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Everything posted by rigney

  1. rigney

    A Wish

    As I age, synicism seems to be my best but weakest point. This morning I received a link about the new health care bill. While the plan won't likely apply to me at all, my cynicism takes over when I think about baby boomers and new kids coming on the block. Then I wonder why Obama, Reed, Pelcoi and a democrat controlled congress and senate wanted to mandate such a plan? As I say, my cynicism doesn't just come from being sent to school with an acifidity bag tied around my neck on a string. I could easily take the thing off and hid it in the grass until after school. But if this bill is enacted with any force, even your toilet tissue might be rationed. Here are a few excerpts which are likely to have been doctored also, coming from the opposition? A cynic? Yes, guess I am. http://www.youtube.com/watch_popup?v=HcBaSP31Be8&vg=medium
  2. Galaxies only confirm that our universe exists, nothing more. You be the judge. At the moment, everyone is allowed to postulate new ideas. With everything in abeyance at present, who is to say which theories are right or wrong? If alternative facts disprove your calculations, go at them again. Who knows what might happen?
  3. Does anyone have a thought on this latest huge flash of light over Phoenix, Az.? Since no one seems to know, I wonder what it could have been? http://9-11themotherofallblackoperations.blogspot.com/2012/03/mysterious-flash-of-light-over-phoenix.html
  4. At my age, for good bad or indifference, I tend to take too much for granted. Perhaps what I see as apathy isn't apathy at all, but a totally new concept of living. My time probably started quite a while before yours, but this video brings back vivid memories of when times were much better and different for me. http://objflicks.com/TakeMeBackToTheSixties.htm
  5. Stumbled on this quite by accident. Many of you are probably familiar with either the process or the scam, just not me? Which is it? What gives? Is it really for real? 3-D printed tool? http://www.wimp.com/functionaltools/
  6. rigney

    A Wish

    This country is not in the best or worst condition it has ever been in, but it in a struggle to maintain a good standing. The links are a good indication of where we came from, and it's up to the people of this nation to maintain that integrity, or hand it off to the winner. Two different sittings, but the same version and message are in each. Some may need to hear them more than once before it sinks in, so give them a little time. http://thecountryclassics.com/jukebox/music/americana-by-moe-bandy-revisited
  7. Finally got your message. I was never in the Phillipines but I did work with a fellow GI in Germany who was Phillipino. Gaugua was his last name. We had no correspondence once I came home. I believe he intended to eventually retire from the Army.

  8. What's on your mind?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ben Banana

      Ben Banana

      ... kind of. Its just around my brain, so not really. Whatever.

    3. Ben Banana

      Ben Banana

      Oh well, to really answer your question I should say: Representation, information and data traversal. Spin networks and quantum gravity. Fearless Symmetry (a book I'm reading). Euclideon (Unlimited Detail). Virtual machines. Bell Lab's Plan 9 OS and Inferno OS. DuckDuckGo. Zyvex Nanotechnology. Numenta. Bionomic Technical Innovations. The practicability of The Venus Project's designs (which I have doubts on). All religion's fate and disappearance within a century. Raspberry Pi...

    4. Xittenn


      I'm down .. . . with the skull . . . 'cause that is where my mind is . . . I think! :/

  9. Believe you and I had a discussion on this concept some time back. Problem is, I just could never get my head wrapped around the brane theory. The concept of a cyclic universe may only be a pipe dream, but our present standard model really doesn't offer that much either. Just about everything I read is an innuendo of, we think, pehaps, it has been calculated, maybe, or; the theory is? These two guys are doing the same thing. I personally think this universe has been around forever. Was there perhaps a restart around 13 or 14 billion years ago? I believe it may have happened. But for something to be compressed so infintesmally small, and to have created such a huge universe? No! I don't believe it. Yet many things will be discovered to shed shed light as to why the universe operates as it does. Energies such as, dark matter, anti matter, anti energy and anti energy are just a few. When scientists knows for a fact, exactly what role each of these 4 energies play, they will have a field day calculating the rest.
  10. Less than a novice in cosmology, 97% of the time I wander aimlessly looking for something about a cyclic universe. My own answers come as thoughts that on occasion seem to have merit, at other times, so so and some; Nada at all! Then I go on Google and find this, "Junk". These men are supposed to be accompolished scientists, or at least someone thinks so in order to get them in print. Personally, I find this "Pronking Theory" scarier than the Big Bang. Actual Theory:http://www.physorg.com/news89399974.html In Reality:
  11. Honestly; I have sympathy for the forlorn, destitute and mentally incompentent. I just can't feel it for some sorry assed lazy person.
  12. Do you believe it can't or won't happen? I'm just saying, when I only have a cardboard box to live in, I will likely share it with another down and outer, but sure as hell not with some jerk too damned lazy to find his own. Now, if that's paranoia, I'm him.
  13. I wasn't disagreeing with your concept, just trying to get a better idea of it myself. By the same token, if a person in some far corner of this universe is having the same thoughts as you or I are having at this moment, and using brain waves that may bring us into coincidence, none of us will ever know it has happened unless those times converge somewhere in the future, if ever? Is that like light?
  14. May I ask what you meant by the following statement JustinW? Quote: Paranoid much? Why do say that?
  15. What the hell is a level playing field? When the ground has been dug below basement level, you're right; there will be no advantages. No one will own a damned thing, other than the gun, knife or pick handles used to protect their families and themselves.
  16. I'm an "on again off again" proponent of the Big Bang?? Not being steeped in knowledge, I am more into guesstimation than fact. But each time I find a theory that seems to hold water, the bucket is empty before I can get it back to the house. As ajb stated: a cyclical universe has been a theory for years. I follow that thought quite well, but don't know how it can happen without a big bang of some sort, on occasion? If a person had actually lived 10 billion years ago, I don't believe they would have seen the universe as we see it today. That is, if the universe is expanding as science seem to think. A hundred billion years from now, will those folks even see a universe?
  17. Gotcha! From either camp I see it nothing more than a joke. Who the hell has the knowledge to ascertain something so conclusively? If either science or religion can make it an affirmitive, I'll believe.
  18. Jump on me with both feet if you like, but while many of you are out there contemplating the whether or nots of singularities, these folks are making "mucho! bucks". Sure wish I had their talent. Anyway, what's singularities have to do with religion?
  19. With something like this in the mix, it can easily be understood why many people want to believe in God, or Gods? Even I like the arrangement. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=709R26i4Ik0
  20. Not a question for you personally, but in general. Has anyone considered how cupola convection action increases heat in a furnace? Once the planes hit and the centers were on fire, they were nothing more than hundred story plus, cupolas. Here's a good way to analyze the generated heat. http://www1.eere.energy.gov/manufacturing/industries_technologies/metalcasting/pdfs/advancedmeltingtechnologies.pdf
  21. Was there nothing constructive in the video? Did you read a single written word, or just watch the flick? And India? Just go across the Rio Grande at any point. There is enough misery to see in a minute to last you a lifetime.
  22. I always liked Paul Harvey and his delivery, but had no idea of where he was going next with his rhetorical BS. This audio was made 3 or 4 years before his passing, but has a ring of truth to it regardless of your convictions.
  23. Is it myth that most folks bring their childen up to do the right thing, or is this idea just some more BS? The video is a tear jerker, but only if you try using it as a crutch. There are several viewpoints the boy may have offered under different circumstances. Especially after spending a summers vacation on the farm. I wonder at his reply had the old man sent him there to bust ass and work it as a full time job?
  24. Ah! 'tis a fine religion that allows a fellow to go out and tip a few with his friends. I'm pretty well up in years now and instead of wandering out and about, I simply invite them over for some cards and have a case or two delivered in. Using the first video was an accident. I really wanted to use it in this religious section and the other in politics, but screwed up.
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