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Everything posted by Sashatheman

  1. here it is. read it and give me your comments. http://www.laddertheory.com/ Its about how women and men see each other. More relavent to younger people.
  2. thanks people. i also was reading up , that NASA is gonna send some probe i think in 2011, that can measure star distances using parralax, to a much more accurate degree, and will give us better proof
  3. I read that people can measure stars using paralax , but only if the stars are within 400 light years away. But How do we measure stuff further away. Is there more then one method to measure far away objects? Reason i am asking is that a guy i was talking to told me, that scientists can only measure stars accurately using the parallax method, and anything further then that are just "guesses". I knew he was wrong, but i didnt know how to reply to him. So yeh i would really like to know some info. ps Does redshift have much to do with it?
  4. i remember watching videos of some guy showing the same effect in his garage. i didnt watch yuor video, but i hope its actually your video, and not the same one i saw.
  5. youll like this site http://user.tninet.se/~ecf599g/aardasnails/java/Monkey/webpages/ Its always increasing monkeys typing at many keyboards. the site is out of date, because noone is updating the most amount of letters . But the current amount generated is around 34 letters in a row. just read how it works
  6. Sashatheman


    i heard a theory that states, that gravitrons may be such a weak force, because they can travel into parallel universes. It was a documentary about the string theory , and they used slices of bread to represent each universe, which cannot interact with each other, but it was proposed that gravity can travel from slice to slice ei through different universes. anyway whos heard this and want to explain it in more detail. i got this from a docu called "elegant universe"
  7. Sashatheman


    thanks man . so gravitron particles act the same way as those gluons with quarks. they interact between two bodies
  8. yeh i remember i saw a documentary about some guy claiming its just his toy submarine
  9. Sashatheman


    can i ask a question while we are talking about gravity. If gravitrons are discovered. How does more mass mean more gravity? wouldnt gravitrons just be separate particles that are flying around in space? or are they somewhere in the atom.
  10. all the other forums i visit prevbent double posting, surely the code is not that difficult
  11. i have a question. If light can bounce of objects, doesnt it mean it has to reduce speed to zero and go in a negative direction? Which would mean light doesnt have a constant speed
  12. doesnt matter what we call it, the fact is, theres more of one then the other.
  13. i cant even delete my double posts
  14. Thanks Evon for the link. Good read Somethign iteresting i read on that link, was the question i aksed before, why theres more matter then anti matter in the universe. The extreme tempretures of the big bang might have allowed that to happen.
  15. Are you talking about my post? So your saying the two particles quickly come together and turn back into energy. Thats the meaning of decay. So wheres all the antimatter thats ment to exist for all the matter we see in day to day lvies. Even ourselves.
  16. hmm interesting, ill try to read into what u said
  17. Sashatheman


    I pose this question to any Religious person who also beleives in Aliens If aliens are able to fly to earth, they need technology to do so, and since such advanced technology requires advanced intelligence, aliens can be said to be superior to humans. Which means God didnt place humans to control all other creatures. Aliens are much more advanced then us, and would break all christian ideas about the divine purpose for humans, since god made us atleast second best. if not some really premative creature compared to many other aliens. anyway what i am getting to is, you cant mix christianity maybe even other religions , with the belief in aliens
  18. What exactly does it mean the anti-particle Decays. What does it decay into? Doesnt it need its twin normal particle to turn back into pure energy?
  19. From what i understand particles just like light can also be represented as waves. But since you can combine electromagnetic waves ( eg light) to make a differnt wave pattern, which basicly means they exist on top of each other. Can particles ei electrons, do the same? Meaning co-exist in exactly the same place.
  20. i Just dont understand how people can answer this superposition with the theory of multverses where alot of things are very equal, but in one universe the cat is alive, in the other the cat is dead. when i read about this experiment (this was before i came to this thread) , i can amagine the decay being totally random, but i just see the cat as being somethign that gets effected by this random decay, and thats it. I dont see how us not knowing the exact result can be justified for many universes.
  21. I Dont understand how this cat experiment is ment to explain the quantum uncertainty on a macro level. I dont see how a cat is said to be in a super-position. I understnd that the decay of that particle is absolutly random and we cant be certain if it happened or not. I also agree that before we open the box we are not certain if the cat is dead or alive, but i cant understand why that has to mean that the cat is in super-position. How is this example i am gonna give any differnt to the cat experiment i have a random number generator on the computer, but only generates 0 or 1. i dont know what number is gonna be next, but if it zero then the computer crashes, if its 1 its gonna be fine. why cant we say the computer is in super-position, if that random number event occured when i wasnt in the room.
  22. ecstacy is known to make people feel really close to people, something that can be called love but I doubt its the same feeling of love that a man and a woman experience if they love each other, but it breaks down the barriers of shyness and miscomfort when meeting new people, therefore its much easier to become really close to someone you talk. I think another nickname for it is the hug drug. From what i read, and learnt from talkign to people, ecstacy makes all your senses more accute, which includes the feeling of touch. So it becomes very pleasurable for a person who took X to hug people and have a skin on skin feeling. hence maybe also this feeling of love. How ever i also heard that while your on X, some people find it hard to get an erection, same type of thing for some people who take alcohol. Not much love in that department.
  23. theres only one thing that bothers me. Theres alot of zooming out of the game, meaning alot of area to start new cities, but i am afraid that they actual detail of the game and the managing the cities , which in my opinion becomes the major part of the game, is limited. the game substitutes its complexity and detail with many simple things to do, and alot of playing field.
  24. Live through a species' evolution and influence the way it lives its life by sculpting its body and its surroundings. From single-cell all the way through to a huge civilisation of animals, could this be the best game ever? http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=8372603330420559198 Warning its a 30 minute video, so 56 k people sorry not for you. but jusr remember the name "spore"
  25. omg, theres like a dozen people who believe this crap on another forum i visit. Its beyond me how people can believe this stupid garbage. But then those same people say the governemnt is behind 9/11, the moon landing is fake, and the government purposely gave humans AIDS so they can suffer.......
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