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Everything posted by gene

  1. I jog regularly, usually once a week. Well, i think how fast you can run, something got to do with your psychology/ mentality/ determination. If you think that you are very energetic and so, is able to complete in whatever time you set for yourself. On the other hand, if you are pessimistic, you'll be likely to give up. Well, the more you train, the faster you can run.
  2. Space travel would be exceptionally sensational. Just imagine how beautiful it would be. The anti-gravity experience would also be fun although some may not be used to it. Space travel would be some experience out of the ordinary. And i guess it would not come cheap. So, it is quite a "prized" experience. Well, if there is anyone who reads science-fiction books by ben bova, i'm pretty sure visiting space would be FUN.
  3. gene


    but how does it actually "support" life?
  4. gene


    What is protoplasm? i know it is something like the essence of living things. But i am not sure exactly what it is. please clarify my doubt. Thanks.
  5. So what is the difference between smart, intelligent, knowledgable and what else? ( what other words.) i would like to know the difference. Thanks in advance.
  6. So basically, how can you deduce how smart/intelligent (not sure whether it has a difference or not.) a person is?
  7. Well, i know that we all have genetic idenetities from our parents. However, my question is, for example, i have a not so intelligent father and mother, and i turn out not so intelligent too as a baby. But, when i grow up, i learnt lots of things, have an expanded knowledge. Which i can say, i turned smart after learning.. which is caused by environmental factors. So, would this change in intelligence also change the gene in my genome (accounted for the part in intellignce) to change too? So that when i have offsprings, my child would be smart and intelligent given that my husband is intelligent too?
  8. gene


    CAn you give some examples of different inertial frames? I think i'm getting the gist of it but there are still some science jargons(I think) that i don't quite get. So what actually are inertial frames? Thanks for your time
  9. gene


    Sorry, i didn't get the mathematical equation. Iwas too hard to understand? what can those equations tell abt SR?
  10. gene


    Btw, i find News Scientist like a Sience newspaper. It keeps you up to date of the latest science advances. P.S. I only visited the webpage (the main page) and not the magazine. And, i have not seen Scientific American or Nature.
  11. gene


    Vending, Can you tell me about "Time dialation" and "Length contraction" in your 2nd post? because when i read it a second time, i got confused and lost. So, am i right to say that Special Relativity (i'll now relate to an example.) Is like a tall person and a short person. The tall person sees that most of the things are lower or at the same height at he is. But, a short person sees things at the same height or higher than he is. And they are basically seeing the image of the same thing, let's say an apple place on a shelf. So, is this example acceptable? Btw, if i am right about SR, it is more like perception... of the mind... and how to think or look in a different perspective... it would be more on the psychology side, don't you think?
  12. gene

    Need advice.

    Currently i drink coffee to solve my situation. By i hardly have time to make myself or get myself a cup of coffee. Anyway, all those drinking have been staining my teeth. Vixenell, it is a rather good idea but i hardly have time to run before classes. My school starts at 7.20 am. And i live pretty far... about 40 mins drive there? So how am i going to be able to run? So, what should be the regular interval whereby i should drink water? 10 mins, 2mouthsful? So, is there like rubbing for forehead (don't know whether it works, just an example).... to keep you awake... I mean as in physical workouts that i can carry out on one spot, my seat? Thanks sir, for the homework guide. i'll get right to it. Btw, haven't been coming here often, busy with preparation for O-Levels. Laters.
  13. gene

    Need advice.

    Well, i'm back to school now and during lessons i feel sleepy and tired easily... sO i was wondering what i could do in class to keep myself attentive and able to remember what the teachers teaches. Sleep... i know is a solution... but i need to finish my homework before i can go to bed and it often eats into my sleeping time. And, i am not allowed to eat in class... but drinking is allowed. So, given these restriction... what could i do to help myseld to pay attention in class... i need some advice and so thanks in advance. Btw, i have tonnes of homework.. is there any advice you can give to complete it in a more efficient and faster way?
  14. Heh.... you are really a great person ... loves science and writing... wow... i am starting to admire you. We could probably be friends, that would be so cool!. Well, i am gene from Singapore (obviously) i am a high school student whose interested in science but having not be doing that well in the subjects. Well, i hope to work in the fields of science, probably neurosciences, biomedical, biology... these areas.. Nice to meet you, cookie. Hope to see more of you. Signed, Gene.
  15. Hi cookie... what a nice and friendly name! Welcome to SFN!
  16. gene

    End Of The World.

    My definition of end of the world is when the human race or any other organisms on the earth ceases. or in other words, extinct due to a powerful and terribles "disaster". (or what thing that happens so, i am asking you guys' opinon and this) And not only what this disaster does to mankind but also to the whole world, planet, solar system, galaxy, universe, etc. The field of destruction depends totally on you. because whether is it universe or galaxy or solar system or the planet earth it will stilll affect us because for the simple fact that we are living this planet blah blah blah Well, can you tell why this question make no sense? i'm not very sure but i thought it was a general idea. Anway, what other options did i missed. I'm not as intelligent as most. So, i think i would have not come out as precise and logical or whatever . in this question. I agree TOTALLY that there are other perspective in this question and sorry of my negliance. Thanks in those who voted anyway. I just wanted the know generally what the others think. Btw, good point mentioned. I didn't really notice it before. THanks a lot )
  17. but hoe does that explain Quantum Mechanics?
  18. gene

    End Of The World.

    i thought comets are bigger???
  19. gene


    oh so they say that saturated fats are bad for our heealth because it is stable and will remain in our body right? Ah.. and unsaturated fats are good because it is unstable and will sort of "tumble" out from our body. But, how does the decrease/increase in bonds explain for their state of stability and instability. That's what i wanna know Thanks in advance.
  20. i think it would small sleeps during the day. Cause you body cantake its well needed rest and start working again after that nap. Then sleep again and do work later Well, i'm not sure too. I am just so used of getting sleep only at night. Like what YT said in previous other posts, sleeping is divides in Quantity and Quality sleep Quality sleep is when you wake up, you don't feel tried at all Well, i have tried to excercise before sleeping and i could really get quality sleep. I would like to know of other ways to get a good night'as rest. Thanks in advance.
  21. gene

    End Of The World.

    Would prefer to think in a closer-to-world way. Flooding of all the country Rise in sea-level and stuff More catasphoric (sp?) weather consequences./.
  22. huh? CRT monitor?
  23. Oh. i didn't know that. Den, when i ask my physics teacher a few months back about gravitational waves, he looked startled as though i was talking some kind of alien language. And i thought maybe it didn't even exist. Cause you know after all he is a physics teacher. You mean gravitational waves do exist? How can you prove that??? What do you mean it is a nuclear force???
  24. Kedas, i think Yt's come up with a better idea. Anyway, i don't think i will live that long. By that time, my ashes would have become dust on earth.
  25. Well, i am not sure whether this topic is placed in the right place. But, i just can't think of another better place to put this. OK, what about gravitational waves. I read an article about it but hardly understood it. Ok, so you views and ideas about gravatational waves. What do ya think?
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