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Everything posted by rigney

  1. I'm constantly in trouble because of my lack of savvy. Maybe this is a bit that I can stay out of?? Thanks
  2. My thoughts are likely not the answer, but could be a legitimate theory. I believe old men and youngsters who are not gainfully employed, have far too much time on their hands; and tend getting into mischief.
  3. A good example of ancient ingenuity and skill were tools and weaponry created by the Clovis People some 10 to 13 thousand years ago. Today, flint knapping as the Clovis perfected it, is considered an art form. Good thing these guys were Nomads instead of "stay putters". Else, our first sky scrapers may have been erected some 13 thousand year ago. http://www.popularmechanics.com/science/4307990
  4. Thanks for the opening Idaho. I can't go into a thirty minute dissertation on how this universe works. I'm not a scientist or a physicist, so anyone can refute my analysis. I'll only refer to a couple things I believe to be true and hope they make sense. First, time is only relevant to the physical aspects of our universe. Secondly, the continuum it moves out into could care less, and is timeless. Eventually I believe the whole thing will start all over again. Call it a BB or what ever. But no!, it won't be a big crunch or freeze up and fade into infinity; but will result in a lengthy and natural decay as part of the cycle.
  5. To me the only practical way to view the situation is, if someone has this dark side and wants to accomplish such an evil deed; a hundred guns at the ready wil not detract them from trying to do so. I hate comparing this nut to a suicide bomber, but I believe it's basically the same mind set, just different tactics. In this instance as in the Ft. Hood massacre, both guys simply wanted to savor a bit of their handiwork and reign in their fifteen minutes of fame. The bomber, he's happy just getting the job done quickly as possible and moving on to heaven with his virgins. If we're talking siblings, it was actually 50%
  6. Appreciate it, but wouldn't blame you if you didn't! There is enough real stuff out here that is very preplexing. Fantasy and make-believe belong in the theater. This post is sort of like mine on Sasquatch and the Yeti. Such myths are perhaps hundreds or even thousands of years old. But then, that is what myths are, only myths. A fellow once told me, "Boy, believe none of what you hear and only half of what you see. And ninety percent of that, keep under your hat".
  7. Not trying to shoot your theory down John, just trying to see where it fits into the existing scheme of things. As I stated earlier, since Cain and Abel; homicide is as incidental as brushing your teeth. We train ourselves to do something right for weeks, months or even years and then one day we fail to do the very thing we've worked on our entire life. Does it matter? Only if we develope a cavity because of our negligence. In other words, everyone should have a toothbrush, toothpaste and even dental floss. But, will we brush every day? Even a "nut", regardless of intellect; brush their teeth. A sows ear is a sows ear, but never a silk purse.
  8. Not really! But what I see in your reply of: Our analysis shows fatal gun violence is less likely to occur in richer states with more post-industrial knowledge economies, higher levels of college graduates, and tighter gun laws, etc. rigney: Please! What country do you come from? Is that supposed to tell or sell something to a nation that has literally impoverished itself to help sustain a world? Don't be smug in your edification. From where did you get this wisdom, education, and knowledge to denounce anything less than your level of intellect as being subservient? Serfdom went out in the middle ages. It's dangerous to even think of bringing it back.
  9. Sorry Mr S., but sometimes you come off so dichotomous that I don't really know whether to kick or kiss your backside? But regardless of your benevolent stance, "touche". I can accept defeat, but not disgrace.
  10. Basically, what is your unsubstantia(ted) point?
  11. Lemur, since you and Dr. Skeptical have denounced me as being uncooprative and disrespectful, how should I go about kissing your backsides to make you feel better? Are either of you American citizens?!!! If not, then shut it up. If so, then grow a pair and identify yourself as someone with a cause. What we don't need are interlopers from the outside dictating our problems. We have enough as it is. C'mon! Come out and identify your 'sneaky" displeasures. As long as people like me live, people like you will have to eventually bring your problems to the floor. Cowards hide. The brave persevere.
  12. Kudos Guy! Had she been prepared, possibly many of these lives may have been saved. Who knows? Maybe even her mother and father? But! we really can't put a stick pin on this tragedy, or a buoy saying: "Don't go there". That is, unless the entire world acquiesces to a much simpler credo of non violence. Without which, innocent folks get screwed. "But you be packin", you've got a chance.!
  13. Received this from a friend last night. It may even now be on the forum. If so, I apologize. The incident being described was a while back at a gun control hearing. I recall the massacre happening, but not the particulars. I'm sure some historian in this group likely knows the whole nine yards. Anyway, I thought it was very interesting...... When a wolf is lunging at you with bared teeth, dialing 911 isn't going to do you one hell of a lot of good!. In 90% of these vicious attacks you either defend yourself or DIE! In disasters like Katrina, Earth quakes, LA Riots or the Hough Riots in Cleveland, police can be hours if not days away in answering your plea for help. In the case of a madman or criminal coming down on you, it's live or die in the moment. Even a great police dept is at least 3-4 minutes away, on a good day. This lady says it ALL! Including why honest citizens should own guns, even military type weapons. Hey! The baddies are going to have theirs anyway. With this latest murderous attack in Arizona just days old, this message is as important as when the lady first gave her testimony. Even if you have seen this before and disagree entirely, it is definitely worth watching. This is a video I guarantee that you won't forget anytime soon! The lady didn't cry, although she came pretty close to losing it a couple times. But what she did do was give her audience a "reality" and gut check they dearly needed. Texas girl, Judy Dorsett Tyler, described the encroachment on her second amendment rights so graphically, the honorable senator from NY, Chuck Schumer, was getting a little antsy in his chair. The room was quiet throughout her testimony and the gun banners (Senators who want to ban ownership of all guns) was absolutely speechless as this little Texas gal related the horrific tale of a madman murdering several people in a public resturant in broad daylight. Among those dead were her parents. Sadly, she clearly knows what the 2nd amendment is all about. Watch the vido. One way or the other, you will be glad that you did. Have we become so removed from reality as to even think something like this could happen to us? If guns are eventually banned, believe me; the ban will only apply to upstanding citizens. http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4069761537893819675 She sounds like an absolute "nut case", right?
  14. Personally, I love this type of rhetoric, since it makes no sense at all. For instance, if I can pay you a nickel an hour as compared to your couterpart in China making fifty cents an hour, why shold it matter to me? As an entrepreneur, I try maintaining the status quo? A short time ago the shoe was on the other foot. China, for years had been making that nickel an hour. You; on the other hand or someone of your ilk, was making the $.50 cents an hour. Can it be any plainer than that? I don't like calling it a tit for tat, but until the end of time, that's what will be happening constantly. Now, how the hell do you spell, "gentleman industrialist" in modern speak?
  15. That was no offer Lad, but a promise. Glad you and the family are alright. Hope the rest of the area fairs as well. Was looking back at a bit of nostalgia and picked this out of the "Love Bin". It applies to all of the Yanks, Canucks, Brits and Aussies who always seem to be in the reight place at the right time when needed. But this little guy from Belgium says it all. . http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDMzHlkB-Yg
  16. Appreciate your input!. Yep! A guy without speculations had better stay out of the market, or generic decoding for that matter! Who knows where we may have came from?
  17. Might that be considered some sort of "FART" Complexity? I'm sure it must have something to do with politics.
  18. rigney


    My best to you Doc. and I wish you every joy in the world. But tranquillity is a special thing that comes seldom in our lives. If you are lucky enough to have it zip by for only for a fleeting moment, savor it; with your family. You're a lucky man!
  19. Fightin' words? I couldn't agree with you more. When you espouse something that entails nothing more than gibberish; it should be taken off the forum. And after looking at your empty profile, I'm sorry to have made a comment on the subject at all. But, when the 'illegals" get back home, let them do what the hell they feel is to their benefit. Excuse me!
  20. Since I'm not anti-immigrant minded, I believe my honesty will speak for itself. Now!, what I do mind is a bunch of "soft shoe shufflers" insisting we take in "every" straggler that is found out there. Tell me something, were you born in this country? Are you a natural or legitimate citizen? Your folks? Not trying to be nasty, just wondering why you would take such a stand unless you're not a citizen. That I can rationalize. If you are a citizen maintaining this posture, then I'm very disappointed in your lack of intelligence. Friend, there aren't enough chickens in this country to put one in each pot for more than a week. Fantacy is beautiful, reality sucks! If you are not from here, we can allow some of you in. But thieves sneaking into this country are not welcomed by me at all! And dissidents who think they can change the world, are to be pitied.
  21. Tee-he-he-he! I hate executions so I'm not gonna go there. Chances are I may wish to return home one more time if nothing else than to revisit where it all began. And then, only to look around a bit and say Hi! yeau'll. Know what I mean???? Most of these guys pack. Oh Yeah!!
  22. Posted Today, 06:07 AM Quote] Swansont: I think one has to draw a distinction between the rhetoric by the politicians and the pundits, and by the attendees of some rally. The former have a much greater impact from being up on a big stage with a loud megaphone, reaching millions on a regular basis. Can we make the distinction between a "Tea Party" gathering and the "Million Man March", that left Washington, D.C. in shambles? Or "thugs" at a Public Polling Place with truncheons drawn, belaboring eligible citizens wanting to vote? Now, a (former virgin diva) of pop music, "on stage" threatening to kick Sarah Palins A--. And some idiot with a sign saying that former president Bush is the "Only Dope" worth shooting? Now, this latest "Nut" kills half a dozen people because he's pissed off at Mrs Giffords for not inviting him to a luncheon? JESUS H. CHRIST!, Has the Republican Party gone totally mad to assume that the entire debacle isn't their fault?
  23. I was watching the "History Channel" a couple of nights ago. The topic: Sasquatch. To me; this akullduggery is as laughable as little green men. Like little green men, everyone sees them, know that they are there, but never seem to get a good clean (clear) picture of one. Amazing! Same thing happens in the Himalayas. Everyone has seen the Yeti, but no one has even a snapshot of him, and people climb those mountains daily. Again, Amazing! And UFO sightings? They have started cottage industries from the north pole all the way down to the other end. Personally, I can't debunk a one of them, but; are any of you wrapped up in one of these phenomena? If so, I'd like to hear from you. Me, I'm a skeptic in just about everything. So give me your best shot on this. The below link is what I see as a scam. Everyone wants to be honest, but most of us just find it hard to stay away from something when there is money or an idea involved in it to our liking. (especially money). http://www.bfro.net/REF/aboutbfr.asp
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