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Everything posted by rigney

  1. Nothing! Personally, I spend half my time proofing; just hoping words in my sentences are spelled correctly. Doesn't really matter if they make sense or not. Ok, Let me check this out again.
  2. Be careful my friend, nuts don't just fall from trees. Is this guy asking for money to fund his research, or money to launch a new venue? Either way, be careful.
  3. Your quote:Sure. I don't know how gravity does it but I'm sure it will hold me down and I'm not skeptical of that at all. Not to insult your intelligence, but isn't it silly to hold that engendered religious, or agnostic reasoning and belief? Scientists have for generations tried to solve the enigma of gravity, but it still hangs out there as nothing more than some BS we are supposed to swallow and abide by. As one little old lady said: Where's the Beef?
  4. Heck, the trip wouldn't cost you near as much if you took him into the woods just north of Aintree, Ga. Some of them there good old boys who helped make the movie: Deliverance, still hang around down there.
  5. Well, there is much in science that makes a believer of me. Especially in the medecal field. But then, I don't believe everything coming down that pipe either. There is so much "across the counter" garbage, (snake oil) that department stores like Wal-Mart, Sears, K-Mart and even Home Improvement Stores make a good profit from their built in drug stores. On the other hand, a surgeon of any ilk is worth his weight in gold, as is a good MD. Yet, Charlatans pervade every facet of our lives and come from both sides of the aisle, both believer and non-believer. Perhaps I should have presented myself as a skeptic? Is there a difference between "I don't know", I'm not sure, and skepticism?Was on the tube just now, thinking I may have misspelled skepticism. Saw this brief profile of related words for skepticism: disbelief, incredulity, mental rejection, agnosticism, scepticism. Thought something like that was called a haggas? And yes, be very careful to whom you make that statement. Some of my more sophisticated and genteel friends would have you by the ears or a-- in a heart beat.
  6. I can only say, Thank you doG. We can only assume that which we can't possibly perceive.
  7. rigney


    No problem with me guy! I made the mistake, and would have jumped on your backside just as quick, had I an answer as quick and precise as yours.
  8. rigney


    I apologize Mr.T. Had no idea I was doing something wrong and simply quoted verbatum from an article on wikipedia. Should have made a referral to it, and didn't.
  9. Don't be a total ass! I've told you several times what I do and don't believe. Leave it at that.
  10. rigney


    Your second question I can answer to some degree. As to your first, I haven't a clue. In physics, spacetime (or space-time, space time, space-time continuum) is any mathematical model that combines space and time into a single continuum. Spacetime is usually interpreted with space as being three-dimensional and time playing the role of a fourth dimension that is of a different sort from the spatial dimensions. According to certain Euclidean space perceptions, the universe has three dimensions of space and one dimension of time. By combining space and time into a single manifold, physicists have significantly simplified a large number of physical theories, as well as described in a more uniform way the workings of the universe at both the supergalactic and subatomic levels.In all honesty, what does this gibberish imply?
  11. What ever your intentions, disavow your current rationale. Suicide is a waste of talent and time irregardless of what ever reason you might conceive. Just take your time, slowly unwind and realize that tomorrow is another day to think of your possible accomplishments, and why you are here???
  12. "WOW", And to think all along, that I might be a nut case?
  13. rigney


    My problem is that, I can understand time as an abstraction; but not space. Space is like a bologna sandwich, for good or bad; it actually exists. Time is a figurative concept we have developed that is totally irrelevent to what the universe thinks or does. I'm not trying to be controversial, since I don't have the ammunition. Just trying to find answers that I can build on.
  14. Absolutely! I believe without equivocation that: "I DON'T KNOW!", one way or the other. And to make the statement that you "unequivocally do know", is deceitful, untruthful and in your heart of hearts; a lie.
  15. rigney


    After reading much about it, I continue to be dumbfounded by the word "spacetime" and how it is used. As far as I can read, space and time are yoked together by physicists much as a team of oxen or horses. It's hard to believe that it can be described in such a fashion, since time is an entity, as is space, matter and our overall universe. Does anyone out there have a better description? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spacetime
  16. I agree with Moon. To make the assumption that a thing is black or white without knowing the absolute truth, takes some big cohunes. I merely stated that the directional talent of this girl at age of 4, and having an atheistic Mom, sort of blew me away. Maybe her Dad was in some way responsible for her brain development? Call me an unsophisticated idiot, but I can only guess, and as of now still not sure???
  17. Why false? Everything that exists must have came from somewhere to exist as it does. That is reason enough. We just don't know for what reason. And if you are saying there is no reason for the universe to exist, please explain? Purpose? There are literally millions of things lying about right here on earth that seem to have no noticeable or functional purpose.
  18. Can I say that I'm not sure?
  19. I don't want to get emboiled in a scientific and religious donnybrook; but it's things like this short video of a young prodigy that maintain my resolve as a waffling agnostic. That, rather than being a full blown atheist. Wanna watch, go to the very bottom. I believe it's her Mom speaking. http://www.shangralafamilyfun.com/prodigy.html
  20. Premise 1) Everything that exists has a reason, but not necessarily a recognizable purpose.
  21. You are probaly right that I'm wrong again. I've only been on the forum a couple years now and most of my questions are snap thoughts on theories many of you may have been familiar with for several years. I'v had little training in any science other than trig that was necessary for the electrical apprenticeship. But for 50 years I made a descent living as a construction and maintenance electrician. And after such a time you sort of get set in your ways. I literally stay on google today looking at science in a whole different light than I did only a few short years ago. So when someone stiffs me with a very condenscending, "I told you so", or you should have already known that, it pisses me. So I hunt the internet until I find some rebuttle, and ask again. Not to be obstinate, just looking for an explanation. During my years on the job, I never heard a dumb question, only some that I couldn't answer immediatly and a few I couldn't answer at all. That's when you go looking for answers yourself. When hundreds, if not thousands of man hours depend on an electrician, nitro man or even a good sweeper to keep things up and running, you want them to get it right. Even more so if you are strapped to the nose cone of a rocket or sitting in a shuttle waiting for liftoff. And yes, I have known a few eccentrics in my time, but they also had a ton of talent.Something like this may also account for a few idiosyncrasies?: http://www.eblogx.com/Videos/21102/Fail-Compilation-Januar-2012/
  22. Don't feel so perplexed at your findings. I'm no religious dunce by any stretch, but neither am I a fuk--in' scientific "know it all" idiot either. Perhaps this section of the forum doesn't belong, but it's here and if someone wants to profess their faith and you beat them like a rented mule, for shame! My pity goes out to the aggressor because of their regimented scientific beliefs, and the good ass kicking they deserve for being so obstinate. Some of you are quite proficiant in the scientific world, but many of you only have enough knowledge to be a pompous ass.
  23. You're right. Visa Ve, most everyone wants a shot at the underdog regardless of which side of the fence they are on. Many here on this forum will never divulge their inner thoughts due to this very dread, and will never discuss the things they deem credible, due to the impending ridicule.
  24. I know, and only a few of these great men have ever attained such. Perhaps some of Teslas ideas were "a bit out of here",but to ridicule the man and diagnose him as a crack pot is totally disingenuous, even if you have your own accomplishments to lean on.
  25. Poor Tesla! And just think, today people are funded to run around looking for Little Green Men and Big Feet, Foot(s) or something like that? Yet, no one dare call them nut cases, unless it's under their breath.
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