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Everything posted by zapatos

  1. What is the significance of removing the fertilized egg? Couldn't you just place a skin cell in the location without having first removed a different cell from that location?
  2. Since you are opposed to redefining words I can only surmise that you believe people are literally being launched beneath the wheels of large, multi-passenger conveyances.
  3. Agreed. In the US people are referring to their Rights guaranteed under the Constitution. The claim is frequently made by the same people who discuss their Right to bear arms. "Freedom of Speech" is a direct quote, and people in the US know the phrase from the Constitution. It is taught beginning in early elementary school. There are certainly other legitimate uses of the phrase, but if asking how it is generally used in the US, the answer is as a violation of a Constitutional Right.
  4. Oops! We can only do our best.
  5. It varies from individual to individual, case to case.
  6. Are we then still inside the black hole? Or are you suggesting that some things can indeed escape from black holes?
  7. As someone who has dealt with mice for years, I can assure you they can get that high up.
  8. You are expecting us to go look for the evidence? You don't seem to know how this works.
  9. Doesn't it take individuals deciding that is their purpose?
  10. Glad you think so much of me.
  11. Completely ruins the game of peek-a-boo.
  12. Why would you say that?
  13. The evidence rather strongly implies otherwise.
  14. I think the anger comes from our country being represented by people who make what are obviously polarizing statements that hurt, rather than help, our overall situation.
  15. Strictly speaking, it is the south, not southeast. When speaking of the south in the United States, the reference does not include southern California, New Mexico, etc. It refers to the southern states in roughly the eastern half of the country. It's a history thing.
  16. So you are saying that television news sources are "pro-milk", so to speak? They approve of milk subsidies and are against foreign dairy?
  17. Does the "mainstream media" have a spokesperson, who made some kind of declaration? What exactly does it mean that it is "not accepted"? And while we are at it, who exactly is in this "mainstream media" group you speak of? Can you please provide specific names?
  18. And don't even get me started on swabian kartoffelsalat!! User Tip: Not all posts on this forum are a request for a recap of your Master's thesis.
  19. Being of Germanic origin I am of the belief that it has to do with all of the vinegar we use in cooking; sauerbraten, sauerkraut, sour tomatoes and onions, pickled onions, etc. Oh, and I just LOVE vinegar on spinach!
  20. On the other hand, people here in Missouri tend to be polite drivers and as soon as they see the sign that says "Merge left - 5 miles ahead", they start getting into the left lane. Which is wonderful for me as I end up passing about 1000 cars as I don't merge until about 4 1/2 miles later. I believe it. And typically they seem to be old people. They have nowhere to go and all day to get there.
  21. I may be wrong but I feel as if some people who live in the left lane think that if they are driving within the speed limit then they are justified in blocking the cars behind them.
  22. Typically I'm a calm, cooperative driver. There is one situation though that I admit can raise my blood pressure. If there is a lot of traffic on the highway and progress is slow, that doesn't bother me at all, as there is nothing I can gain by getting passed the car in front of me; there is just another one in front of him and so on. But when the car in front of me is driving slowly and can readily move over to the right, but will not, and there is nothing but daylight in front of him, I quickly get annoyed. That promise of better progress on my trip, being blocked by one (what I consider to be) inconsiderate driver, really gets my goat. And there is nothing I can do about it but wait... What is this new technology that can identify this emotion?
  23. Do you really want to start your tenure here by suggesting the membership may be stupid?
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