the floor. I love when craftsmen show off a bit. And yes, it is solid pieces. I seem to have an affinity for making projects that can't be moved without at least two people. 😁 I'd love to see them! I cut some dovetails once but only to see if I could do it. I've not yet used them on a project.
  15. Really well done sir! I'm duly impressed. 😁 Here is my latest project. A simple bookshelf made of birch. The joinery is primarily biscuits.
  16. Very nice! Can you provide some construction details please? Wood species, how you built it, and especially how you put in that central vein?!?! I hope there is some tricky technique because it would be hell to make separate cuts match up like that.
  17. When I was young I used to see those giant flocks of starlings all the time. I was always mesmerized by them. I still see them occasionally, and while they are much smaller flocks they still do that dance in the sky.
  18. Today I learned that the term "naked apes" referring to humans is a misnomer. https://www.nationalgeographic.com/science/article/the-semi-naked-ape-or-why-peach-fuzz-makes-it-harder-for-parasites
  19. As opposed to a submarine?
  20. I suspect ballistic missiles and cruise missiles from submarines are not very cost effective and will be limited in number. Artillery shells are cheap, accurate, plentiful and effective.
  21. It is akin to adding a deadbolt to your front door after you've recently installed a chain door guard. Makes things better, not worse. Your title, "Covid overload", makes me think you might be under the impression that receiving the vaccination is the same as contracting COVID-19. It is not. The vaccination does not include injecting you with SARS-CoV-2 and it does not result in you contracting COVID-19.
  22. Are you getting all of your ideas from movies?
  23. The hubris...
  24. I find that a proportional response to violence is often the best course of action. I alway told my children to walk away if possible but they should not stand for being abused by another. It's always going to be a judgement call, and things can turn out badly, but unfortunately the world is not a fair place and it is important that we look out for our own best interests.
  25. If you want this conversation to go anywhere you are going to have to be a bit more free with the details.
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