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Everything posted by gene

  1. Without either sexes, the fusion process can not occur. A sperm without an egg is nothing and vice versa. And when we can't reproduce, the human race will become extinct. Come on, think about, without both sexes living in the same world. It would be quite boring right? Then this world would become a place full of homosexuals. And diseases will start to rise. Once again wiping the whole human race. Asking why there is a boy and a girl is like reading God's mind. Also, without male and female. Think about evolution. It would have some errors in its theory. Because Nature has create this wold in such a way that the male shall compete and fight for their mate. Competition would cease and life would undoubtedly be boring. I think this question is not really one that can be answer by science alone. Because it reminds me of this question. Why is this universe even created. And what the heck, why are we even here. Sitting in front of the computer and all that stuff. We need the opposite sex not only for sexually desire. (THat's points out one more point. What are the hormones for if there is not opposite sex?) For companionship, as a friend.. Etc. That goes to another point. Mankind's vulnerability of all these things. Ok. i am talking crap now... it is getting further away from the topic. Ok, plain simple answer. I am not sure myself too.
  2. Well, mine are not really for advertising but, i hope that they are related anyway. 1. Clone all cats: You will get COPYCATS. 2. We deliver (from the famous Fedex): And BABIES start coming out from their trucks. 3. If you need some wood, go to HOLLYWOOD. Well, i thought of some. Quite lame. But, hope you guys enjoy.
  3. Hi! I am 15 this year and studying in secondary school. I think in the states they call it High School. Ya, the people here are wide. From all over the globe. Nxt year preparing for O-levels. = \ Bad!!!...
  4. gene

    What is it?

    Ya probably. I have not eaten any meat like beef and pork for quite a long time. But, i was like wondering maybe it was the sleep thing. And so i will ask the question? How does sleep affect our health. Ya, i think you are right.
  5. gene

    What is it?

    I don't have asthma and i am not feeling sick. I'm feeling well, sort of ok. But i was just wondering what are causing these signs. I think i should be lacking in blood. But why??? my diet or sleep? Not sure. Anyway, don't worry. I don't feel like i am dying.
  6. heh guys, found some pretty cool links. Check it out. About PLasma: http://fusedweb.pppl.gov/CPEP/Chart.html About Bose-Einstein Condensate: http://jilawww.colorado.edu/bec/JILABEChome_nonflash.html Enjoy.
  7. Well, i'm feeling really tired. For consecutive days i've been sleeping rather later. I only tuck into bed at 1am. So, i always find myself very easily tired. Not only that i realised that my lips are very pale (grey in colour) and my eyelids are very light pink. My finger nails are also very light pink. I don't really know why. Is it possible to do with me not sleeping early? or my diet? Or what? Sometimes, i have some difficulty breathing... but it is not that serious. It is more like i'm not breathing enough oxygen.
  8. Besides Banana, what other food could you eat to help you??? Before an exam or test???
  9. However, it is not true that people who believed in faith just merely let their life hand on the line. But on the contrary that faith is a kind of boost button for determination. This makes people determined to fight on and against the disease. So, i don't really agree that those who believe in religion just leave it to the "fate" mechanism. Well, i think the point of this "faith" thing can be perceive by others as different thing. Eg, it is a hope that is worth fighting for, or that it is comforting spiritually to know that there is someone to care for you... or even faith could be a buddy to fight along with you this war against illness.
  10. gene

    Snores? Zzz..

    So can we say that everyone is a potential snorer or that we almost snore everytimE?
  11. Heh Muffin, give me a high five. I too, was thinking about doing an experiment. Well, i know nothing about engineering. Sorry. Well, currently i am in s'pore spending my 2 months holis. But, only remaining 1 month. I'd like to try on an experiment like what Muffin said. Any suggestions? I prefer to do on Biology. thanks
  12. OH..... oK... I got it now... Thanks
  13. er. Yah, i read your post. But i do no understand what is the difference between There are exogenous (exo = outside; gennan = to produce) pyrogens and endogenous (endo = within) pyrogens. EEEEeee... I'm confused. What do you mean but "outside" pyrogens and "within pyrogens"???? I simply do not understand your explanation.
  14. Heh, does quantum mechanics really exist i thought it was only a theory?
  15. So can we say that lightning is in the plasma state ? OOPs. I forgot how lighting formed... But ya i think lightning is another example.
  16. gene


    What is a mutation? And How does a cell gets mutated?
  17. i hate spiders. there are very disgusting. Jus imagine those legs crawling slowly on your back. You turn your head behind.... and ... WAH! P.S. I hate all kinds of insects. They seem to be poisonous animals.
  18. gene


    No offence. But are you like an nocturnal animal? In England now is like people are still in deep sleep. And there you are, online and posting a message. Don't you need sleep? So, who introduced you to this website?
  19. gene

    Snores? Zzz..

    what i learnt about yawning is that there is not enough oxygen in your body or brain. And that "cause" causes an effect:yawning. It is sort of an response.
  20. But why will it recombine to become a gas. retention is exactly what it sounds like.. Retained water. Water kept in the body. Oh.. and women dont like it But why does water retention occur?
  21. Woo. I need some clarification. What actually is Pyrogen? (Sorry i got confused with the intense amount of information ) So, pyrogen is a small protein realeased by white blood cell to increaese the tempeature? Beacause this is what i am understanding. 1. Exogenous pyrogens: are they pyrogens that are released outside of body? To prevent them from entering our body or what? 2. Endogenous pyrogens: substances that are released within out body to combat the bacteria or invaders already existing in our body. is it? Thanks
  22. Oh. This is a pretty stupid idea that i thought of. The glass is traNSParent right? We can modify the process of making transparent glass and implement the idea into making transparent humans=invisiblilty. Nah, it sounds kinda of far-fetch. But, i think it is quite interesting. :) :)
  23. I have read in a book of facts. That the fourth state of matter is plasma. But what actually is plasma? I need some enlightenment. And one more question. What is water retention?
  24. One night, i slept beside my mum but i couldn't get to sleep. Her snores were simply too loud! I told my mum the next day that she snored really loudly and she said she have no idea that she snores. Then, she asked me a real good question: Why do people snore?
  25. Blike, i need some help here! Well, i find this really interesting. However i have trouble in understanding Virtue 1 and 3. It is really a bit too profound for me. But i understood Virtue 2, given the clear-cut examples. So, to confirm Virtue 2 is actually to tell you to think of other alternatives right? Like looking AT an obijects at different angles? Whereby the objects is the hypothesis/ idea and the angles are actually your approachs. Well, i still need more explanation and exmples of Virtue1 and 3. Sorry. i'm not that good.
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