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Dark Photon

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Everything posted by Dark Photon

  1. i will awnser your question. it hasnt got to do with visual aid. there is a gathering of 20,000 cells deep inside our brains. these cells pulse at different frequencies, and you brain calculates the differences between these frquencies to work out a unit of time. then your brain will assign one unit of "brain time" to any other unit in you consicense self. so say X number of "braintimes" per miniute then your mindclock will eb able to judge time with reasonable accuracy. -------------------------- they say that time slows down when we are in a life theatening situation. this is not true, however on our observation time apears to slow down. our body clock adjusts to give us more reacting time. various drugs will also affect our body clock. all of this has been tested and confirmed.
  2. Decent Contibutions people i believe people must not forget that you are not competeting against your predetor only. you are completeing against all lifeforms within and without (is that even grammatically correct?) your species. in the reality of life you may have to fight you own family members for food and shelter and other such resources. i believe the fight to disprove evolution is in vain. it is a idea that has been embraced in its simplicity. i can forsee the day when it has become official that evolution is a truth, and not only a theory.
  3. Welcome fellow evolutionary biologists, other biologists, other scientists, theologizes and of course other random people. Proving Darwin’s theory of evolution for me is a simple task. However since many do not (and never will) accept this magnificent theory in all of its elegance, we will once again be in conflict where science shall have to fight against religion. Darwin’s theory is based of something called "Natural Selection" He states that: 1. Life forms will produce more young than could possibly survive. 2. Most life forms die before they can reproduce. 3. Life forms show variation. 4. Some variation will give life forms a competitive edge against other life forms of the same species. This means that if subject A has a variation that will make it more likely to survive than subject B, then A will survive and may pass on its "positive variation" This then means that most B variations will die out and many individuals in a group will posses the A variation. however assume there’s a change in environment (event X) and now the b variation makes one more adapted to survive, eventually the B variation will be passed on and the A variation will fall in number. ------------------------------------------------------------- One incident that was recorded is the "peppered moth" incident. There were two types of peppered moth in London a while back. Dark and light. These moths were prey to birds that lived nearby. The light peppered moth was MUCH more difficult to see whilst on the bricks of London’s industrial buildings. However, as more and more fossil fuels were burnt, smoke would rise and combine with fog to create a very nasty substance known as smog. The smog colored the bricks of London black, and thus the dark moth was harder to see and the light moth would be seen and hunted much more easily. Later on there was a new law which stated that only "smokeless" coal could be burnt, and so the bricks became lighter, the dark moths disappeared and the light moths rose as a population. The graph to this is very similar to what we see in the above. ------------------------------------------------------------- And so this provides a proof for natural selection. We need not look for a proof for variation as we need just to look around us and we will see humans very different from one another Do most animals die before they reproduce? A high school student would say no, but it is true that most will die before they can reproduce. 90% of some Great Cat young are killed before they reach one years of age. Do life forms produce more young than could survive? Yes. A European might say no as they will think of humans as an example but in parts of the world where survival is difficult this is true. We find this is obvious as we observe other species. 1 in 400 frog eggs will survive to mature. 1 in 50 million oyster eggs will survive to reproduce. And so if all of these factors are there, than how can we prevent evolution, nevermind trying to disprove it? ------------------------------------------------------------- Comments appreciated
  4. 1) no such thing as devolution, any form of change in a generl species is evolution regardless of if it had already been there before. FOR EXAMPLE: a) all these girraffe have short necks, they need to compete for food, the ones with taller necks can eat teh ones on top as well as bottom, so the ones with shorter necks die out, all these girrafee have long necks. b) several millions of years later, all of the trees are no longer avalible, there are bushes at ground level, mutated short neck girrafe can get to these as well as the long necks, only they have smaller bodies so need less of this food, if there is a food shortage, they will survive. many many years later eveltually they all have small necks. so there for instead of evolving from short to long then back to short, they actually evolved from short to long THEN AGAIN to short. 2) Gene Modification is alot more difficult than people give credit for, hang in there biochemists. 3) that family in turkey could have these conditions because of many factors, they might be unlucky to have a rare ressesive genetic defect, but i think it may be enviromental
  5. stay in a desert for a few days
  6. you were wrongfully kicked out, black people are black because of high menalin in thier skin cells, designed to absorb ionising radiation therby protecting them in areas of high sunlight. however the drawback is less vitamin d . in hot countries the protection against radiation is more important than vitamin d but in europe (where americans came from so we account americans) vitamin d is more important as teh sunlight isnt so harming. so gather your evidence from official sources and present it to appropiate authorities and demand an apology
  7. in space the candle woudnt burn at all, so a light bulb is more efficient the light woudnt suffer great doppler effect to the lower end of the specrum, however you would still see it as the photons are still emmited. however if the photon was attached to the bulb by some variation of string, under normal circumstances which would pull the bulb, then the bulbs action would be counterd. but since upon emmition the photons are independant of the bulb, thier actions cannot cancel out as they are not acting on the same entity/medium.
  8. any one know where i can get the equipment used in youngs double slit experiment?
  9. HAHA... quote matters!! do you get it? matter!! HAHAHA
  10. 1) substance from the air has reacted and the product is denser than air so it sinks into the vail. 2)substance from the air has reacted and the product is less denser than air so it diffuses out of the vail.
  11. adamantium can be broken by galactic forces. how about............. a neutron star sword. going to weight alot..
  12. interesting responses. i think we should move on from the subject of the validity of the work "math"
  13. unfortunatly, to be at lightspeed you must have either zero mass (like photon) or infinite mass. and if you look at my previous point i explain how things cant go faster
  14. this forums pretty useful
  15. so lets see.. if i open the box its no longer in superposition for me. but it is in super position for the man next door... nice one thanks people
  16. Human Immunodeficiancy Virus (HIV) attacks the Immume system directly, normally virus attack other living cells and Certan White (clear) blood cells will take care of them however HIV attacks the defences so you cannot fight them. and also since it only Attacks defenses it wont kill you. however once HIV has done its work, a common Cold will kill you.
  17. it makes it quite hard. beasically does a tree fall if no ones there to hear it? superpostion
  18. see that is a whole new argument. is it the same? would a particle undergoing Bose-Einstein Condensation be the same? is there a mote of absolute energy? and at teh subatomic level, all particles of the same type are congruent
  19. what he said
  20. erm..... im 14, and im in high school/secondary school
  21. isnt there a quantum physicist around...
  22. light travels at 299,792,458m/s in a vaccum. it cannot go faster because: speed in time + speed in space= 299,792,458 m/s so photons do not get affected by time in a vaccum, and if tehy went waster they would move backwards in time however they are still T=0 old and so they wont get any younger than the birth of the universe. correct me if i am wrong
  23. yeah but that was in the wrong forum
  24. Hello Physics Fans. now heres a question i hope someone could enlighten me. the quantum cat expirenment* says that by observing the event, we are changing it. we are forcing the cat out of its super position. now we do this when we observe it. but what level of intelegance forces it out of superpostion. shouldnt the can be able to observe? if we picked out our individual atoms we will get fine atomic dust which would have never been alive. so we are actually just a gathering of moving particles. these partlces are already there in the experiment box so what is different? and is this only from out point of observation. any awnsers will be gratfully appreciated. *Schrödinger's cat is a famous illustration of the principle in quantum theory of superposition, proposed by Erwin Schrödinger in 1935. Schrödinger's cat serves to demonstrate the apparent conflict between what quantum theory tells us is true about the nature and behavior of matter on the microscopic level and what we observe to be true about the nature and behavior of matter on the macroscopic level. Here's Schrödinger's (theoretical) experiment: We place a living cat into a steel chamber, along with a device containing a vial of hydrocyanic acid. There is, in the chamber, a very small amount of a radioactive substance. If even a single atom of the substance decays during the test period, a relay mechanism will trip a hammer, which will, in turn, break the vial and kill the cat. The observer cannot know whether or not an atom of the substance has decayed, and consequently, cannot know whether the vial has been broken, the hydrocyanic acid released, and the cat killed. Since we cannot know, the cat is both dead and alive according to quantum law, in a superposition of states. It is only when we break open the box and learn the condition of the cat that the superposition is lost, and the cat becomes one or the other (dead or alive). This situation is sometimes called quantum indeterminacy or the observer's paradox: the observation or measurement itself affects an outcome, so that it can never be known what the outcome would have been if it were not observed.
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