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Everything posted by Clipper

  1. It's because everything is opposites, existing only as opposites. 1 - 1, are opposites of each other. Like one of you would say, 'disorder' between one and another - along a time line. ( 1 - 1 ). You could even think of it as a 2 sided windmill, spinning. For example: Magnets, they have exactly the same effect both sides, but are opposites of each other. (+ +) Nothing to something would appear as: (- -) - (+ +)
  2. [1 - God] [Heaven - Earth] [Deep - Water] - [Face1 - Face2] [Darkness] "Spirit of God" 1(lie) - 1(good) - [Light - Darkness] [light - Light2] [darkness - Darkness2] [morning - evening] - 1 (day) - 1 (lie) [FirmanentAbove - FirmanentBelow] [WTR - FCE1] 1 (Spirit of God) 1 (Spirit of God) [FA2 FB2] - [evening - morning] - 1 (day2) - 1 (lie) [FA4 FB4] - [Earth - Seas] - 1(good) - 1 (lie) [FA6 FB6] - [Earth - Seas] - [Plants4 - Seed4] [Tree4 - Fruit4] - [morning - evening] 1 (day3) - 1 (lie) - 1 (lie) Ok, don't worry about it then; I'm wrong - it's the only number than does fit though. The evidence I have is 'it fitting' - the same process as if I seen a screw with a cross in the middle - I'd pick up a Philips. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedLast thing I'm gonna post on this topic; if it doesn't seem applicable I might as-well give up. 1. [God] [Heaven and Earth] 2. [Face of the Deep - Face of the Waters] [Darkness- "Spirit of God"] 3. *lie* *truth* 4. good*truth* [Face of the Light] [Face of the Dark] 5. [Day (x2) - Night x2] [Evening - Morning] 6. *lie* 7. [firmanentA - firminateB] *truth* 8. [firmanentA2 firminantB2] - [Day4 Night4] This is the pattern I'm looking at.
  3. So you understand?
  4. Clipper


    Does every living thing require water to live, or some trace of liquid?
  5. I like this!
  6. It's on wisdom, I think. To examine and think and make a wise decision on other things you have examined.
  7. I wouldn't call it picking, more like predicting, by following the pattern. If you read past that point, it goes much further, which I have worked out, but you won't be interested. It tells a story and it follows that exact pattern, through. The snake resembles a evolved fish, and it lies to her, to which she replies with a lie, in reply to Gods lie - to which the snake replies to with another lie. It continues and she bites the apple. At this turn, God lies once more, and half of him is placed on the earth. Like he just pressed go on the 'energy' button. Oh, and on the 16th step, when he connects the heavens is 4x4 If it was true, it would mean we're doing it wrong.
  8. I understand, but as 1 - 1 it works, as pi it doesn't.
  9. Advice noted, I'll be back later. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedDisclaimer I am not religious – I do not follow any specific religion, however I believe in God. I don’t put a religion onto the God I believe in and I don’t follow any routine; up until two days ago I hadn’t touched, nor read the bible. I decided to read it out of curiosity as I’ve been having these extremely weird and thoughtful, yet deformed theories; which some wouldn’t class as a theory and just plain nonsense. Everything I’m about to say will probably make no sense; furthermore I have little evidence to back up anything I say. The only advantage I do have, that gives me the drive to believe – is that I’m human, and knowing what a human knows. In science I didn’t pay attention, funny enough I did 0% coursework – I used to play Copter and, draw pictures; I did not want to learn. I’m not here to offend anyone or to rip down communities; I’m here only to say my view, and my view is on life; not what I’m told life is. Timeline Mathematics In this speculation, I’ve substituted the normal mathematics for something I call: Timeline Mathematics; where I would write whole numbers in their most primitive form. For example: [1 + 1 = 2], would become [1 – 1]. The ‘-‘shows the process, from one number to the next. So [1 + 2 = 3], would come up as: [1 – 1 – 1], which is 3, ones. Carrying on, if I were to say [1 x 4], would become, [1 – 1 – 1 – 1]. If I were to say [4x4]: [1 – 1 – 1 – 1 - 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 - 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 - 1 – 1 – 1 – 1]: It would be 16 ones. The symbol ‘-‘ is not subtraction, it’s purely there to show an action; and only an action. From 1, if I wanted to count to two, I would do it like this: 1 – 1, rather than, 1 – 2, as doing that in timeline math would equate 3. If I were to count to 10: 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 – 1 The ‘God’ Principle In this speculation, I perceive God as an action; not a singularity. An action, using timeline math, can be described as: 1 – 1. If I were to take you back to square one, spiritually, cause our image (in this speculation), would not be accepted. Then we watched the opening moments of the universe, the first milliseconds. Nothing became something, which again can be described as 1 – 1: from one point, to another. That ‘birth’ of the universe would be seen; from pure emptiness something appears, (nothing 1 – 1 something). In hope that at-least my method is understandable, I will continue. Further Disclaimer The next part shows extracts from the bible; this is not meant to offend or dispute anyone’s beliefs. As I said before, I am not a believer in Christianity or any other religion for that matter, and I am for sure not racist or discriminative. If anything offends you then please understand that it was not done in spite. A+E Speculation First, God made the heaven and earth “First off, God” (1 – 1); the passage also starts with the number 1, as if it was the first step. God, then makes the heaven and earth; which immediately in anyone’s eyes is the World and the Heaven some people believe is there when you die; however I don’t believe that we should be looking at it from our view. I believe the Heaven and the Earth are extremely simple; existing as only 2 opposites. For example: Heaven – Earth (1 – 1). The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. It explains that the Earth had no form and was dark. The “Spirit of God” was “Moving” across the face of the waters. Immediately I took the Spirit of God, as (1 – 1) and even thought of Time. Now, we understand that the Earth was without form, so therefore it wouldn’t be a Solid, and it was Dark and has a face. This makes me think of Water side by side with a darker, liquid. My first thought was Oil, only because I had read the next few parts. If I were to create a diagram for this section, it would look as follows: Using timeline mathematics we would currently have, from step 1: (1 – 1 – H1 – E1 – DD1 – FW1 – 1) Explaining how I’ve done that is extremely hard. What I’ve done is, from the process (1 – 1) has come another process, in its image, H1 – E1 (which can also be described as 1 – 1). Now take 1 – 1, and what it stands for using Timeline Maths. Add it unto H1 – E1 (Heaven and Earth). It would look as follows (H1 – E1)(1 – 1), which can be described as squared. (H1 – E1)2. Which equates, (DD1 – FW1 – 1). (H1 – E1)2 = (H1 – E1) - (DD1 – FW1 - 1). DD is the Darkness on the Face of the deep and FW is the Face of the Waters. – 1 being the Spirit of God. And God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light. This part is important to the stability to the speculation. When it says, he Says “Let the be Light”, it’s lying; as all he did do was command, or impulse the action: from (DD1 – FW1 – 1), came (DD1 – FW1 - 1)(1 – 1). Which can be described as: (DD1 – FW1 - 1)2. And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. Take a second here to revert back to my diagram. Place ‘Light’ on all the white that surrounds it. I don’t know, or rather I’m not too sure if what he made was fire, or just light. If you make two notes (onenote is great), one for flames coming off of the face of the deep and the other for light surrounding the whole box. (Also, ignore the box, it’s just a border). He sees that is “Good”, which is in his image (1 – 1), so he separates from the Darkness. Now we have. (DD1 – L1) – (FW1 – 1) God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day. On this step, it says ‘he calls’ which is a lie, he just probes the action (1 – 1); to light and darkness. By doing so he evolves light and darkness into a commencing day, by doing so, creating Evening and Morning. So , ( DD1 – L1)2. This equates, (DD2 – L2) (M1 – E1). At this step we have: (DD2 – L2) (M1 – E1) – (FW1 – 1). If you’re lost here, don’t read on; there’s no point because it won’t make sense. And God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters. What it says he says, is a lie; again he commands (1 – 1). So: (FW1 – 1)2. And God made the firmament and separated the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. And it was so. Revert back to the diagram and place a line down the middle, separating the waters from the earth, the rotate it 90 degrees, to the right. We would now have (FW1 – 1) ( FR1 – 1) and (DD2 – L2) (M1 – E1). Which is (1 – 1) (1 – 1). And God called the firmament Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day. Again, he ‘calls’, so (1 – 1). ( FR1 – 1)2 And God said, "Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear." Another intentional lie in the book, he simply commands (1 – 1). (FW1 – 1)2 God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. Again, he calls... (1 – 1). I don’t want to keep repeating myself, but hopefully its showing some sort of rhythm. So he has evolved: (FW1 – 1) and (FR1 – 1). Making ( FW2) - (EA2). In the process, (FW – 1)(FR1 – 1)2. And he seen that is was ‘good’, (1 – 1). And God said, "Let the earth put forth vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, upon the earth." (1 – 1). Which would show as, (EA2)2. The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. (EA2)2 – (P4 - S4) (T4 – F4) and he saw that it was ‘good’. And there was evening and there was morning, a third day. This is the most confusing part for me. I personally think that the day consisted of four parts. A mid-day, a mid-night, morning and evening. (MidD1 – MidN1) Morn (1 – 1) Even (1 – 1) God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years,” Before I explain this part, I think this only works if you take everything as a certain result. It’s weird because it works, that’s the only reason I’m interested. He commands (1 – 1). So: (DD2 – L2) (M1 - E1)2 And let them be lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth." And it was so. (1 – 1) - So (DD2 – L2) (M1 – E1) (1 – 1) (1 – 1) or (DD2 – L2) (M1 – E1)4 And God made the two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the stars also. As this is a discussion board, let’s discuss before I continue. The current 17th step, and the before 16; let’s focus on the 16 steps this book has taken, then together try and create the formula for step 17. If I discuss it with you, we might decipher something or come to a conclusion. If it doesn’t make sense to you, you’re either not breaking rules, or I haven’t explained it well enough. It makes perfect sense described using the technique I used. If you understand ‘Timeline Math’ you should understand. I don’t know how you wouldn’t but I’m open for questions or discussion. If you don't understand the idea of Timeline math, nothing this thread says will make sense to you. Also I haven't created a Key to explain most of the variables, but if you use your brain you should be able to tell what each one represents, for example: FR1 (Firmament) and T4 (Trees), etc. I've tried my hardest to make this more scientific, if it's not than in light of it, it's in the speculation section. It's not to be classed as a real theory or me poisoning your minds with nonsense. Please, let's discuss. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedJust to add. I'm not one of those people that walks around believing in ghosts or that one day I'll fly; I'm that type of person that writes fantasy stories, and wished the world was like a dream.
  10. Are you trying to relate Gravity to Magnetism. What I take from you OP is instead of Gravity, you're thinking a + and - type magnet? One keeping us from drifting into space and one pulling us towards it; and we're closer to the earth so it's pulling force is greater? If that's what you mean, to me, that's spot on. (Y)
  11. How would I explain it in a correct way, Does anyone see what I'm trying to say? If you literally have 1 of anything, and then you add another, you have two right? But by saying 1, I have processed, so me add 1. Does anyone understand that? If not then, as this is open, I'll spend today trying to make it science.
  12. That theory I brought makes no sense, as it uses false mathematics and doesn't explain things fully; I however believe in it and I will teach myself to explain it fully.
  13. But sir, the bible is E=MC2. God created the Heaven and Earth. (1 - 1) = (1 - 1)2, squared. And the earth was without form; so it wasn't solid, and was dark, like oil. God didn't say "let there be light" he just existed as (1 - 1) or "was so" No, he makes the stars and moon on the 17th step. Light and Dark were represented by the water and oil, from the beginning. I doubt you even read through it. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedStep 1. (1 - 1) Step 2: Heaven and Earth + (1 - 1) (H+E)2 Step 3: ((Darkness(D) + Face of the deep(F)) (((Spirit of God (1 - 1)) + ((Face of the Waters(W)))) (H+E)2 = ((DF)) + ((1-1) W)) Step 4: He lies and says let there be light! Which is just (1-1). ((DF)) + ((1-1) W))2 Step 5: He sees that the light '((DF)) + ((1-1) W))2', is 'good' (1 - 1). Separating it from the already (1-1) darkness. Look, I promise you; if you put a bit of thought into it you'll be surprised. If not then it really is too late.
  14. I apologize. Just 'a conspiracy including pseudo-science' is derivative; so it's semi - ontopic. I wouldn't expect a scientist to agree with me though; as it does go against everything you say.
  15. Pseudo-science is the word the government give to believers in the truth. As the Nazis did before with the Jews. Almost nothing in Pseudo-Science is contested, purely for the fact it doesn't agree with science. I think that the answer is much closer than you think.
  16. Hey, this is my theory; I call it the ‘Adam and Eve’ theory. You may download the word doc here: http://www.filefactory.com/file/b403a25/n/life.docx Key - [God]: In this theory, ‘God’ is an action, or as some as you would say, energy. In this specific theory, the action is represented by opposites. The closest present and future, the step of time, one to another – it can be described as life’s flow. The only way to describe with numbers is in this manner: 1 – 2, or in this manner: 1 – 1. This is because if you literally take one thing, anything; and then add another, you’re making two. If you were to say, “But 4+4=8”; that’s true, but it’s also a lie, because I’m saying it. If you are lost and uninspired, it will explain itself in the next part. - [Oil]: I’m not 100% sure on oil, but it’s a close match. 1 & 2 First, God made the heaven and earth. -He’s created H and E, so at this moment, we have H and E. Along with God, who made, them, which was the action, he never named himself, he is something. The formula would be God, which is the action 1 – 1, = Heaven and Earth. 3 The earth was without form and void, and darkness was upon the face of the deep; and the Spirit of God was moving over the face of the waters. –The earth was without form and void, like oil and, was dark as it wasn’t see-through like water; and the ‘Spirit of God’ (time), was moving over the face of waters 4 And God said, "Let there be light"; and there was light . –God was lying, he didn’t say anything. He just added it, 1 – 1; ‘said’ is him producing a command. So he produced sound and light; he gave the ability to ‘Say’, or to ‘Think’; and you think in sound, you learn in sound or by using something that causes sound to learn from, the impulse even. 5 And God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness. –He sees it as good (1 – 1); God knows the difference between good and bad. The good would be in his image. This separated the light from the darkness as the darkness was good (1 – 1) also. 6 God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And there was evening and there was morning, one day. – God called light and dark, Day and Night, and by doing so created an offspring of Evening and Morning. So one day consists of Evening, Morning, Day and Night; which are both ‘Good’ 1 – 1. The calling part is when he is Evolving his creation; the light is now Day, and the dark is now Night, no longer what he had created; and by existing, granted existence to Morning and Evening. 7 And God said, "Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters." -God lies again, just commanding (1 – 1). 8 And God made the firmament and separated the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament. And it was so. – The oil and water by existing = creating solids, in-between them, the oil placed under and, above the water. Solid is in the image of oil and water, and sees through the water, but doesn’t see through the oil. So in all: 8. 1 – 1 = Solids, above and below. Solids are good! “And it was so”, (1 – 1) 9 And God called the firmament Heaven. And there was evening and there was morning, a second day. - He named the solid, Heaven, he lied; Heaven is what he created first. Then when the solid has evolved into Heaven, the day proceeds, a second day is Day and Night 2, And Evening and Morning 2. 10 And God said, "Let the waters under the heavens be gathered together into one place, and let the dry land appear." And it was so. –Again he lies, he just commands, he doesn’t say anything. By doing so he is creating Air, or the Sky, or Space. This is the creation of Water and Solids. (1 – 1) 11 God called the dry land Earth, and the waters that were gathered together he called Seas. And God saw that it was good. –He called them names, therefore evolving them from his creation. 12 And God said, "Let the earth put forth vegetation, plants yielding seed, and fruit trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind, upon the earth." -Again, a lie, he commanded (1 – 1) 13 The earth brought forth vegetation, plants yielding seed according to their own kinds, and trees bearing fruit in which is their seed, each according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. –He’s created plants in the sea and heaven; one for the morning plant, one evening plant, one for the mid-day plant and one for the mid-night plant – and one tree for each also. They also have seed, one which is to produce and other to feed, and both the feed and produce seeds must grow to become what they contain. 14 And there was evening and there was morning, a third day. –A mid-day, a mid-night, an evening and a morning. They’re both represented by Day because they’re exact opposites. 15 And God said, "Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to separate the day from the night; and let them be for signs and for seasons and for days and years, - God commanded 1 - 1 , he didn’t say anything. Also, talking about fire. 16 And let them be lights in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth." And it was so. – This Fire is in lights form, and is on the face of the earth and in the heaven. 4x4, the 16th step, coincidently, he connects Light to the Heaven and Earth, at this precise stage. 17 And God made the two great lights, the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night; he made the stars also. –He makes the gives the light size, and this size rules over the first light (Day), and he makes one light less, which created stars. 18 And God set them in the firmament of the heavens to give light upon the earth, - He also placed ‘more or less size’, on the solids. 19 To rule over the day and over the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. And God saw that it was good. –This is incredible. The fire rules over the oil, and the oil is set alight when met with fire, and the fire brings light and rules whether it is light or if it is dark. 20 And there was evening and there was morning, a fourth day. - [Eve, Morn, 4MidD, 4MidN] 21 And God said, "Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the firmament of the heavens." - He mentions ‘Swarms’ and ‘Birds’. (1 – 1) He commands Swarms from the Water, he then needs Swarms in the sky. The plural usage also show the fact he has taken in to account, ‘more or less Swarms Water, Birds Heaven,’ 22 So God created the great sea monsters and every living creature that moves, with which the waters swarm, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. – Every great sea monster accounts for both bird and fish, for the birds fly around the heaven, and the fish are in the heaven. 23 And God saw that it was good. – (1 – 1) 24 And God blessed them, saying, "Be fruitful and multiply and fill the waters in the seas, and let birds multiply on the earth." - He lied, he just commanded 1 – 1. He gives them the ability to eat, and breed; on the solid and in the water. (1 – 1) This ties in with the TimeCube theory and E=MC2. Open for dispute. In the bible, anything anyone says is a lie; it's just (1 - 1). It applies to real life also; £10,000,000 says that no-one in this community disputes it, but people will dismiss it, with a lie. It's the truth, and the only reply, any one gives, is a lie. Day people are Birds Night people are Fish Evening people are Darker Birds Morning people are Lighter Fish It explains the current races. This book is amazing, it explains everything. It needs to be taken seriously. The word world is an illusion and a lie. -- Point 20. [4MidDay 4MidNight 4Morning 4Evening] + (1 - 1) = 20 (in the correct sense)
  17. Would you call your front and back, sides? If my back itches, I scratch my back. If my front itches, I scratch my front. I have 2 sides, my arms and legs tell me where they are I have a top and a bottom. However, when I look forwards I can see the top and the bottom in-front of me, whilst I cant see the back. A cube, face to face, has 4 sides, a front and back. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedOkaayyyy. Now we've sorted that one. Anyone bold enough to prove my theory wrong; or you guys all suffering from NPD.
  18. How is the front and back a side? It's the front and back. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedWere you educated in this way? Oh, it must be true then, Brb, getting the newspaper to get some 100% true information about world happenings. I bet you believe -1 x -1 = 1 also...
  19. I didn't explain in an elegant and detailed way before, I just plastered the page with senseless drivel that made no sense. I'm going to try and explain what a Harmonic Opposite is, as I used it in my last thread many times, in a confusing manner. A harmonic opposite can only be explained if you relate it to life. It cannot be explained with English word, as many words are man-made, theatrical, not-real. If I say to you: E=MC2, you immediately think energy. The equation is here to simplify a bigger question. I don't think it's possible to describe it in any way but using numbers and reality. Below I'll write a key, putting factors to numbers: 1 = Man 2 = Woman 3 = Baby 4 = Evolve In life, we see opposites, existing as opposites. While this is hard to grasp, keep reading and I'll try to explain it in more detail. 1 = Father Father = 1 2 = Mother Mother = 2 3 = Baby Baby = 3 4 = Evolve Evolve = 4 Without these 8 Crucial factors, we cease to exist. I'll explain; Father and Mother create a Baby in their image. The Baby then lives until it evolves, into a Mother or Father, who then continues to live. The Baby no longer exists once it has evolved, so we can say that it has died, and gave life to a Mother or Father, who continue to live. These opposites; Mother and Father, Baby and Evolve. Can also be seen as, Baby and Mother, Father and Evolve, as the Mother was once a Baby, and the Father will die, Evolving from a Father, into death; as the Baby did before it. I look for other terms than Evolve but I cannot find none. A father can also see or interact with another Father, as a Mother can with a Mother, and a Baby with a Baby, and Evolve with Evolve . (sauce a) [1 + 1] This represents; Father and Father. [2 + 2] This represents; Mother and Mother. [3 + 3] This represents; Baby and Baby [4 + 4] This represents; Evolve and Evolve Now let's work the magic: [1 + 1] meets [2 + 2] - Creating [3 + 3]. The problem here is that without Evolve or [4 + 4], neither the mother or father would exist in the first place. They would not be ageing or living and the Baby would not be able to reproduce, as it would not be Evolving into a Mother or Father. So along with the Baby, Evolve is produced. [1 + 1] [2 + 2] [3 + 3] [4 + 4] Not only do we have 4 sets of opposites, but we have 2 harmonic opposites. Which can be seen as: [1+1 2+2] [3+3 4+4] They all exist as opposites, only as opposites of each other. Father and Mother, Baby and Mother, Father and Evolve, Evolve and Baby, and so on. Father and Mother - Opposite. Baby and Mother - A Mother was a Baby. Father and Evolve - Father will evolve into death. Without going off topic, the harmony in the opposites only stays at these points: 4 sets of opposites, 8 sets of opposites, 16 sets of opposites, doubling every time. [1+1]|-|[2+2] [3+3]|-|[4+4] [5+5]|-|[6+6] [7+7]|-|[8+8] As you can see, [1+1] and [2+2] are opposites of [3+3] and [4+4]. But [1+1] [2+2] [3+3] [4+4] are opposites of [5+5] [6+6] [7+7] [8+8], which are also opposites of each other in themselves. [5+5] - [6+6] [7+7] - [8+8] That's how the harmony works; and it's based on the only rule of existence; opposites. If you replace the first key (source a), with Up Down Left Right, you'll notice the harmony. [1+1] - [2+2] [3+3] - [4+4] The moving on to the next jump. [5+5] - [6+6] [7+7] - [8+8] Which would be; front and back, top and bottom; existing as harmonic opposites of the before. I can't explain it better than that, If it doesn't make sense then I'm tripping. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged[1,2] [3,4] [5,6] [7,8] [9,10] [11,12] [13,14] [15,16] [17,18] [19,20] [21,22] [23,24] [25,26] [27,28] [29,30] [31,32] [33,34] [35,36] [37,38] [39,40] [41,42] [43,44] [45,46] [47,48] [49,50] [51,52] [53,54] [55,56] [57,58] [59,60] [61,62] [63,64] Is how the harmonics would look at the 5th Jump. I think. I said in my previous topic, there are 2 colours of human, white and black, then mixtures in-between. 64 possibilities. I just found out that there are 256 shades of grey, between black and white. Which, coincidently, is 64 x 4. I really don't know guys, seems pretty water-tight to me. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedAnd a cube. It has 4 sides; a top, a bottom, a left and a right It also has a front and a back, whichever way you look at it. It has 8 corners. It has 16 edges. [2 4] [8 16] The front and back contain all 16 edges. The front and back contain all 8 corners The 8 corners are on all 4 sides (4 on each) There are 2 corners to each of the 16 edges The 4 sides have 16 edges, (4 on each) Would you call our front a side? To put it simple, it's just our front; and our back is our back. Same with a cube, if you look at it, you're looking at it's front. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedI love it how in my head I'm saying "ITS SOMETHING TO DO WITH A CUBE!!" "THE NUMBER 4" I think I'm going insane; I shall go elsewhere and relax for a short period. Toodle Pip!
  20. Hi, Sir. 10 wouldn't work, I used it as an example. The closest harmonic opposites would be 1-8. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 ! 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 8 is 4 more than 4 8 is 5 more than 3 8 is 6 more than 2 8 is 7 more than 1 7 is 3 more than 4 7 is 4 more than 3 7 is 5 more than 2 7 is 6 more than 1 6 is 2 more than 4 6 is 3 more than 3 6 is 4 more than 2 6 is 5 more than 1 5 is 1 more than 4 5 is 2 more than 3 5 is 3 more than 2 5 is 4 more than 1 Harmonic. 10 numbers breaks the harmony. As we began with two opposites 1,2 - which then became 1,2,3,4 - which, in harmony, became 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8. Now if you have 10 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, | 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 You lose the harmony. [5,6] exist as opposites of [7,8] So our next harmony is found. [1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8] | [9, 10], [11, 12], [13, 14], [15, 16] notes ~ don't read these 4 + 4 = 8 4 + 3 = 7 4 + 2 = 6 4 + 1 = 5 3 + 4 = 7 3 + 3 = 6 3 + 2 = 5 3 + 1 = 4 2 + 4 = 6 2 + 3 = 5 2 + 2 = 4 2 + 1 = 3 1 + 4 = 5 1 + 3 = 4 1 + 2 = 3 1 + 1 = 2 Do you see that, [1,2], [3,4], [5,6], [7,8], [9,10] exist at 1 opposite? [1,2,3,4,5] [6,7,8,9,10] NEXT REACHING HARMONY AT [1,2,3,4,5] [6,7,8,9,10] [11,12,13,14,15] [16,17,18,19,20] Onto the point you guys are trying to make... I think? It wouldn't make a difference; whether the dog knew it was a ball or not. It's a round object that from his point of view would be. dog ---> ( but essentially it is: ( ) In either case, the sphere will always have a front and back. Whether the dog knew of it or not. You don't see what I'm trying to explain, probably because I'm bad at explaining. Take a round object, pick it up and look at it. Don't spin it. When you look at it from 1 angle, you see 1 Half. only 1. Then you turn it, to see the other. Cut directly down the middle of this round object. What do you have? two halves, 2 OPPOSITE halves. Put the object back together. It has no way of telling to which is it's front, or which is its back. However, if we take away BACK from here:- FRONT ------------------- BACK We are left with FRONT ----------------- Now because back doesn't exist we don't have ----------------- We just have FRONT. Now back has been removed, tell me what FRONT is, and why it is FRONT? Please answer that question, Sir.
  21. LAND, SEA and AIR are harmonic opposites. It would of began, LAND + AIR (1 + 2) Creating, WATER as an opposite, and GROWTH as an opposite = 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 LAND + AIR are harmonic opposites to begin with LAND would not exist without it's opposite, AIR. (1, doesn't exist. It breaks the rule of harmonic opposites we live by!) So air, is born, as lands opposite. (1, 2) Then, water is born as a BABY and GROWS (1,2) create (3) BUT in (1,2)'s image. So (3), becomes, (3, 4) Can you not see HARMONIC opposites? + -, these are normal opposites. there are 2 combos.: 1. -+ 2. +- 2 factors. + - Now, using the above 'rule' so to speak. + = MAN - = WOMAN Man, does not exist as 1, it has an opposite, 2. So man becomes: ++ as does woman -- Think of it as: OLD, YOUNG, MAN, WOMEN Obviously, YOUNG, must of been here before OLD; but for it to exist, it's opposite must. A MAN and WOMAN give birth to YOUNG, which then GROWS OLD. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedI did my diagram wrong before. -+--+-++ +-++-+-- -+--+-++ +-++-+-- Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged To be quite fair, dude, you're being very ignorant. Here's another SUN - EARTH Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedLook, I don't want to offend or act smart, I'm not. I'm just explaining something I took time out to investigate.
  22. But do you not see? We live as exact opposites. From my point of view, I am looking at exact opposites. Remember, I only see 50%. So: -+--+-++ +-++-+-- BUT I see another man, another women, another baby, growing - as opposites. So, -+--+-++ +-++-+-- Are you too blind to notice the harmonic opposites? I am - ++ -- +- -+ (1) -- ++ -+ +- (1) -+ -- +- -+ (2) +- ++ -+ +- (2) I see 50% ++ -- +- -+ (1) -- ++ -+ +- (1) BUT, I see another man, another woman, another baby, growing, as opposites. -+ -- +- -+ (2) +- ++ -+ +- (2)
  23. Hahaha. I should really decide whether I want to leak this sort of information. I don't want to start Wars, (or be killed) Now, I'm not a scientist. I am an unemployed, 18 year old teenager. I don't want that burden. World War 3? Race Induced Wars? Religious Wars - +? Please read the thread; you'll be impressed, I think. 2012 also. JUST FOR THE HELL OF IT, I'M GOING TO SAY THAT HAS SOMETHING RELATED TO IT. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedwait, so (2) as 1 didn't exist (0) as it's opposite (1) because it now exists, GROWING 2 as it' is, an opposite of 2. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedOk mods, what do you think? Keep it or throw it away? Dangerous or Not-So Mods are helpful, Help me decide whether giving this information to the world is correct, or if I could be the cause of worldwide destruction and agony?
  24. Religion Please go out of your way and take the time to read this, through, fully; and do your best to understand. Religion. With it people are torn what to believe; It gives everyone doubts. Most religions believe in one God, and say that the other religions are wrong for believing in their god, and that their God should be prayed to - if people choose to believe in God then why not do what I do. I believe that there is a supernatural being, named God. I don't brand myself with any particular religion, however I take a good look at what I am given. I have life, I have vision, I can feel inspired, I can climb walls. Abilities I'm able to ->learn<- process me further. I must eat to survive and I have the weapons to hunt if I need to, or a government run country to live in. I must eat, the food that I need grows in the same process I do. To be something, it must have lived, or 'occurred'. When it was in its primitive stages it had essentially grew < from nothing to something. So we grow, and we get old, and we die. But we only grow. When your old, you are still growing; there are no pit stops. We say 'present day', but really there is no present day, because the day isn't stopping. It's always commencing. "Today, I seen a fit chick" Yes but not at this precise moment, it happened, today as described, but, the timing is wrong. There is no present day, as the universe is growing; every second it gets older. We try to catch up with it on the news, but when they tell it to you, it is in the past; them telling you, is it commencing. So we think of, 'today I seen something', when it should be measured on the universes age, as 'today' is on our minuscule planet. So think for a second what you're told. You are born, told to follow these rules: live in 'days', 'weeks', 'years', 'centuries' and obviously 'grow'. But really you're just growing. We see things come from nothing all of the time through reproduction. We understand that something is born, then it grows. Then we see "Light," and think "Hey, I need Light". Then we need food, "Hey, I need food". We see people we hate, "Hey, I hate him". That interaction in itself is in less than milliseconds. We have a inaccurate time keeping system, that we keep from following the flow on our planet. You see it as 24 hour days and 14 years, but really it's different. Because from point 0 -> there was time. We match it in seconds, and place them seconds into a day, because it is 'convenient' for us to do so, we see time commence - from the get go; we name it, '1 second', but hang on a minute, exactly how long is 1 second, 1 second right? It's not stopping though, we make it stop by giving it the word one second. In 1 seconds time I'll be pressing the full stop button. I pressed it, at that point, but it missed. It didn't 'hit' the time so to speak, because when I did it, everything was still going forwards. So as I pressed it, that action commenced; "I did it 1 second after I said I would. True, but why is it 1 second? Sure it's using the time-scale of our solar system; which we see as 24 hour days; its how long it takes our earth to spin once. Then you have other solar phenomenons, that signifies a year, or an amount of years. Then we take 'Light', and we place a number on it. We say it travels at 299792458 meters a second - but it doesn't stop. It goes forward and 'evolves' or 'grow' constantly. 24 hours in a day, 60 seconds in a minute, 365 days in a year. We can turn 360 degrees, look, move and grow in 1 of 8 directions. One of these directions we look is in front of us; we understand that that is 'our front side', it's established. We know that our back are behind us. Now do the Maths I can look behind me and see the further 8 directions that I couldn't see before. So, 8+8 = 16. However, we have to turn in the process. What we see whilst turning is the 'in-between'. 360 is made up of four 90 Degree quadrants right??. They are the possible directions. However we have a top and a bottom, and a front and back, so that 360 image has cubed. Became 3D so to speak, there now are a total of 46 656 000 directions. However, if we look from OUR point of view it's 23328000 directions, so 50% of the picture. I can also move, and 'grow'. I can see other things than exist as opposites, The fertile ground grows a plant. The man and women make a child. "The rock lay 'under' the bush, because it was planted 'over' it" - even the term 'over and under', it's harmonic even. I see billions of people, but I only see 2 kinds and 2 shades. I see black people and white people and a mixture of both, one more black, one less black. Because of this, there are 4 different colours, so to speak. We have opposites, our 4 original; a man and a women create a child, which then GROWS to a mother or father. The child is born, there after it grows into an adult, but it continues to grow. It grows until it dies. - Baby is BORN - GROWS into a mother or father, (doesn't stop growing) Then you have MAN and WOMAN. So the 4 factors are there: BABY, GROWING, MAN, WOMAN. Now you have the mixed races - Black, white, less black, less white. There are 2 factors: BLACK and WHITE; each have spawned an in-between colour through different racial reproduction. We only have 2 possible differences, the person is either MORE Black or MORE White. That's 4 different factors. So you cube the BABY, GROWING, MAN, WOMAN - (4 factors). 4 different, harmonic opposites, equating: 64. Our earth, sees the exact same pattern as us. It spins on a 46 656 000 directional 3D Axis, but on a much larger scale. So essentially it is GROWING. It was once a BABY, It must have a MOTHER and FATHER. Was it TIME and LIGHT? If so, we are TIME and LIGHT, we have been a BABY and we are continuing to GROW. TIME and LIGHT BABY and GROW However, when two humans reproduce, they spawn one of 2 kinds; Man or Woman. So that begs the questions, what genders were time and light. Are we turning into LIGHT, or TIME? HOWEVER: we have the GROWING ability. We know that things can EVOLVE. So LIGHT and TIME have spawned a BABY, and it's EVOLVING, it's not stopping. Remember the 64 races? A baby can only grow, then die, to be one of 64 races. A man can only be one of 64 races A woman can be one of 64 races A baby can EVOLVE as one of 64 races. Don't you like how in numbers, you have 'odds' and 'evens'. 'plus' and 'minus'. Multiplication is making the long winded +? or -? question; shorter, lol, to prevent it being longer. And division is also a short cut, can be worked out in a simple form; the equations we see are short cuts to explain a deeper meanings. Here's the complex bit. We have 10 numbers, which exist only as two opposites. | 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 |, the number GROWS (it's still a number, and a small one). To create the NUMBER, NUMBERS must exist, and thus their harmonic opposites. That's 4 factors right there. Think this: 1 - 2, they exist as opposites, 1 - 2 - 3, DOESN'T. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 they exist as opposites, 2 sets. (1) would be 1. (male or female) (2) would be 2. (male or female, acting as '1's harmonic opposite) The number 1 grows to two, it does have a journey or time before it does, so it has a baby stage. It is GROWING to 2. Effectively by doing so it is duplicating itself. It is now 1's opposite. But it doesn't stop growing. So the 2 opposites created 3, but because the 2 opposites rely, on the rule of two opposites;- BABY - GROW - MALE - FEMALE 1 grows to 2 1 is born, because without the opposite 2, it ceases to exist 1 itself and 2 itself 1, 2 create both 3 AND 4 1, 2 create both 3 AND 4 in their original image. There both numbers, but 2 different kinds! They are also opposites. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 then you have 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5, which isn't in the correct pattern, so 6 is produced along with the 5. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6; there we go, opposites right??, wrong. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8: we get harmonic opposites when we reach the 7 and the 8. Now just resort back to this part, it might confuse you: the next set of harmonic opposites is at 64, but we can take 16 as an example of what it would look like. 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 -16 16, is composed of 2 lots of the below 8. So 8+8 = 16 8+7 = 15 8+6 = 14 8+5 = 13 8+4 = 12 8+3 = 11 8+2 = 10 8+1 = 9 BUT 7+8 = 15 7+7 = 14 7+6 = 13 7+5 = 12 7+4 = 11 7+3 = 10 7+2 = 9 7+1 = 8 and each of the harmonic opposites count down in that order. 8+8 = 16 7+8 = 15 6+8 = 14 5+8 = 13 4+8 = 12 3+8 = 11 2+8 = 10 1+8 = 9 possible with 8 sets of numbers. Which also exist as harmonic opposites. Although there was a joke about it on fourchan, Magnets, I'm gonna use them to explain my point further. The attract on on side, and repent on the other. That's 4 possible variables. -+ and - - and + + and -+ -+ are made in '+' and '-' image. as is -+ - -. do not attract, but still exist as harmonic opposites. as is ++ The reason I've put opposites as what they are, is because that's what they are, 16 opposites. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedlook at my view. I can see, another man... another woman, another child, and I can grow I can also see an element, another element, another element, and it evolve. I think there are only 3 elements, as fire is from air. AIR, WATER, EARTH, all have effects with each other, but as an exact opposite, no effect... weird huh? same as travel, LAND, SEA, SKY I can see things evolving in LAND, SEA, and SKY LAND SEA SKY, EVOLVE? I SEE THEM AS OPPOSITES TO ME, WITH THE SAME PATTERN, EXACT HARMONIC OPPOSITES. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedLook at AIR WATER EARTH, EVOLUTION We have, GRAVITY, TIME, SPACE, DEATH, I don't know what the water would be to be honest, anti matter? GRAVITY, ANTIMATTER, SPACE, DEATH death is not growing, neither living. space is not land, but an empty drift. antimatter is not water, but it is there. gravity sucks in, while wind blows Waters the hard 1. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedThe Christian cross It's a + sign right? Maybe, It was research that played Chinese whispers. The only harmonic difference would be a square. it would need two more elements, and a different concept. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedI see. So it would have to be a SQUARE and a CIRCLE ( IN 3D ), playing as their exact harmonic opposites. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedTHATS IT The PLUS and MINUS were created 1st +- LOOK AT IT at a 90 degree angle. +- Now think, we have, ++ -- +- -+ -- ++ -+ +- -+ -- +- -+ +- ++ -+ +- which, need to make an harmonic opposite SQUARE, CIRCLE, TRIANGLE, DIAMOND
  25. True that. Half-Brainer.
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