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Everything posted by rigney
Quote by: Swans on Tea: Why the executive but not the legislative branch, then? The president as a single person regardless of left, right or center, other than executive privilege, is entirely dependent on whether congress agrees or disagrees with him on issues. But pork barreling by one party or the other has always been our downfall when it comes to making crooks of politicians. At one time: "We the people, for the people and by the people" was almost a ritual that made sense, but not for the past 80 years. http://constitutionus.com/
I believe "Nuts", or at least the majority of them are quite aware of what they are going to do or have done, and most, very cunningly so. Our problem is, in this country no one wants to be the bad guy when it comes to dealing out the punishment. We are at best a bleeding heart society. The incarcerated criminal element here is cared for far better than the poor mentally incompetent, or indigent, sleeping in a cardboard box. Three hundred million guns doesn't make a single criminal, but knowing how to manipulate the law, does. Some interesting statistics below. http://www.guardian.co.uk/news/datablog/2012/jul/22/gun-homicides-ownership-world-list
Yes, registration is gun control and restraint to some extent, but is this actually what we need or are looking for? How much more could be done if the perp knew "his life" would be forefeit without question for committing such a deed? Oh, I'm sure It won't work in every case, but most nuts are aware of what they are going to do, or have done. Then make it known they will be buried in a "potters field without grace, benediction" or family presence when their dead ASS is put in a sack and tossed in a hole. Perhaps using this action as a deterrent may not totally stop this ugly thing, but nuts professing a religious belief of some sort may be deterred a bit.
What makes even the inclination of that "assured destruction" statement sound strange to me is: I've owned one or more hand guns or rifles my entire life and never once felt the necessity to use one of them on a person and pray the situation never arises that I do. Even after 12 years of becoming somewhat proficient in martial arts, I don't lurk in dark alleys hoping to try it out. And guns, they will be sold so long as there is a call, not necessarily a need for them.
Yes, availability with standards to be met by each student, not just a number; or to simply take up space in a classroom. Healthcare is going to be a big problem for years, regardless.
No! None of this has to be solved at the constitutional level. Electing our president and his VP should definitly be a one person one vote policy. In essence, electorial colleges be damned! Those running for Senate or House should run as non-partisan in the same fashion and not be indebted to any political party. At best, politics and politicians suck, and all for the wrong reasons.
Since transparancy is partisan politics in disguise, it will always hold sway over how our government operates no matter who runs the show. Each state, regardless of population, should have equal representation, eight in the house of delegates and two in the senate. As such, those in Deleware, Rhode Island, California or New York would have equal balance. So, ultimately the big pigs or those who squeal the loudest won't always get the top slop portions. And since states are fixes as to size, this would stop gerrymandering for any party trying to pick up votes. Other than that, leave our constitution alone. It has for the most part never hurt anyone, and only those disrespecting its goodness will always try taking advantage of it. A perfect example. http://nationalatlas.gov/mld/cgd109p.html
I would like to start a new topic about guns, but this seems as good a place as any to keep on keeping on. Having gone over the gun posts several times, I find we all seem to bring many issues into the mix that doesn't quite fit. While the following may be out of context a bit in the discussion of guns alone, it's likely at the core of this huge problem. Written by English author Charles Lutwidge Dodgson, under the pseudonym Lewis CarrollI in 1865, it's a marvel of openness, understanding and good reasoning why a psychopath could be out there in the first place, with remedies likely no worse than what we are using today? The beginning is especially interesting. ‘Who are you?’ said the caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation. Alice replied rather shyly, ‘I …I hardly know sir, just at present, at least I know who I was when I got up this morning but I think I must have changed several times since then.’ ‘What do you mean by that?’ said the caterpillar sternly. ‘Explain yourself!’ ‘I can’t explain myself, I am afraid, sir,’ said Alice, ‘because I’m not myself, you see.’ http://www.cdhb.govt...ra/whatispy.htm
This is a good example of how a knife can be just as bad in a fight and Croce explains it best.
You are absolutely right Die, and I apologise for my error. So, come on IGGY!, give me an answer.
Quote #416 Mondays Assignment: Die. Al Gore was never president. You might be thinking of Bush selling us out to Saudi Arabia. He was all about doing that. All I can say Die is : Thank goodness Gore was never president. Imagine the big green footprint he could have made as leader other than this pittance he made by selling his newspaper to Al Jazeera, defraying his overuse of our resources? We know how this slime bag Gore works, so would you elaborate on Bush's selling us out to the Saudis?
I'll have to say on thing in your favor overtone. When making a ka-ka sandwich, you pull out all of the good bread in between and use only the heels. I still don't know which side of the fence you're on????
Not to worry! If "kooks" like Al Gore and his ilk keep selling us out to foreign countries while lining their pockets, we won't have to worry too long about despots taking us over. When the last decent jobs have been deported and shipped overseas, collard greens, biscuits and gravy will only go so far.
Funny John5746, Oh Hell yes! But a takeoff to be associated with Red Neck humor? Hell No! Here are statistics you may look at, while giving you time to get your head out of your crack. And while some of these are a few years old, there are underlying reasons why none of them can be taken as fact. Primarily these are only the licensed gun owners who can in many cases be superimposed as owner, home owner, man, woman etc., diminishinng the number of guns by millions. While these people can be fingered immediately, think of the remaining quarter of a billion or more unregistered guns still out there. http://www.justfacts.com/guncontrol.asp
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Agreed! But many, if not all of us are quick to defend our own rationale rather than weighing in on what others think and say. For instance, gun control will be under attack, one way or another as long as there are two people with differently biased opinions. So, maybe we should take a different approach. What I'me saying is: we spend billions of dollars on cancer research each year in hopes of its eventual eradication. We do the same for Heart problems, Diabedes and many other diseases. Yet, with our mentally handicapped, it's diagnose them as well as possible, give them a tranquilizer or placebo, send them home and hope for the best. With the billions of neurons,(brain cells) functioning in unison daily to keep us on an even keel, wouldn't you think a more agressive search into the field of neurology would be worthwhile? Perhaps even before the next nut case gets around to acting out his schemes, some remedy may be possible.
As iNow suggests, Mr. Harris's link on the issue of gun control or the lack of, is well written and sensible reading. He has researched practically every facet of the issue without tossing his weight around, either pro or con which is commendable. Since the problem is far beyond my capacity to understand, I'll just leave it to the powers that be, with only a minor suggestions.
As kids, my friends and I chased both the fox and raccoon with our dogs, and to us it was a sport. The fox usually went quickly to his den and that was that. The raccoon, generally up a tree. I've probably dispatched a dozen or more raccoons in my youth, but always as a supplement to Mom's delicious dinners. Never ate a fox, so I had no reason for killing one unless it was found in our hen house. Then it was case closed and game over. A good pelt could bring $6 or $7 bucks, But being as to how it was like skinning out a Hill Billy, just wasn't worth the effort.
Quote Tar: The mere suggestion of Obama's that some sort of stricker gun control was in the offing sent hundreds of thousands if not a million or more of our fellow citizens out to the gun store, to get weapons while the getting was good. I can only agree with your assessment Tar. Sadly, I don't find it strange at all that legitimately sane people want the secrecy of owning a fire arm. When overtone used the ruse of only rednecks in "Confederate" mapped regions were buying up guns to protect themselves from radical ethnic groups, I near crapped myself. When rational saneness, madness and brutish meanness are lumped together as a reason for gun control, the mistake is already manifest. Since overtone thought Mo Bandys "Americana" was some sort of subterfuge on my part, thought he might like this one a little better. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z1UyQwtdKE4
Sending this to my closest allies. What a beautiful way of expressing lifes expectations. Belated, but yet again, "HAPPY NEW YEAR" http://biggeekdad.com/2011/01/auld-lang-syne/
Overtone, your last bit of rhetoric is hateful, bigoted, deceitful and mean as hell. Quote: Take another look at the last election map, superimposed on a map of the Confederacy. Then review the sales of guns and ammo in those areas beginning when the nigger put his hand on the Bible and walked into the White House without carrying anything. And put two and two together. It ain't rocket science. Despicable, to say the least Overtone! I've never liked Obama from the get go, not because of his heritage, but his politics. If you are really looking for dragons to slay, make that same distinction of our larger cities,(cities states) if you will, where today people of all ethnicities are thrown together because of their inability to get out of those Calcuttaish stinking hell holes. No, it doesn't take rocket science to understand the perdictiment our nation is in, but it does take a bit more than common sense. If you are a powerful business man, regardless of race, creed or ethnic back ground and living the secure and good life, or a Hollywood Celebrity having armed guards around them for protection, it's easy to say: "Off with their heads, take their guns", normal people don't need them. Pray that the day will come when most people no longer feel the malevolent and unsafe conditions they are living now in the freest nation on earth. But until such a time comes when nuts and gang-banger are controlled, it ain't gonna happen.
Wish I could understand your entire philosophy on the subject a bit more Tar, but I just don't have the gift. While I'm almost sure there are those out there who have good and viable solutions to the problems we face, they are almost afraid to share them because of the ridicule they might suffer if one should fail. They are not Scientists or Philosophers but what one might called "Gentle Giants". Like one old timer once told me: Boy!, Maybe I can't teechya to make "Shine", but I sure as hell can show you how. Perhaps what we need today is a bit more showing rather than a whole lot of fancy teechin'?
Did no one see Moontanman's post #366 about the gun ban and control in England?
Having spent most of my life in the city and on occasion going back to my roots, I still find it difficult trying to understand the difference between rural and city living. While most in the city are just as friendly as those from the sticks, if not more, country people seem a bit more reticent in reaching out too far until they have had a better look at you. Don't know if this has anything to do with our criminal or psychopathic problems, but it's a good place to start looking. Cheers, rigney
Glad you presented this latest link Moon. Since there is no way any of us can justify our innermost feelings or thoughts with words alone, perhaps we should all listen to others who face or have gone through such a dilemma. People aught to view this link for what it's worth, nothing more or less. And yes, it is biased conservatively. But any rational and sane person can see the fallacy of doing nothing when you or your family are at risk. Thanks for sharing.
Your quote is entirely correct. Could I have seen anything in your analysis to disagree with, I would have done so. And yes! Laws are to be enforced. but when they are made to disrupt the masses, they should and must be repealed. Things may not always be to our liking, but as a nation of law and order we should always strive to make it better for those less fortunate than ourselves, but not cave in to mass hysteria..