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Everything posted by rigney

  1. We absolutely need infrastructure! Without it this country would go to hell in a handbasket before evening. But infrastructure should be exactly that, not "government superstructure". Krauthammer probably put it best in his theory and this opinion.http://www.businessinsider.com/charles-krauthammer-doesnt-know-left-from-right-2012-7 However, this is another way to look at politics. http://antioligarch.wordpress.com/2010/07/19/hiroshima-and-detroit-65-years-later/
  2. Yes, I sometimes run with the ball before I have both hands on it, but to me his entire statement was pure BS and reminded me of Germany in the 30s and 40s. Not that that's where we are going, but it seems to be in that direction. I did like Krauthammers reply though.
  3. Then you would dismiss Krauthammers statement as malarkey? I am not a politician nor a very good speaker, and not nearly as quick mindes as some of you here on the forum, but it doesn't take me all day to inspect a hot horseshoe, especially if I'm holding it. And to my way of thinking, this guy is worse than than a hot horseshoe. Then I may be wrong, but i doubt it. Cheers!
  4. Absolutely! It is fear mongering. But isn't that what politics are all about? You scare hell out of the populace, hoping your tactics will sway them into voting in your direction. The following link will give you the B.S. from both sides. And if you think for a moment that i hate Obama, you're wrong. I simply despise his formula for getting our nation back on an even keel. And by the way, Al Gore invented the internet.
  5. Do you think either of these guys will solve our problems? "Bull Shit". The lower 20% up and through 45 % don't pay taxes to start with. Yes! We should reformulate a persons fair share. But when we eventually kill the golden goose who lays those golden eggs, the nest will no longer be needed.
  6. Please use a better decorum; (Because math is hard and stuff?)
  7. And I should wonder why I lean to the right? Would you give me a better description of his words, if you will. When a man of his supposed intellect and status makes such a meaningless and derogatory statement, I can only reply with my first and only statement; "Bull Shit".
  8. If I may reply subjectively, "Bull Shit"
  9. When i hear our president reply to a small business owner who probably worked his ass of to get the business started; by castigating and saying to him: "You didn't build that business, the people who work for you did", I'd like to kick him straight to the gonads, and hard! What a fukkin' idiot.
  10. I like ambiguous B.S., because it tells you more about a fella's morality, ambition and personality than anything else you will ever find out about him. All of us use it in one fashion or another. If I'm sitting with a good looking gal having a slurpee or frappe, of which I hate both; I'll tell her how much I love the crap; just to pleases her. But politics, national security and personal property issues are things that should not be elided so easily. Our entire nation depends on the caliber of men we elect to protect us. But we have elected some real shitheads over these past few years. Being at the poverty level for any of us is not a good thing. But to think we can correct our nations problems by digging the playing field to basement level is the damndest thing i can think of. Perhaps the majority of us in a systems pecking order will never believe of it as being done right, but I just can't take that mind set and think it's foolish of those who do. And by the way, I have an income of $20,000.oo a year. Hopefully I'll be able to keep that coming in for the next few?
  11. I have a hard time trying to wrap my mind around distances such as those we associate with the closest stars to our galaxy. Measured in light years, these distances are colossal to say the least. Our closest neighboring stars are light years distant from us. And to think someday we may go there boggles my mind. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_nearest_stars#Future_and_past At some future time, if humans should exist so long, we may actually find ways to make these sojurns into deep space to other stars and plantes. I know that Science has only scratched the surface of space travel, but that scratch will never be erased. Meaning that our need to know is stronger than our will to survive. If I could retain things as you do Moon, I would probably write science fiction for no other reason than making a living.
  12. One of my problems in believing these different sightings is that each of them are blurrier than the next. Many photos, but in none of them can you make out distinctly what the picture shows. You would think that after 60 years of sightings someone woulg get a descent photo. As you stated, our solar system dating back 4.5 billion years is young compared to what the overall universe may have to offer.Civilizations may have evolved several times and in many different life forms throughout the universe. Perhaps even right here in our own solar system on another planet or different planets. No! To say definitly that there aren't other civilizations out there would be a stupid statement. The ant and human comparison in the video makes no sense to me though. Even here on earth we have never stopped seeking out the different species of animal and plant life for fear we might miss something. For aliens to pass by a planet with life of any kind on it just wouldn't make sense. .
  13. When the best of engineering means "Oh My Gosh", to the buyer. http://www.youtube.com/embed/xWMkOwq2qIU?rel=0
  14. If you were to ask me if I believe there are other civilizations beyond our solar system and on out into the universe, i would say with tongue in cheek, yes! Not that I can substantiate it as fact, only that I believe there is a great probability of it being so. With the intellect of very brilliant people here on earth, why would a life form from another civilization simply pass us by without giving a look at earth? Being that far advanced, they would have nothing to fear from us.
  15. This will not effect me since I haven't made enough money in the past twenty years to be taxed that high. But will it effect you? Should we listen to this guy, or brush him aside as bigoted right wing nut case? I believe his name is Dick Morris.
  16. We are a political mess JohnB. My take on the situation is, if you are a crook of some sort; you will either get into religion, politics (attorneys), drugs or on a police force. Just don't try owning and operating a legitimate business today.
  17. I listend to and looked at the entire footage Moon. But not being an actual witness to such phenomena, I leave it entirely to conjecture and question. Were these sightings actual as described, or to give persons their fifteen minutes of stardom?? Lilke the Bible!, people will believe what they want to believe come hell or high water. Me, I'm a total skeptic!
  18. On your first questions, yes. And I agree whole heartily with your system, if it is such.
  19. Can't say but one thing Moon, look into it statistically.
  20. Three of my children have received grants and scholarships as well as a dozen or more of their cousins, which we are very fortunate and thankful. And none of them, "other than one grand nephew" are into politics or big business for which I am thankful. And me, I just keep out of the way.
  21. I've really never questioned him on the subject or why he feels that way about it. Personally, i would jump on it with all four if it were me. I have a little left in the poke that I could and would give to him in a NY minute, but he's just too damned proud and independant. And your questions, i can't answer them for the lack of knowing? Even if I read it, there would be little to say on my part. The kid isn't brilliant, only shiny. I think his next 50 or sxty years will (hopefully) justify his decision. Thanks!
  22. Only you Moon!
  23. Moon, if you were any more liberal, you'd have to be painted green like our "possible" aliens.
  24. I suppose that I'm some sort of a radica in a sense. Both my Dad and Granddad were staunch democrats. I voted democratic up and through President Kennedy's assignation. Shortly afterJohnson was sworn into office I saw writing on the wall that troubled me. I tried hanging with Carter but found his ideas as liberal as Johnsons. You're right in many respects, that is; in finding a middle ground. If it doesn't happen shortly, I really don't know what's going to happen to our country. I've never considered West as a presidential candidate anymore than I did Obama. Colin Powell, Eisenhower, McArthur, YES! Yes, I lean to the right.But not to where I need a crutch for support, mind you. Somehow, after 60 years of trying to keep our nation on an even keel, i just cant acclimate myself to totally giving it away.
  25. You seem left slanted while I lean the other way. But neither of us can predicate or control the outcome. I like West for what seems his straight on tactics not wanting our country to be lost in the shuffle of what's yours or mine and what's best for all of us. I'm hoping the next generation can straighten it out. Cheers!
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