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Everything posted by gene

  1. Well, i have read about this issue in the NEWSWEEK magazine and wish to hear everyone's views about it. Basically it was a question of about REligion or faith is able to heal us. Well, one amazing fact that researchers have found out was that those who when to church more often had a lower mortality rate; which means they live a longer live. the stastics are as shows, Those who never go church at all : lifespan 72 years Those who go to church once a week : lifespan 80 years Those more than a week: lifespan 82 years Well, i think these are pretty interesting stastics. However religion or faith does not cure cancer or other illness that is what they found out. Yet again, those who were ill were spirituality happy, than those who do not have faith. Well, i personally think that religion and faith are a sort of diversion of the mind which allows you to focus and not dwell on your illness. Like meditation or yoga they all have similar effects, they can sooth your mind... But why are they able to do this? Scientists have not idea and so do i. What is that powerful force that allows us to have inner serenity? Or is that so? Is there really God then? So, can religion really be the next kind of medicine to hit the stores and be the alternative solution to cure people's illnesses? Happy thinking!
  2. oh yA! one more thing... i was thinking about it... You said that increase in temp. also help kill bacteria (Is bacteria= viral agents?). But i thought only 100 degree celsius than the bacteria is completely killed? It will be crazy to run at 100 degrees... We would have become roast chicken... anyway 102 farienheit? is equal to how many degrees c.?
  3. Oh... so pyrogens is not a cell. But some sort of chemical whereby is released to kill bacteria and foreign invaders right?
  4. Heh, tHat is So Cool... But i wanna ask something... Can onions conduct electricity? How does electricity pass through it? By water? Or what? Oh i remeber something.... I went for a science exhibition and i was surprise to see that an apple could light up the bulb whereby two wires with points were plugged into the appl and connected to the light bulb. Well, i could get the person to explain to me beacause she could not speak english very well... I could understand what she was saying... Language barrier. This experiment reminds me of this apple thing... Maybe there is some kinda of relation?
  5. Thanks YT! Oh, i was wondering about this question when walking home from school. So the question is; When metabolism Activity ceases in our body, are we considered dead or not? Leading to this question is another: Does metabolic activties take place all the time? Well, i think the questions are the same, but maybe the phrase makes it seem different... I don't know too...
  6. Well Muffin, me too... I also think that people that i meet outside are all evil people trying to con me or whatsoever. It is a very common perception... about people that i meet. but, unless i get to know the person, i will never be able to know whether is he or she good or not.
  7. But i thought that if the body is invaded by foreigh invaders or bacteria, anitibodies or white blood cells would be produced instead of Pyrogens to combat these foreign invaders?
  8. Maybe the word that you are trying to complete is NUTCASE?
  9. ONe more thing. How do memories form in our mind. Like a storage system?
  10. But YT, what do you mean but QUALITY Sleep? Oh, and also i think that there is a supplement that helps improve memory. Is it gingko biloba? Or something like that? So, is it even wise to eat them. Because i heard that taking sich supplement or vitamins and tremendous side-effects. Well, i am not sure whether it is true or not.
  11. gene

    Adolf Hitler.

    Yeah, he was a great speaker. A total gift! I have seen him speak before. It was very powerful and convinced. Although i don't really understand German. But the tone could tell me that his public speaking skill was GREAT. Well, i saw a documentary about Hitler. And, he was a very gentle and caring man. (I'm am not sure whether is it propaganda or not. But it was his Secretary who said so.) But, to the Jews, it was a toally different thing.
  12. Thanks man, this is awesome stuff!
  13. Is Hypothermia or Hyperthermia a chronic disease? Base on my understanding, chronic diease means it exist for a very long time right?
  14. But what causes it?
  15. gene

    Adolf Hitler.

    Woo, that is some upbeat response Some may find that what he done is totally inhumane. Well, in the past, i guess his presence brought many deaths. Well, my country wasn't really affected by Hitler's "ideology". But, we were invaded by the Japanese. Living in the era, whatever atrocities that hitler did or the Japs. did certainly didn't affect me physically or mentally. But, it educated me that's all. I marvel at how Hitler was about to come to power in such short time and able to convince thnation to listen to him. That's all. Maybe what happened in the past in England is deeply embedded in the country. So, Hitler's name isn't really welcomed. With regard to the genocide that he caused. I agree with YT that he doesn't deserve to be even called a "man"! Good one!
  16. What actually is Hypothermia?
  17. Help! I'm having trouble remembering things that i read before in other books, especially science books whereby there are lots of facts and theories. After a few weeks, i would forget the facts that i have learnt and most of the time can hardly recall them. So, can anyone give me some tips to improve my memory? THanks
  18. Well, this is really interesting debate! My point is: Ok, natural selection is a part of evolution. I would say both need each other and can not do without each other. So, my point comes in here, we have no idea how natural slection works. It is basically letting Nature do its magic. But see it from a different point of view, we do not know exactly who selected the genes. God or Nature? From evolution's point of view, i would say Nature=God. Well, i'm sort of a believer of God. (to some extent) Unless, science it able to prove that the universe could exist without God's creation. I would still stick to that belief. Anyway, i find that the bible can not be really trusted. ( No offence) I meant focus on the part of Genesis only. The bible is not the thought or mind of God. It is written but Mankind (I think.) Therefore, i believe that Genesis was written by someone who thought the world came to existence like that. Unless God allows us to read his mind. Creationism Vs the evolution and the Big Bang will still be on hot debate. Thanks for reading. I don't really know a lot. I'm probably talking nonsense to some of you Cheers.
  19. Thanks.
  20. So when people say that growing children have higher metabolic rate than older people. It actually means that these chemical reactions, catabolism and anabolism, take place faster right in growing children right? Oh yes, and another point. When we get cold, there is a temperature regulation mechanism whereby out metabolism decreases/ increase (i not very sure). Why? Thanks for the answer on the previous qn.
  21. Ok, to actually be able to predict one's intelligence is fairly simple. My teacher told me this. The more furrows or folds that your cortex of your brain has, the more intelligent you are. This is beacause the folds increases the surface area whereby neurons are able to transmits and "talk" with other neurons more efficiently. Ya and basically that's it. Just go for an X-ray of the brain of subjects and concluded their intelligent. Actually. i believe that social status does not contribute to your intelligence. But it is the social environment that affects our intelligence. Well, i saw an uproar about slavery and stuff and i think that beacause of the undevelopment of African countries and rapid corruption and bad governing that caused such things to happen. It just happens that US was developing better than African countries and so they think that they can rule over the Blacks. I would just have to say that the Blacks did not have a better opportunity than the whites to learn. Because African countries at that time had different cultures and there was no major force to encourage them to learn or study. I would say that is fate. And one last thing. Asian as someone stated in their post, are intelligent not really, very much owe to the point that we are hungry for knowledge and stuff. But rather, Asian Countries (not including China) had very little resources compared to the USA and European countries. The only thing that we have is human resources. So, in order to have human resources, we humans have to be implanted with knowledge and etc. Then, we are of value. (Well, this situation is very much in Singapore as we are a small country with very limited amount of resources. We can only survive on Human's intelligence. And, that comes from the important emphasis on education. Ya, i think this is pretty much.
  22. gene

    Adolf Hitler.

    Well, i am sure everyone in this forum are science enthusiasts that is the reason while you joined this forum. But, i am curious that is there any one out there who idolise Adolf Hitler? Ok, let's put aside all the evil and bad that he did and look at what he bring about. I believe that he was a key player to development in Genome, a slight contibution. It was amazing how Hitler a man so cruel and sadistic also had interest in science. I think he was the man who created Eugenics in the first place. Is it true? And i'm quite sure in the years ahead when scientist and researchers have found about more about Genome. There will undoubtedly be a rise in "Genoism" or discrimination of genes. (If there is such a breakthrough in both scientific and ethical area.) P.S. I meant no discrimination. Just a general Topic. I hope i don't spark any anger or uproar.
  23. Sorry. I really have no idea what is metabolism about. I think it is something about chemical reactions but i am not really sure about it.
  24. In Singapore, (if 6th grade is equal to 11 years old) We learn the basics of everything. Chemistry, Biology and Physics all combined together. Rather, we do lots of practical in the lab. Well, i would say i enjoyed practical lessons then theory ones. Hands-on is very important and essential step to learning! I totally agree with VendingMenace dissection is really cool! I only had anatomy lessons when i was like 14 years old. I dissected a mice. It was really pathetic in size. I think that visits to National Parks, Botanic Gardens are pretty useful too. Getting colse to nature. Yeah, why not? Those topics mentioned are like topics topics that i am taking now. And, i am like about 15 yrs? Man, got to do lots of catching up. P.S Oh, i think astronomy lessons are pretty cool too you know!
  25. But, i know that preferences and tastes will change as time passes or when you grow older. So, does that mean that your gene for taste and preference change?
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