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Everything posted by Sashatheman

  1. I only recently started reading up on general relativity , and read about the gravity probe B, which is an experiment to test Albert Einstein's theory of general relativity, particularly the effect where space and time get pulled out of shape near a forcibly-accelerated or rotating body in a phenomenon referred to as frame-dragging. It was launched on April 20, 2004 and took approximatly 17 months for the mission to complete. on 10.03.05 The probe completed data collection. And it will take about 1 year to analyse all of this data. If you wanna know exactly what Gravity Probe B mission is read up on wiki HERE But anyway , who hopes that Einsteins theory of general relativity is proven to be even more correct. And if you guys have any comments on this do tell.
  2. there should be. i always found, people who might be considered fat and unhealthy, to have more strength then, people who are lighter then them.
  3. when i read the title of the thread i amagines, someguy drinking a cup full of cat saliva, maybe because he thinks it gives him adnormal human powers or some other wierd reason.
  4. who ever is in your avatar bascule, it looks alot like someone i know.
  5. sleep feels only good if you need it. i think if there was some way of making others not sleep, then it would create a much time to do things.
  6. yeh, for some reason when i type i always spell "you", its wrong. i really gotta stop that habit
  7. yeh like bonzi Buddy .lol but seriously, i was thinking about this awhile back. If someone know knows more about this subject can contribute it would be interesting
  8. ide just play computer games everynight as i do already . But then actually do sometihng productive in the day , instead of catching up on lost sleep
  9. i really wanted to know more about this bit in the article. it said "systems are being discovered and studied which are neither obviously living nor obviously dead" But yeh the rest o the article is very itneresting indeed.
  10. http://www.rapidnewswire.com/sleepless.htm
  11. btw do yuo play random or deathmatch?
  12. have yuo played on zone before? because if yuo only played against the computer, your skills will be considered to be of a nood or a rook in an online battle. i use to be addicted to aoe2. But then i realised i was wasting my life, so not going back to it. Plus i am playing aoe3
  13. yeh james randi is an interesting guy.
  14. check this good video. its 13 minutes, James Randi is well known for exposing phychics. Oh how face they are. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-3396869920557391806&q=james+randi
  15. yeh soudns interesting. ill read it , if there is an e-book version available of it.
  16. hmm, thanks for yuor reply. yeh i was reading about Lake vostok before, and they were comparing it to , the seas on Europa, a moon of a planet which i forgot. but yeh if life on another planet is found, could it possly not use DNA like life on earth done, and use something similar to it, or completely different? makes me wonder
  17. agree science has to involve ethics aswell. But i think this is the way to judge if something done in he name of science is ethical or not; We have to weight the pros and cons, and decide on that. Having said that , i dont believe a con of further reseach into the field, involves using religion and how it values life.
  18. why do you think a killing few cells is "grotesque, lethal form of scientific slavery."? Especialyl when the advantages of those cells make other life better
  19. i wish i could, i live in Australia btw
  20. i really wish the next president of the US to be less religious, and more inclined to help advance scientific research in all fields including closing.
  21. I always heard that all the living things are related on earth and that we can trace it all back. We might not have all the pieces of the puzzle but its beleived thats how it works. My thought is this. Could life arise many times in differnt places on earth and in suttle differnt ways, which still allows it to become more complex over time. That would mean that not all living things can be traced back to a single organism, but many similar but slightly differnt ones. Maybe theres a fundemental natural force that allows life to evolve past a certain complexity with only DNA, but with this natural force, is it possible that different types of organisms arose from non-living organisms many different times, and in different places?
  22. What is it with religious fundamentalists that they feel the need to force their personal religious views onto everyone. If necessary, at the expense of the greater good. From GWB's State of the Union address ... "I ask you to pass legislation to prohibit the most egregious abuses of medical research - human cloning in all its forms: creating or implanting embryos for experiments; creating human-animal hybrids; and buying, selling, or patenting human embryos. Human life is a gift from our Creator - and that gift should never be discarded, devalued, or put up for sale. " http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4668320.stm What's wrong with cloning? What's wrong with using embryos for research? Human life is only a gift from a creator if you believe in that sort of thing. There is certainly no scientific basis for that statement. I guess blowing the crap out of people doesn't devalue that gift. Or sending them off to be tortured. What a monumental hypocrite. If people like GWB don't like it, they can boycott any medical advances discovered using these methods.
  23. damnit i keep double posting by accident.
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