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Everything posted by rigney

  1. Suppose the word "Gravity" is a misnomer for something that actually exists??
  2. I agree, most galaxies move farther apart at an exponential constant, just not exactly sure why, yet? After watched the two videos, there is conjecture. But I thought the presentations were well done and very informative.
  3. I can't really argue the point other than to ask, why are we spinning (the Milky Way), that is, at 600,000 mph and moving toward a super cluster of other galaxies at some unknown speed, if everything is just expanding like the raisin bread? Being gullible, someone will probably prove to me that it is the effects of gravity.
  4. If you are going to believe in the "big bang" then you need to believe in inflation to justify how big the universe is today, it doesn't mean anything is going faster than light, space it's self is expanding faster than light not the matter in it. What difference does it make? If I'm jumping up and down on a hot stove, or if the stove is bouncing up and down to meet my feet, is the distance or speed an more or less? Were you able to connect with the articles I answered SwansonT with? There was more relevance in those articles than I've ever known about the universe in my entire life.
  5. If Palin became president, she would have no more trouble than Obama is having today after snubbing the Repubican party for two years. If she got her "butt" in the ringer like this president has, there would be little choice but to compromise. What was it Dunn said: No man is an island? I suppose that could go for females too.
  6. Well, the lady is on her feet; thanks to some of the staff and a collosus of intervention we can't understand. Don't know what it was, but glad that it happened. The guy, who knows his reasons? Best we just leave it alone, but with condolences to both the families, and those who are gone.
  7. I've spent the past three hours trying to discern the very logic of that statement and I can only say, "WOW". You in particular I refer this to. You may have even had a hand in writing some of this stuff. Regardless, I appreciate the wisdom that I see. Perhaps others haven't seen these clips, but they are nothing less than total knowledge. Me, I simply started too late.
  8. I hope you're right! strings that is. Not trying to be objectionable, but how can planets zip around suns throughout a galaxy, all galaxys evidently, and at different speeds? Earth for instance orbits out sun at approx. 65 thousand mph. And galaxies, like our milky way rotate at half million miles per hour +. Yet galaxies throughout the universe is supposidly homogenously moving away from each at an exponential rate. The raisin bread thing I guess. But why? Why are galaxies moving expansionary away rather than explosively? I would think had there been a big bang, it would have been an explosion? Then, we have the super clusters trying to gobble up everything in sight due to gravitation. Again, why? If galaxies are moving subtly away from each other, how can a thing like super clusters exist? As much as I respect Einsteins genius, to me space/time is only two words separates by a /. I've read and read trying my best to understand it and can't. Perhaps I was just born to be ignorant? Keep up with the input. I may pick up on something eventually.
  9. I see your point, but please don't jostle my illiteracy. I was just trying to make several statements at the same time. What I have written was not to be considered a thesis or theology, merely a statement with questions. If you have been on this forum very long, I'm sure you understand. But for now, save the english 101.
  10. I know! It has been mentioned, theorized, calculated and catalogued into the archives of civilized learning. But how true is it in practicality? The raisin bread theory, that is. Why do scientist insist on telling me there was no center to the universe at its conception. Anyway, in the beginning there was supposedly a Big Bang. Don't quote me verbatim, but in the first few trillionts of a second, the universe was at a temperature of perhaps billions + or - degrees F. and had grown to the size of an orange. In the next few trillionths of that second, it had grown to the size of our solar system, or galaxy, not sure which. During the next five minutes, it had stretched (grown) into light years! Since nothing supposedly can surpass light speed, am I being snookered into believing this theory. And then the statement, "there is no center" to this grand design!, I find the statement disingenuous. Even a loaf or raisin bread has a center. Then to say that galaxies are moving away from one another at some horrendous speed, shakes me. Now, that speed is declared to be faster than that of light Why? Because of using Doppler Shift to determine it? C'mon, we can't see around the next curve let alone make such assertions. If! I say if, there was a Big Bang, it surely must have had some symmetry. A heat like that proposed, must have been irradiated spherically at the onset, come hell or high water. There is much I don't know and even more that I haven't the slightest idea how to approach. but if you can stand my obstinate nature and allow for a little conflict in the difference of reasoning, write something down. Perhaps with a bunch of you in the discussion, I may even learn something.
  11. I thought you were giving this old fart the "rasberries". If not, I apologise. At times, everything seems shallow to me. At others, even when my rambling are totally superfluous, I hang on like a bull dog.
  12. Gosh, I'm sorry to hear that! Yu' gotta be careful uv that delete key.
  13. A gun ban or laws restricting ownship will not cure the world of hate, ignorance or instability. This latest instance of a person doing such an unspeakable act is nothing new. It stands out not so much because six people died, but because this congresswoman was targeted. I know it's sad to look at it that way, but basically that's what it's all about. A husband goes off the deep end and kills his entire family. After a couple of days, it's forgotton other than the local six o'clock news. Eight people are asphyxiated due to a faulty gas furnace. Yes, it will be reported, maybe even nationally for the day, but is quickly a back page item, if at all. An airliner goes down and 200 die in the crash. Unless some dignitary is aboard, you won't know a single name. Sensationalism sells newspapers and air time, not tragedy in itself. Had this fellow purchased a couple cheap knives at the local "doller store" and stabbed two or three folks to death standing near him in the crowd, it would have hardly gotten air time at all other than local news. That it happened at a political rally may have given it a couple days, but the fact is; we are definitly hooked on sensationalism. Other than the injured congresswoman, do any of us remember a single name of the six who died?
  14. "I need, or want a gun"! Such simple words spoken to the right (wrong) person, sane or nutso, and you can have one almost immediately. Size, caliber, make and model, your choosing. Once you've been checked out, the "Price" is negotiable. At least half of you know this is a fact. The rest, only naive. Hand grenades? They could be a problem.
  15. My heritage, a Yadkin lowlander Moontanman. Thanks for the boost. Some folks will never understand. I'm a Yadkin River low lander Moontanman. Wilkes County! Some folks just dont get the message. Moontanman, many of the Cherokee lived along the Yadkin River, Wilkes county to be precise.
  16. Would you answer one simple question? Are you a misinformed, misguided American, or a subservient living among us trying to take America down to a lower level? Which ever, you can be up front with me. And while I may not agree, I can listen to your grief.
  17. Since I can't talk over you, or your rhetorcial philosophy, it's best you and I cease this conversation. I would have loved nothing more than for others to have participated, but sometimes that don't happen. You don't know me at all friend! My compassion is only for that which I can feel and understand as remorseful and/or sadness. You mistook my caring for the poor and hurting as wishy washy or melodramatic, so; your rhetoric falls on deaf ears. I'm a soldier. Nothing more, nothing less. Tread on me, mine or my country; and you do so at your peril. And if not, come prepared, whether from within or without. I am very distrusrting of people who thinks changing America to appease the world is doing so with Americas best interests at heart. Am I sorry for the have-nots? Yes. Do I want to share my last crumb with them? Hell no! I picked a stray cat up 15 years ago, and he's done nothing in the interim other than eat, sleep and shit.
  18. If you've noticed, I more than once go back and edit my material because I'm really not that good at it. My thing to say is, I consider myself among the elite of America. While my income is less than $30,000.00 a year, I feel blessed. I don't envy a Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, George Soros or any of the billionaires, or even millionaires; simply because proportionally, they are few. ""Get back with you in a few"", Gonna play some cards with my middle son. Ok! I'm back, and he whipped me like a rented mule. But to go a step farther, I'm not enamored with this guys philosophy, just looking for opinions. When you see a shanty town along the Orinoco, Tigrus, Yalu, Ohio or Mississippi, etc. your heart hurts. I'm not near smart enough to rationalize why it happens, only that it does. Can we make a difference? Yes!, if someone can lead the way without further conflict and bloodshed. Otherwise its status quo, no matter who you are or where you go.
  19. Tell me lemur, Did I remotely bring any of this into the subject? Quote: "Protecting our superior economy from hordes of barbarians, racism or competitive violence? "My God man"!, there is enough chaos, racism and viloence out there without mass producing it at another level. So, please don't run our country down or tear it apart, making it totally accessible to the world. Other than some Marxist idiology, bring your thoughts to the forefront, just don't fester and stew over them. I stay mad at my government and our system most of the time, but never enought to want it destroyed. A capitalistic and free market society is the only hope we have for a better world.
  20. lemur, It's hard for me to see the wisdom of your economics. If! as you suggest, we simply allow the immigrants to come in; you will not only have to feed them, but also to clothe, house, school and medicate them, unless they go home each evening. Where will the jobs and cash flow come from to do all of this? We can't even afford our unemployment situation as it is now. Will we be able to sustain such an influx? Or will the weakest link in this chain finally break? Oh! it will eventually happen. But when that time does come, what will we do then, Pray?
  21. There are things we can agree on. "Rretire to a local pub and wait for darkness". I like that!
  22. Unique construction!? Did you ever think that maybe the "Soprano" groups running N.Y.C.s unions at that time may have left a few bags of cement out of the morter being used when the building was erected? Aah!! Just a thought??
  23. Appreciate your input lemur and hope others will reply also. I understand economics about as much as I do knitting. Would be nice if something could be done, but what? I certainly don't want squatters in my back yard. It just ain't that big.
  24. I have no idea if this guy, Roy Beck; is a real economist or not. I liked his presentation and analysis of world conditions, so I ask; Is he on the level, or just 'eye candy" for us dummies? Some of you take a look. http://numbersusa.org/ Well, you've seen it. What do you think? And do any of you have a soluble solution to this problem?
  25. I'll try being as gentle as I can guy and with no disrespect, (wink) (wink). But if you exemplify what our universities are turning out today as being educated, I suggest your parents save the rest of their money, spend it on top shelf booze, excellent cuisine and vacations. "HELL"! Even the assination plot of President Kennedy made more sense than this. At least it was believable.
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