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Everything posted by Sashatheman

  1. I myself dont beleive in bigfoot, just for the fact like someone else said, if they exist, there needs to be a group of them, and sicne they are such a large animal, the complete lack of any bones or other evidence suggests they are not real. But i bring you this very recent news report. of a "new world" discovered http://www.news.com.au/story/0,10117,18070199-2,00.html SOME PICS heres soem pics of the new species. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_pictures/4688330.stm
  2. i have an interesting idea aswell that i thought of after reading this post. We are fairly close to cloning humans, and doing it well. If we egnore all the ethical mumbo jumbo and actually concentrate on acheiving a fullproof way of cloning a humans. Then also achieve a full proof way of tranfering a human brain to another body. similar to the experiments Dr. Robert White did with monkeys, could we possibly transfer our brain to a clone of ourselves, who has matured to a right age eg 16-18 years old, and in turn have all the fresh organs ( except brain)
  3. hey guys i bring you a good article. i scanned, from scientific american. Getting a Leg up on Land: recent fossil discoveries cast light on the evolution of four-limbed animals from fish Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7
  4. hey guys, i am new to this forum, i basicly joined up , beause i had some questions that kept bugging me for awhile, wondering if anyone can help me understand. i was looking at the tree of evolution from where humans evolved, and the furthest anchestor the trees usually provided was of Ardipithecus ramidus who is beleived to be around 4.5-5 millions years old. My question is what did animals did we evolve from, and their appearance , if we look even further back. like 10, 20 , 50 millions years back? or is this not understood properly still? i am assuming we shrink in size if we keep looking even further back , and resemble maybe some type of racoon lol. or something. anyway if anyone could help me understand, it would be greatly appreciated.
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