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Everything posted by rigney

  1. Let's just wait until after November. This race has gone far enough. Mañana!
  2. I might tell you where you could also put it, but this has gone far enough.
  3. There you go what? Just the two seconds I wanted to understand and you put it into your prespective. Let me put it this way, BS is BS whether it's 50 seconds or an hour. An English teacher who was also a good friend, once told me; Rigney, if you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull shit! That was 60 years ago, and pas·sé verbiage, even for that date and time.
  4. Would you give me the "unedited version" of this video? I'll watch every moment of it. The truth is what counts. i was only comparing apples and oranges of the Obama and Romney speeches.
  5. I searched an couldn't find anything that even suggested he collected pay while with the APS. If you finnd anything to the contrary, please let me know.
  6. No Moon! But it is the unbridled optimism of people in both parties to think their side is the only one to follow when, we have a congress controlled by a bunch of thieves. I'm not speaking of them all, there are good people on both sides of the aisle. Only those involved in this scam for a constant supposed power struggle, know these identities and how they control this country. And no! this isn't a quote or known fact, just an opinion.
  7. rigney, telling someone to get a job is a pretty empty epithet with the unemployment levels we have today (though they are lower than they were when the economy was at its worst), and if you blame Obama for that, you haven't been paying attention to the inaction of congress. To blame Obama solely for the mess this country is in today would be totally inane and unfair! I didn't offer the three links to beat on just democrats, but the whole damned sorry mass of deplorable politicians who line their pockets while people go hungry and without clothes or shelter. Panic's post this morning sums it up. Cap Panic: Legal or not! Isn't this collusive pandering from both parties involved?
  8. For lack of knowledge through ignorance of which I have shown throughout this post, there is no way to disagree with you. Yet you tell me politicians pimp themselves to sit on company boards as being the extremes of lobbying, WOW! That dang near breaks my heart. I'd almost have to call that double dipping at best, wouldn't you? What would our founding fathers think if they could see us today?
  9. Swansont: I put this in post # 61 Post # 74 was very explcit since it was an unquestionable video. Just this morning I received this link. Is this just some more coservative ranting, much as Cenk does with his liberal ranting? I can't confirm this either, but this kind of shit sounds great to a right wing nut? http://www.staged.com/video?v=Klmb And if you really want to look at some of the good stuff as to why I'm distrustful of government! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=G96TY5JsV-s http://governmentgonewild.org/thelist Tell me, have you ever seen these 3 links before?
  10. How do the tax payers build the roads? Praying to the turnpike fairy? No pal! they are paid for by the pork doled out to eventually get them built. Even you should be aware of that, or are you?
  11. To disagree with a philosophy just for the sake of arguements sake is like taking an ambiguous stand concerning the weather as it appears on a beautiful sun shiny way. Isms are as such, for tommorow; both may change. i suppose what i'm trying to say is that the weather is a very unpredictable phenomenon, as is human nature, both being inexplicable. Each ism I can think of has been tested over and over somewhere. Our democratic system, developed some years back; seems to have outlasted the rest. Will it last? Me, I'll just hang with it until it fails completely.
  12. Exactly, real studies have shown that the type of people interviewed in that vid clip are rare, it's nothing but poisoning the well by cherry picking data. Real Welfare Queens! You're right! I should have questioned what I thought was being referred to as an accusation of me, before running my mouth off and offerering an alternate suggestion.Thanks.
  13. Might I assume you are speaking of me, or is that just an assertion, as to my way of thinking? 50 years ago rigney you would have had a good point but in this day and age if you don't have 4 years of college you are as screwed as someone 50 years ago who didn't get out of primary school. I think college should be free for those who can make the grade, vocational schools for those who cannot. If you want to pursue a higher education than that then it should be on your own dime but the bare necessities should not be limited to those who can pay for it only.... I don't know Moon? As I stated earlier, a 24 year old grand son of mine is hearing impaired. With the new hearing aids, he's a ball of fire. I have no ideas of what his prospects are except that right now he works two jobs (60 to 70 hrs. a week) and is enrolled with Phoenix. Maybe in a year or so when the new wears off, I can give you a better update. Oh yes! But never one paid for by government, just the ones built by tax payers. Yes, government is involved in it up to their eyeballs and that is the problem. The late senator Byrd of WV. was one of the biggest dippers in pork barrel history when it came to roads, bridges and tunnels. Here is just on such bridge.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_C._Byrd_Bridge I specifically like the part about the building fund as coming a scant percentage from Ohio and WV. With the balance coming from the government. I wonder where the goverment ever got that money? This is another dealing with roads and bridges in WV. If you read closely you'll find that most of these "funds" come from the Fed. What does that mean? People from every state in the union is having their taxes used by WV. Is this wrong? No! But when the over run is 100%, something is wrong. Expenses for the Pike had an over expense of some $300,000,000.00 bucks. The final cost for the entire modernization of the West Virginia Turnpike was $683 million, more than $300 million over original estimates.[5] It was also one of the few interstates that received 90% federal funding and permission to charge a toll, due to extremely high construction costs. A total of 18 interchanges now exist on the West Virginia Turnpike, up from the original six. Tell me, from where does the Federal Government get such money to allow this pork barrel funding? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/West_Virginia_Turnpike#.22Turnpike_that_goes_to_nowhere..22
  14. With all honesty, in the latest post of mine, the video of the unemployed, was that Tap Dancing? A falsehood or Hint? No! The video was done by Nancy Pelosi's own daughter. You seem to have also forgotten the video of Obama mumbling and fumbling through the great things that government, especially this latest one has done for us. Government is supposed to be an extention of the people, not a dictatorship as in my opinion this one seemed to be headed. If November elections prove me wrong, so be it. I may not agree with the outcome, but I'll be able to stand my dissapointment. Will you? I absolutely support public education K-12. Our taxes is what makes that system go, not government. This also holds true for roads and bridges. But these things are made not through government, but also taxation. Universities and colleges is another thing. If a person wants to further their education, it should be on their nickel, not as a public contribution. Oh yes! But never one paid for by government, just the ones built by tax payers.
  15. Unfortunately I am likely to stand being corrected on many of my statements. The one about no government was meant to apply to our present regime. To me, they have done nothing but devide this country to its limit. To ram the latest health care bill through congress, I believe was an insult to most people. Especially the way former house leader Pelosi approached it. Well, if you want to understand it, you'll have to read it, and that with a big smile; if you recall. Very endearing. The jefferson thing? I took it from selectable quotes he supposedly made. The, of people, for people and by people, I totally screwed it up. And I didn't call you that unmentionable, I merely asked what if I had? Swans on T summarily straightened me out on that one. And the poverty issue, this is the type I was and am referring to. This video was done by Alexandra Pelosi, Nancy's daughter.http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c2kGPdxkofo
  16. It's quite alright for him to accuse me of being an anarchist, but for me to question how he would feel if I pictured him in a deregotory manner, you jump to defend like a momma bear and quickly throw a bomb in the ring. Shame on you Mr.Inturlocator.
  17. I cannot disagree more. If you look into our constitution even a bit you will find: Of the people by the people and for the people. Government is only brought about through taxation. A Government on any level can be a powerful and proud thing if done correctly. But a pariah if done improperly. Government is set up by the people to encompass an entire nation, not to placate pork barrel cry babies with cash in their pockets that influence the powers that be. It's not a new game, but it could become an end game unless we are very careful.
  18. Christ! i'm not trying to perpetuate an argument, but an understanding of some sort. As i stated, my grandson spent the past 3 years in Denver doing odd jobs, but came back to Cleveland, Oh. a few months ago looking for something better. Hearing impaired, we all chipped in to get him some "cookie bite" correcting hearing aids. I don't know how, but he manages two jobs and classes through Phoenix. He is not an Arnold Swazanager or a Tom Hanks and most likely never to be an Einstein, but the kid has "balls. i'll not argue semantics over whether McDonalds have jobs or not, but was this grandson of mine just lucky enough to find 2 "descent" paying jobs almost simultaneously?
  19. This is not a blight on any one society or country Joatmon, but on all of us. The penalty for such perpetrators should be no different than that of a kid on the corner pushing crack. Both are criminals with one exception, the kid may get 5 to 10 years in stir. The Big Spender probably gets fined a few million and a slap on the wrist. So, who the hell is the winner? I really don't mind setting a tax level for an enterprise making a bundle at a flat 5%. But when any of them, top to bottom break that trust, send their asses to prison. We don't need a bigger government to alleviate our ailments, but we do need more efficient government control. How many of these bureaucratic stalwarts we elected to protect us are pandering to someone at this very moment?
  20. I stand by my statement. Local governments can be scrutenized to some degree, and rarely try passing a law that conflicts with the majority of its people. In many if not most instances, issues that effect the wellbeing of an entire city is taken directly to the people to be voted on. But even in very small cities, graft and corruption may still sneak in when greedy and unscrupulous consciences can be bought. I believe it was Jefferson who said, A government strong enough to give the poeple everything they want, is strong enough to take it all away. That may not be the exact wording, but the meaning is quite evident.But even with the best of intentions, this latest fireball, the health care plan that was mandated and shoved down the throats of our country by a democratic congress, is not very digestable to most people. Come November we will know if it was the wise thing to do. No! I am not an anarchist, but a loyal citizen who wants this nation to continue prospering. But there will always be bickering between political parties as there will always be the rich and elite, the lesser levels of wealth, on down to and including the lowest poverty level. Have we done enough to relieve poverty? I've paid my dues and taxes over an entire working career spanning 50 years or more. One of my grandsons, who is hearing impaired; works 70 hrs. a week at two jobs and pays taxes at both. He will likely never become rich or famous, but depends on his own accountability to be independent. And I should worry about some slob sitting on their worthless ass doing nothing and waiting for government handouts? Forget it! Poverty is a situation, not a conditition. The physically and mentally impaired should be taken care of, irregardless. The rest of the sorry hanger on crowd, take a bath and go to McDonalds, either for a $1.oo burger or a job.
  21. In my vernacular, if I called you a "fuggin idjit"; would you be offended? As judge Judy would say, don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.
  22. Piss on a government sponsored anything. "We the people" are the government! Not the assholes we elect who constantly screw it up because we give them that unrstrained privilege.
  23. Damn! And to think that we actually agree on something? Amazing! I have never been opposed to k-12 local government sponsered education. And public transportation? i don't recall there ever being such unless you paid your fare.
  24. No! Not that at all. I support education K through 12 without question, but unless students maintain a descent grade average in college without some faculty member (teacher) hedging the bet for them, there should be no subsidies, and that to include student loans. This country has continuously built roads, super highways and bridges throughout my lifetime that eventually needs to be replaced, and these things we must do. But to mandate our current government, giving them power to do so; give me the chills. And our defense? Yes, it needs restructuring to erase some of the deadwood, but not to put us in harms way. This may also apply to our congress as well.
  25. I like pithy statements! Are you telling me that facts are an issue when it comes to politics? PLEASE!
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