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Everything posted by rigney

  1. You're kidding and know better than that. Inferior?, of course you're not. I look at myself in the mirror almost daily and marvel. With such shortcomings as mine, "What a Blessing" to be born here in America. Inferior? I could write such a vivid self-portrait.
  2. jackson, I don't know who first dropped the ball and started lacing our landfills with mercury and fluorescent bulbs, but both have been dumped there for years. Most times our knee jerk is only to the opposition to our position on an issue, not the problem itself. We're all guilty of it. Just one of those things.
  3. In all honesty, this was not meant as a politically motivated issue in the least. I actually thought it was quite humorous that a grown man having a duly elected job would be so stupid as to make such a rediculous 5 minute (speech). But then, politicians do it all of the time.! I probably should have said: As a nation of dunces, are we so gullible as to allow this kind of B.S to "continue happening"? You can't blame politicians for such ignorance. Hey!, we hire 'em. It's the type of "chicanery" that has keeps our government up to its ass in problems from both sides for centuries. Fortunately our nation is still big enough and bad enough to keep "furriners" out of our front yard. But some day that may not be the case and fools like this will allow the wolves to devour us.
  4. I'll make it short and sweet since there's little of the issue making "ANY" sense at all. Are we as a nation, so damned obstinate and stupid to let this happen? http://www.lewrockwell.com/blog/lewrw/archives/75548.html
  5. rigney


    Not afraid, just gullible. Hell of it is, today demonizing and dismissal comes from such a circular pattern, it's hard to find the truth.
  6. rigney


    My worst fault is gullibility when not fully aware of a situation. Heck! I'll believe just about anything until I find that it isn't the truth. As I read it from some quarters, Sharai Law is not a problem. Yet, many states have seen fit to pass laws prohibiting it and international law from being used in their court systems. My concern is, why have these states passed such laws? Are many of us missing an undercurrent of meaning, or simply being hornswoggled again?
  7. Ever think of turning that into a movie? Hey! the plot might be a sequel to "Lost in Space".
  8. rigney

    FOX vs Beck

    Jackson, reading and hearing of the Chicago "Black Socks" scandel of 1919, kids like me, thirty years later, believed sports programs had become pristine and beyond reproach. Naive? Oh hell yea! And it took me nearly fifty more years to get my head out of my ass. Today as then, folks who believe sports or politics are a clean and honorable profession, are as ignorant as when we were kids.
  9. rigney

    FOX vs Beck

    Naa!, it will be a mutual thing between them. He's harder than "balls" on an elephant. By the way, who was the guy ("dip") doing the narration? Gotta be someone new on MSNBC? By the way, what happened to Mr. Ed the tough guy? Is he opposing Leno now?
  10. rigney


    I preferred "hot hands". It usually didn't take all day to determine a winner. But this is a simple case of judicial efficency going, "paper, rock and scissors'. It's "wacko". Someone, or ones; will be making a living from this case for years to come. Bet on it!.
  11. rigney


    We can go back to Jamestown, VA. in the 1700s, if that's far enough for you? No wrongs have ever made a single right. We, as Americans have come to assimilate every nationality into our country. Yet, as a nation we are still in a learning process 4 hundred years later. Can I make it any more clear than that? Can I assure you that my philosophy is the only one that is right, or counts? Hell no! But you best not come here 350 years later telling me that yours is the only way? "SHIT". But the whole idea of trying to do so, pisses me off to no end.
  12. rigney


    I hope you're right and the whole thing is a bugaboo. But I believe it is an opportunity to introduce Sharia Law into our system. My hope is that it's "only an issue", a phantom if you will, that will go away quietly and not leave us with a bitter taste. The "IDIOT" (judge) holding these hearings should be debarred. http://www.theblaze.com/stories/did-shariah-law-just-work-its-way-into-a-florida-court/
  13. rigney


    While not many of each, yes, I do know Muslims, Sieks, Eskimos, Hindus and many other etnic and religious groups. And the link you find so controversial may have came from FOX, or MSNBC? I really don't know or care. But as Americans, we do oppose many things in our multi-cultural society. Such as, Religious Holidays. Why!, we have some folks, including the A.C.L.U. who would love nothing more than to see them "ALL GONE". Then, there is; Fetel Murder of the Unborn. You can hardly knock that though since there are so mny illigitimate pregnancies. But then, what's another bastard or two? Some even believe that those committing murder, (Premeditated), in any form should be executed. Of cource there is also, Rape, Beheadings, Stonings and many other sundry items we disagree on, that some nations simply overlook. Sadly it seems nobody in America can be satisfied with the status quo. And yes, America as well as many other nations; should be ashamed of the pollution heaped on this earth. Nature will eventually have her revenge though. You're right, Islam itself isn't on my top ten list and doesn't pose more of a threat to America than any of our religons. But I do oppose its laws trying to be filtered into our judicial system. There are far more attorneys and politicians in America right now than we need.
  14. rigney


    Are you a Muslim? If so, I say that with all due respect. Otherwise, I say it with malice. Using such a narrative as you present, I would consider you an idiot trying to subvert your own homeland. If that's the case, it is disgusting. As Americans, most of us would cansider you a traitor. No malicious intent, that is; unless the shoe fits.
  15. rigney


    I couldn't agree with you more. "Cowards Lurk, Doers Do". Only an end game can determine the winner or loser. Americans have spent 4 hundred years making this country what it is, and don't need a foreign interloper to dominate a populations beliefs.
  16. rigney


    ydops, I simply don't understand how a person with your intellect and who has honorably served his country as you have, can be so benevolent to a system that you obviously know little or nothing about. The internet!. Go there and read just a small portion of what the radicalism of Sharia Law might bring to America, and the fact it is already here. I don't hate Muslims!. But if another religon, including Atheism tried to dominate our free system of faiths, believe me; I would be just as pissed.
  17. rigney


    The same question I asked Lemur, where did I use the word terrorist or terrorism? Many of you seem to read too much into a statement. Now that you have mentioned all of the Civil Wars that are going on or have gone on, we once had one here in America. Not to perpetuate a solitary religion, but to save a nation with multiple beliefs. Was it wrong to do so? Only time will tell! Local propoganda? Are you living under a rock or mushroom?.I note that you read little into a quotation other than that which you wish to extract for your own visceral thought. Let me reiterate, "I do not hate Muslims, Jews or any denomination of Gentile, etc". Most are honest, law abiding citizens who many times profess no religon at all when asked. Which ever, "That is their own business". Just don't try shoving any religon down my throat. Is that plain enough?
  18. rigney


    Tell me something Lemur, where did I use either word, "Terrorist or Terrorism"? To me there is little or no difference between being a Muslim, Hindu, Baptist, Methodist, Catholic or any number of faiths. Just don't try converting an entire nation to one way of thinking. Most folks here in the States enjoy the freedoms of politics and religon. I doubt if any of them would care for the "change".
  19. rigney


    Some months back on this forum I was accused of being an Islamophobic. While I am not one, the following link and the continuing escalation of wars between Muslims in the middle east is evidence that Americans should be more cautious and concerned than they seem to be. Choose any religion you wish, but only the religion, not its mandates. "This is America" and laws enacted by a duly elected congress are all that is needed to protect each of us, and our liberties. http://www.youtube.com/embed/A3YQANdvvbY
  20. Since I've never read this particular paper, like so many others that I haven't; it's amusing to find such similarities in the untrained mind, especially one such as mine. Being a Wshy Washy "Agnostic", it's difficult not to believe in a God to some degree. On the other hand, as a "Pragmatist" which I also am, it's hard to believe that a benevelent God would allow this beautiful universe to lay fallow these billions of years only to give humans dominion over it these past few thousand, possibly up to a million years or so. Since I vacillate constantly, it's hard trying to determine who is right, or who isn't. Is our universe the offspring of some multi-verse system or did a God make it? I don't know as surely as no one else does? But since Science has formulated just about every "yard of distance and second of time" back to the beginning of everything, I can't disagree with sience anymore than I can agree with religion. Wishy Washy me. I hope they can both be right. My thoughts are that the universe is cyclic and perpetual. Perhaps it goes from being a primal soup, to matter, then gradually deteriorates over time into anti-matter and returs to the core of creation as anti-energy. Hey! it's only a thought that science has given me.
  21. No impact Jackson! Just hoping someone has gleaned an idea or two from my ramblings and shortcomings. Hey; that's what it's all about. I have enjoyed the 'almost' year I've spent on the forum. Most of these guys are sharper than a tack with two points. Just hope my participation hasn't been to rude and unnecessary. And may I say, Thanks much to you. There is much more to (our) universe than any of us can ever imagine at this time???? But it's more than just a dream guy, and perhaps reasoning beyond our grasp to ferrett it all out. But eventually someone will, "get 'er done".
  22. Since the phrase, "Where there is little, little is required", fits me perfectly, the questioneer is useless to me. Until May of last year, my understanding of the universe was somewhere between zero and nil. Today, the 3rd of April 2011, my prospectus is as dim. While some of you are well into the sciences, I'm tossed because of my ignorance. But I read and try to maintain as much information as possible. My posts ares usually in generalaties simply because I usually have no basis for one, other than what I have read. While there are many formus to choose from, I prefer this one because none of you let anyone get away with anything.
  23. While I can't fathom a Big Rip" or "Big Crunch", I do favor a "Big Bang". Your explination is arguably as good as science can produce at this time. My arguement, where did things come from and where do they go "if" there is no place to proceed, or to go back? Perhaps billions of universes similar to ours do exist, but why and how? I hate to think that after 4.5 billion years of evolution to reach this point, humans are merely a progressive figment of their own imagination. (heard that somewhere). Me, I believe dark energy" is the constant transformable link between matter and anti-energy. Is cyclic; and determined as nature decrees. One thought on "Quantum fluctuation". http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quantum_fluctuation
  24. I have to agree with you that, "to me this is the only universe". Not to say there could not be others. But then, who is to really know for sure? Being an optimist, I believe we are not here as a solitary entity??? There may be millions of other suns housing planets like ours throughout the universe, propagating life in this huge vastness. And if not life as we know it exists, perhaps species of creation that we are unable to understand at present. Maybe one day, earth may not seem so isolated.
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