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About theorein

  • Birthday 04/03/1968

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  • Interests
    Bible, Inventing, Web Design
  • College Major/Degree
    Judge the book by it's CONTENT!
  • Favorite Area of Science
  • Biography
    I go by the Book(Holy Bible)!
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  • Quark

theorein's Achievements


Quark (2/13)



  1. I am a Christian. I became born again in 1997. Before I became a Christian, I wanted to become a Scientist. Some how 'things' became clear to me. Scientific things! It was like my mind was tuned into this Radio Station that broadcast solutions to Scientific problems. The thing is I do not have colleg or University level Education. I am not a Matematician. I can solve problems. The last problem I solved was 'How a bike works.' The problem is, it is hard to convince anyone of my talent. What should I do?
  2. Hi! The only way I can proof is by taking a photo using this theory. But if you have the tech know how, I am willing to form a partnership with you. I reveal the theory and you do the testing. The camera, video and telescopes and so on are secondary devices because we already have our eyes as the primary tool. more later...
  3. Hi! Thanks for replying. What I have is a new way to take photo. I need to test if this method works. So I need a camera to capture a image using this new method. But the camera must not have lense or anything else. I need a device to capture a image. Not a camera. Can you understand what I am getting at?
  4. I have this theory on how we can immitate our eyes' to make a 3-D camera. The problem is I have no knowledge on films. I need a method to test out my theory. I need a capturing device. Can any one help me with instant films? I need to know how this film works and is there a way to use this film without the camera or do I need the camera to develop the film?
  5. Take photography for an example. We claim to have an understanding how our eyes' works. We use this to build many optical devices but we still watching movies in 2D. Why? Because we are satisfied with what we have so far. We have 3D technology but we need further tools to view them. The problem here is, we are using lenses to take pictures when we already have a pain in our eyes. What I trying to explain here is, burning carbon in a lump (grinded form) is not same as C + O2 reacting.
  6. Dear friends, This is how science works. We ask questions. If we accept everything as fact, we will be stuck with wrongs and incomplete solutions. Take medicine for an example. Some medicines can cure a disease but they have many side-effects. This means that the medicine is NOT the right cure as it is NOT targeting or solving the right problem. Back to our discussion, I am sure that this method can work. One day I will proof that. And if I fail, someone else will one day succeed. I ask again the question. I know how they calculated calories and energy emited by some reaction in the lab. First they use a certain quantity of the substance and the using calculations they find the valu for a single atom of molecule. This method does NOT proof that the energy comes from the reaction between C and O2. We only assume that they do. If some one in China were to do this experiment, he to will get the same result cause, he will make the same assumption. This only proofs that we are making an universal or global error.
  7. Let's say I have an hotmail email account. How many ways are there some one can send me a message to my inbox? (form etc)
  8. When we burn coal or wood, once the fire is started, it continues burning. Is there proof to where the energy comes from? If we use charcoal in grinded form (assuming that now we have pure carbon atoms), isn't the energy needed to start the combustion process and the energy produced when Carbon combines with Oxygen to produce Carbon Dioxide is very small and insignificant? How will it fuel the fire? The fire coming from burning charcoal may be coming from other sources such as the breaking up of bonds between carbons for an example?.
  9. Hi! Does anyone know how much energy it takes for this reaction to take place and how much enery it gives out when the process has started? c + 02 --> co2 theorein
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