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Everything posted by rigney

  1. Thanks JohnB. Both gratifing and stimulating to get things straightened out again. On most occasions when I become a little unhinged and antidiplomatic, I lock myself in an upstairs bedroom closet, pop a few capsules of Ritalin and in a day or two my panic attack is over. Being very cautious, I am able to come down stairs again to resume my life and watch MSNBC. I can’t get FOX on my rabbit ears. I wonder if that might be a political ploy of sorts? But then, I do live a fur piece up the holler.Thanks again for the hints. Now if astrophysics could be explained so easily.
  2. Shhhh! You're messing up my dream time.
  3. Absolutrly nothing. nothing, nothing ,nothing. But am I repeating myself? No! Nothing but; "AMERICANISM". Maybe you guys should bring him back in 2016. Until then, the Lad needs some serious training.
  4. Listen very closely to this!
  5. Presidential? No! You don't have a problem, it's the rest of us trying to understand a frail excuse and reason why a liberal president can screw up at all. Should middle of the roaders genuflect and be grateful that you found such a glaring mistake in our assumption?
  6. Shucks! I failed to pass the fifth grade because my tonsils kept me from going to school every day. Had them removed and did OK the following year. Should I have blamed my teacher? Let me reiterate over and over again: "Bull Squat'
  7. Did anyone actually listen to Obamas latest explanation of "You didn't build that? Are we listening to such bull shit and expected to believe it? If one of us made such a dumb assed statement on this forum, someone would have us by the balls big time. If I may, let me reiterate, "Bull Shit"
  8. Our lovely forum? Well, it's here! Please report it as ficticious lies or untruths if you will. But no one has made allegations or assumptions, other than to believe it or not.
  9. But that is my question? The use of slavery and servitude as an expression can only be used to stretch the fabric so thin. When will Americans of all colors wake up to realize that we are all together in the same boat? The only difference is the hate mongering done from either side that keeps the wound festering.
  10. So what you are saying is, whether Obama is right or wrong, good or bad, Blacks should vote for him simply because he's black? That might work with a bunch of fools, but blacks are intelligint human beings. .
  11. Don't blink, but bless your heart, you've answered my question.
  12. Who really gives a rats ass what religion he espouses! Please tell me, is there a forum some where that a mildly conservative can become a member?
  13. Those are only decisions of which you should make a rational choice. Yes, you are right. His conflict was coming to grips with reality, not the ensuing violence of his mayhem.
  14. What are specific demographics? Would a white opponent call out the Poles, Checzs, Germans , English or French to band together, accomplishing the same end? Can you imagine a caucasion making the same statement, but saying "White people, stand behind me, I need your vote to throw this black man out of office"? That is one of my questions and one of my problems. No caucasion in his rightr mind would have the mendacity or untruthfulness to grandstand such an edict. And the other videos were I mentioned were atteched to the initial link. So, don't make it look so clandstine.
  15. I may be running headlong into a brick wall with my head down and my thoughts in high gear, but as a concerned and conservative American, is this the way for a sitting president to approach his overall constituency? Some of the other videos are quite good and actually equate the inequality of some bigoted Americans. But is this the action of a president grasping at a self induced strawman? http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=BdjoHA5ocwU
  16. Conflict and violence go hand in hand.
  17. GWC. One of natures greatest gift to mankind. If we could only follow his philosophy, how great this world might be? http://www.biography.com/people/george-washington-carver-9240299
  18. Skeptical, yes. And I appreciate your input since I'm not familiar with that particular website at all. And O'Reilly, I'd rather hear a hog fart or a duck sing. Don't get me wrong, I'm a right leaning conservative and a (broke Idiot)to boot I suppose. I just don't like over sophistication regardless from where it comes. But I do like Hannity! This gal must have lots of moxy, knowing the black panthers and other liberal groups hate conservatives as the do. Fired or not, this broad has gonads of the nth dimension.
  19. rigney

    Yay, GUNS!

    Perhaps even a .22 cal. may have been a deterrant if done right. But time and an understanding of what is happening is critical. You are at the movie to see a flick, not to witness mass murder. We will never know what might have been even had everyone been unarmed or fully armed??. Go see this guy and be prepared for Armageddon #3, should it come to your local theater..http://biggeekdad.com/2011/10/kellers-riverside-store/
  20. rigney

    Yay, GUNS!

    Infuriating guesses? Wow! Do I detect a bit of animosity?
  21. Getting together should never result in conflict, but conjecture. And wouldn't it be nice doing just that without "braining" each other?
  22. I swear! Sometimes trying to answer a poser on the forum is like pissing on an electric fence. It's gonna hurt no matter how good your aim is. So, I'm gonna pass on this one.
  23. rigney

    Yay, GUNS!

    Mayhaps! But here is a compiled list of nuts.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rampage_killers
  24. rigney

    Yay, GUNS!

    And unless I miss my guess, all right wing nut cases?
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