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Everything posted by gene

  1. if i'm not wrong. the prices are raised as there is high taxation from the government, on the manufacturers of cigarettes. To reduce the loss of these taxtion, the manufacturer increases the prices, to place the burden on the consumers. Or, i think the government taxes the people who sells these cigareettes. So, the suppliers increased the price to cover up the taxation. Not really sure though. Apparently the $ goes to the government. But, you never know what goes under the table. It may just be an excuse to suck the consumers dry.
  2. point agreed.
  3. trying going to paint. and modify it by stretching (under the option, Image.) make it 75 by 75 pixels. i think so...
  4. i read some where, the carbon dioxide is transported in the plasma as bicarbonate ions. But, i am confused now because carbon dioxide can be transported with haemoglobin too. not too sure though. Carbon dioxide decompose haemoglobin? I thought it forms a stable compound? Thus, making the redblood cell useless in transporting either CO2 or O2 ? Sub-point: So, that's the case, how is this stable compound removed from the body? Does it still goes to the spleen?
  5. gene


  6. ? yeah. You look young. Any jobs?
  7. gene


    thanks Xavier. So, from what i can understand, different hormones have different life-spans? "Before I sign off I want to mention the complement system. " Regarding this complement system, do you mean there are similar-like substances like hormones that play a part? Like co-enzyme and enzyme?
  8. how old are you? how can you afford all these? Well, i dislike BMW cars. although the viper one sounds interesting. what year is it?
  9. There is no way we can eradicate this smoking problem. Apparently, it has caused so much wooha when we tried to ban smoking. If we ban smoking, think about how the industrialist's butts would burn or how it might seriously afftect the economy. Banning smoking, would affect tourism, investments, the food and beverages industry and so many more. No one would be stupid enough to do that. In the meantime, the governments are just letting the smoking disease run. It would be too risky to stop it. The population of smokers are just growing, to stop them, is almost impossible, given how hard it is the kick the habit. Campaigns against smoking is just to please the moralists and those who are against it. Governments don't dare to carry out an all-out strike to curb smoking as it would be too dangerous and risky. Raising the prices of ciagerettes are not going to help either, because i believe many smoker would pay more if it could sastify their addiction. It is not as if raising prices would make them reconsider buying ciagerettes. For goodness, they are ADDICTED. So, this issue is really sticky.
  10. the house you have got is gorgeous.
  11. gene


    is it osmotic pressure you are talking about?
  12. another note. how would the oxygen be transported? if we assume there are no genetically engineered stomata in our skin. what if these stomata allows bacteria and germs to more easily enter our body? there seems to be complications.
  13. Yes. the energy produced would be insufficient.
  14. Oh, i realised that there is section called riddles and puzzles? so, can such stuff be considered?
  15. I AGREE! i'm very careless and even though i re-read my intended post, i don't seem to find my grammatical errors or typos.
  16. gene


    I know that a hormone is a chemical substance transported in the body via the bloodstream. If we compare the hormone to enzymes, we know what enzymes are made up of, and that they do not alter in a chemical reactiona and can only be destroyed by heat or ph. SO, my question is what exactly do you define "chemical substance" and do hormones get destroyed or do like "die"? Plus, is there any specific structures that a hormone holds?
  17. gene

    Pigeon Hole

    ok. thanks. Simply done. My trouble now is exploiting this principle.
  18. "...mind letting us in on the secret?" Well, it was purely co-incidental. i was out at the roof watching the stars trying to capture them on my digital cam. (which was a total failure), then the lightning rod struck me. In the dark, it looked kind of menacing and tried to take that down on the camera. As it turns out, (thanks to my amazing photography skills.. ha ha , it looked so like a building. When, i transferred it on my com. i thought why not check out what the rest think. It really struck me. The power of perception. what a beauty. And Fellowes, now that you mention, maybe i should propose to blike abt the idea yeah. it would be fun. Thnks.
  19. i think it is awesome! forgot the congratulate you on the new-born. best wishes.
  20. gene


    i guess no one knows. except him. anyway, it doesn't matter what his race is. it is what he is made for, his purpose.
  21. i think it would disgusting to have green human. So, is there any way we can "remove" the green pigment without compromising the ability of the chloroplast to carry out photosynthesis?
  22. gene

    Can't find.

    the tricky part is 10^x. AND i still can't find who started this thread. Dammn.
  23. gene

    What Can YOu DO?

    yeah, i get what you mean. After some time, the effect isn't so great. Yet, whenever someone speaks of it again, all negative thoughts and energy would start coming back again. This is so werid. I wonder why the brain captures so much, especially if it is an isolated event or thing. Has it got to do with neurone connections?
  24. " If you think about it from the perspective of the still air, this thing comes zooming through, and both forces molecules out of the way, but also grabs some and imparts velocity to them, thereby decreasing the object's velocity. " If you see in this context, if the speed of the wind which is opposing the applied force on the object, it would faster slow down the object right? but how does the speed of the air molecules allow it to fast absob the object's velocity?
  25. Correct me if i'm wrong. Anything that falls from an a certain height travels at 10m/s^2. (g) So, the object increases it's speed of 10m/s for every second. This i provided that air resistance in neglect. So, If were to relase 2 objects with differnt mass, would their speed still remain constant, given that there is air resistance? I'm confused about drag.
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