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Everything posted by rigney

  1. rigney

    What are Heros?

    You are absolutely right Captain. But I honestly don't believe JustinW was implying that we combine our military forces and government any more than I did. Seems like every dictatorship that has ever arisen, came from that concept. 'One Man Rule' As justin and I both related, it wouldn't hurt for politicians to do some time in the military, "prior" to running for elected office. Not all, mind you! Many of our presidents and other distinguished political officials were never in the military. As far as Kris and Willie are concerned, neither are politicians for which i am glad. Had Willie been prez, he would likely have used the oval office as a place to stash his "Toke Poke", not cigars and other parlor games. And Kris? With all of that security, it would have been a fine place to store his "Jack Daniels".
  2. rigney

    What are Heros?

    Couldn't agree with you more! But real politicians should never have their butts put on the line, we need them; even if only figuratively. Three years of constant K.P. on one of Sheriff Arpaios detention centers in Arizona should get them to a perspective of either dedicating their lifves to "HONESTY",or politics.
  3. rigney

    What are Heros?

    If you noticed the heading for my topic, I never referred to Kris as a hero. Heros are hard to define. But even a five year old child can become one if the situation dictates it. I just happened to see this in an email and had no idea that he or Willie were ever in the military. I simply like his songs and the gravelly voice he puts them across with. If you have ever heard his music you'll know what i mean. And the Obama and Barney Frank thing, I was just making a comparison. And yes, politics do make strange bed fellows. Here's a short bio of Kris: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0001434/bio As I related to iNow, nowhere was Kris referred to as a hero. And politics?, Perhaps each of us should take a closer look at a fellows qualifications before electing him to office. Kristoffersons credentials? Dial his biography up on the internet and you can check his history out in a heart beat. That's more than can be said for some politicians.
  4. iNow, have you ever actually seen an atom other than it being studied as an electrical function? Perhaps glimpsed an idea or thought, or have you ever looked closely at another constillation or galaxy other than through a telescope? I thought not. When the world gets too large or small for us to handle, we circumvent the facts with alternatives. As you justify the universe through quantum mechanics, many folks do the same with faith in their so called creator. I'm not trying to dispute either view, merely offering a possible solution to such a "huge impass".
  5. rigney

    What are Heros?

    Maybe I made a mistake. Perhaps both President Obama and Barney Frank should have received this award?
  6. What you say makes a lot of sense. But gods, myths, and fables have been around since mans brain began allowing him to conjuring them up. That's why we have so many religions and misbeliefs. Scientist' are fortunate in that respect since they have many tangibles to work with. However, even those facts had to arise from somewhere???? And just what is willful ignorance my friend, other than ones piety? Here's are a few more ways to define Atheism and Agnosticism that you may wish to add. http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-the-difference-between-an-atheist-and-an-agnostic.htm
  7. Using such a caption is going to cost me big time since we have so few heros today that we feel worthy of being honored as HEROS. Many, if not most of you have no idea who either man is on the podium. But check out the honoree and then determine if he is worthy of this award? Give me your input. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PU-A7eqadho&feature=related
  8. There was no misconception between us. An atheist doesn't believe in GOD, "period"! An agnostic doesn't believe in HIM either, but prays he is wrong.
  9. See what I mean? I'm not nearly intelligent enough to make such a distinction as you are capable of doing.
  10. As some of you profess, I would love to be such a devout atheist. Problem is, I'm a cowardly agnostic; simply because I haven't the courage, faith or intellect to believe in "nothing at all".
  11. Your take on what happened at the WTC is right on the money. Conspiracy theories precede Cain and Abel. (Eve and that apple thing with Adam) comes to mind. The serpent in the garden, etc. etc.. History is full of them because it is easier for many to deal with mythology rather than accept plain had truth. People who see flying saucers and little green men also scare the bejabbers out of me. This link that many of you have likely seen, brings into focus what conspiracy is all about. http://www.disclose.tv/forum/the-kennedy-assasination-tribute-and-the-mcgruder-footage-t47211.html
  12. Would you rather listen to this well dressed intellectual who has never worked a day in his life, and be convinced by his rhetoric, or listen to your own thoughts? It isn't whether you profess a religion or are a devout atheist, each person must believe in something even if that something is nothing more than chance.
  13. This is more to Athenas questioning than your reply john B. And as much as I hate using it as a cane, but both Hugh Hefner and Bob Guccioni, "well" at least Guccioni would turn over in his grave to hear her make such a statement. Can you imagine either wanting to cull a hundred or even a dozen prospects with no photographic or writing experience in their background, employed or not? Well, Ansel Adams or Hemingway, perhaps!
  14. Couldn't agree with you more. I just thought that after all of the bashing we've done on Bush, and two and a half years of diving into a depression deeper than even Hoover could have made, we need a laugh. You're right! Probably should't have posted it. Just thought it was time for a little levity. But remember, we still have a years and a half to go. What do we do then?
  15. A small town football coach in Tennessee was fired for making Obama the subject and brunt of this song. A blessing, perhaps? But here's one 26 year old lad who will likely make more money as a singer/songwriter in Nashville over the next few years than he would as a teacher/coach during an entire tenured career. The song is a bit racy, upbeat and catchy, so be careful. That was really mean, wasn't it? So let's just keep trashing #43.
  16. What you say in general is true. "Eternity" to each of us is used as a metaphor to convey an individuals inner thoughts of yesterday, today and tommorrow. As you say, every form in nature is very special and important to someone or something. An ant, as you suggest has a life to live and things to do with that time. A bee, bird, cat or dog is no different. Then neither is a rock. We see the rock as being inanimate, but in reality; is it? Perhaps one day we may be part of a rock, a grain of sand, or that single drop of rain that Johnny Cash so eloquently spelled out? Eternity, regardless of how you think and feel about it, is a "deep well" subject.
  17. Very few people have death wishes. Tragedy as such can only be calculated in your own imagination and ability to feel the emotional anger of such a particular situation. Had this guy and/or a couple of his buddies been accidentaly sucked into this oversized carp, catfish, I would have only thought, "WOW, WHAT A BUNCH OF IDIOTs". And that critter isn't even packin'. http://news.yahoo.com/photos/whale-shark-swim-1311371866-slideshow/#crsl=
  18. If you are referring to this link, I understand. A madman in any country is capable 9f pulling off such a disasteroue scheme. Just what can be done to prevent it? Nothing as long as we have people who disagree vehemently with civil cause and seem to condone such action. Then it will always be a burden of civilized humanity. http://news.yahoo.com/witnesses-describe-scene-terror-norway-camp-010853069.html By the way, where is this guy when we need him most? But then, eighty more 15 or 16 year old dead kids shouldn't really matter one way or another; or should it?
  19. Olvin, no offense meant; but what is a "graviton particle"? As of this very moment we can do little other than speculate and theorize gravity itself.
  20. I guess we all have thoughts of the "Here After", and Eternity. This little ballad best sums it up for me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EsUM7V6Ku_8&feature=related
  21. Why the hell would anyone want to sleep even a dozen hours in one day? Don't get me wrong. I may even come to such a conclusion in a few years, but right now that isn't the issue. Eternity effects everyone, young, old, and in between. That is the discussion I would like to maintain. To believe there is more to this existance than many of us want to admit is nothing new. Everyone wants to put a new twist on the idea, regardless if it's theological or not.
  22. Man, that's deep conjecture at the least. Perhaps 65 or 70 years ago my brother (5) years older, related to me that: "we are a figment of our own imagination". Where he hell he ever heard such philosophy, I haven't a clue since he never went beyond the sixth grade. Too busy playing cards, shooting pool and dice. Even today I have no idea who originated the comment. Can you help?
  23. Yes, collateral damage to civilians i.e. the result of attacking enemy positions, has never been a rule of engagement for either the United States or its allies, other than twice in 1945. Hiroshima and Nagasaki. How fortunate for the world that super arsenals are still controlled by somewhat, "sane" super powers.
  24. No! The question of eternity is not one that can be answered; easily or otherwise. If we can rationalize the earliest life forms on this planet, even they must have had an idea of being alive. And who knows of the creatures out in the universe at present, ones we will never see, or know anything about. Do they wonder about things as we do. If so, I wonder if they view eternity with the multitude of concepts as we have?
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