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Everything posted by rigney

  1. Quote] I can't tell if you're into humility or if you have an inferiority complex. Either way, I'd say lighten up. People feel dumb because they are intelligent enough to see and feel that there is a lot more to things than is assumed in a state of ignorance. I'm into neither Lemur. Merely congenial. Like I said earlier to Jackson, I haven't been in this program long enough to think straight, let alone constructively. I can respect anyones ignorance! But stupidity, it's hard to buy on any level.
  2. The link you gave was very informative. As I stated earlier, I'm not the sharpest nail in the keg. Until last May, my entire skein of understanding the universe was shorter than a sheepshank folded back on itself a half dozen times. Haven't progressed much, but the entire meaning of my questioning on the subject was innocent as hell!, and dead serious. And that was, with gravity being so strong at the earths surface, how do animal and plant matter manage to go against the grain, so to speak? Stand upright, walk, breathe, among many things. On top of that, our brains and eyes are such delicate insturments, yet a marvel at being able to oppose this thing we call gravity. Moontanman posted a fine article earlier this past summer "Abiogenesis". I believe that's right?, and I'm making a bit of progress. Gravity had nothing to do with that subject then, but it does now. There's one thing you have to be very careful of when using a euphemism of any sort though. This post may have suddently turned into a bible study? But as the link was rather vague, I would still like to find some solid answers other than the wouda, coulda and shouldas: or the if, dog, rabbit thing. Well, I had a big part of the clan in yesterday. Nineteen to be exact. (locals) The others in Tenn. Geo. and Va., told them to stay home with gas prices what they are. Happy New Year to you.
  3. If it took a great mind to discern logic, I'd be "out of here" in a heart beat. I hear and see many things too complicated for me to preceive, so I read and read and read. Sometimes it isn't to my benefit and I feel dumber than when I started. Sort of like the link below. After reading it, I knew there must be at least another ten thousand pages I would have to look at and try to soak up, even to have a clue. And no! Paganism isn't my "cuppa tea", although I have succumbed to many of their rituals. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/nova/evolution/how-did-life-begin.html What you have said is not insulting to me at all and I'll not disagree with you in the least. The fact that matter exists is why we are here in the first place and I for one am very thankful. While I will never blaze a trail, I still keep looking for sincere and honest answers to my questions? Nothing more.
  4. Guess I messed up by saying that some folks believe in a higher power. I retract the statement completely. I'm agnostic in the best sense. No, my entire thought was; how can living things exist when there is no need for them to start with? Rocks can lie around for billions of years without changing shape unless an earthquake crushes or a volcanic process converts them into another composition and shape. Some trees can live for thousands of years. Why? As flesh and blood, turtles have an extreme longivity. Many over a hundred years. The same can be said of elephants and some whales. Each defy what is known as gravity. Specifically the elephant. Animals of all description are functional despite the effects of gravity. If gravity can form, suns, planets and galaxies, etc. from cosmic dust by drawing that dust into the confluence at a random center of nothingness to create things, it amazes me when we try applying it to life forms. And the stutter steps? They remind me of homophobia and (Theophobia)(morphism). My question is/was, how do we remain intact, flexible and breathe? Anything from a giant sequoia to a microbe, fits this catagory. It may be a question from someone perhaps not too well wrapped, but it is only a question. And the Merry Christmas thing? I love this pagan holiday best of all. "Merry Christmas"
  5. Question, Why do living organism exist at all? I know my question doesn't impress or make sense to many of you. But why should life exist in any form, if gravity is dominent and demands everything be drawn into an entity? Sorry, I just haven't been able to read anything factual into a theory that gives me a comforting feeling. "Merry Christmas"
  6. Incongruous? I hope not!Your quote: There is really nothing troubling in the fact that a division of the objects of the universe into certain categories by various criteria produces subsets with vastly different numbers of objects in them. What are you trying to say? I asked a simple question about life, nothing more. Yet, you use the word universe as if we know all about that vastness. Just give me a fact, that's all I ask. Merry Christmas.
  7. I don't plan being argumentative on Christmas Eve, the holiday is just too enjoyable for me. No, my question was simply, how can flesh, blood (animal), and fiber (as in) plants and trees exist as they do, when everything else is either solid rock or at least inanimate? A universal understanding, we don't have a clue? We can barely see what's in front of us here on earth. Vague is not what I'm looking for. At times I even envy religious folks for having the faith to believe in a higher power as they do. "Merry Christmas"But someone out there will give me an answer I can relate to. Thanks 33.
  8. So much energy has been expended on explaining space time, gravitational lensing, general and special relativity, entropy, what our universe actually looks like, where it came from, etc? I'm exhausted just trying to understand even a little of it. Some answers are acceptable and some I simply can't grasp no matter how much I read or listen. My question is, with all of the above data mandated as scientific fact or models of probable fact, how do we deal with flesh, blood, tissue and elemental stone; without bringing God into the mix? That is unless one of you can point me in the right direction real quick. Someone out there has an answer!
  9. I'm just thankful that our hogs must have been pretty clean. As a kid of the forties and living out of the way, I sampled what would have probably amounted to a good sized "shoat" over that time period. When Dad made sausage each fall, I was the guinea pig and probably sampled enough raw pork to kill an army had it been bad. "I loved it"! Pop and his buddies would grind the pork, put in the salt, sage, sugar, etc. Me, I would taste test it. Raw sausage to me was like candy. Pop and his buddies also did the taste test, but nothing like I would have done had they let me. Salt and sugar was rubbed into the hams, shoulders and side meat, then hung in the smoke house to cure. Made even the worst winter worth living.
  10. Incendia Atom Isn't mass the amount of stuff that thing is made of? Space-time is the dimensions our universe exists in. (X, Y, Z and time.) Gravity is a force that things with mass 'create'. Gravity pulls things towards it's source. It is theorised that it is caused by a curvature of space-time. In conclusion, I think we do know what those 3 things are...though we might be wrong. No Lad! "Mass" only implies what we see. Density is what stuff is really made of. Your statement: Space-time is the dimensions our universe exists in. (X, Y, Z and time.) is about as stale a day old can of opened beer. Your statement: [Quote] Gravity is a force that things with mass 'create'. Gravity pulls things towards it's source. It is theorised that it is caused by a curvature of space-time. And "Theorized?" What in heck is the validity of "THEORIZED?"? 90 % of our sciences are THEORIZED. 10% actuall brings you healing medicines and hopeful cures for other illnesses. The understandable physics of our past twenty generations studying the universe has created nothing more than conjecture. Get a leg up kid and study medicine. Either that, or find us an express trip to Andromeda. And using "MASS" as you did? I would not embarass your parents.
  11. Take a listen! Allen West is is a US ARMY, Lt. Colonel: retired. He delivered a message which I thought was quite interesting. A Floridiana, the Colonel was elected to the US Congress in Nov. 2010. Regardless of your political beliefs or views, give me your opinion on his statements! Below are a couple interviews focusing on the man. http://newzeal.blogspot.com/2010/11/allen-west-on-how-to-defeat-radical.html
  12. Nope, Just a quasi overlap.
  13. You're right Mike, the universe is exciting, and it's our curiosity in those unknowns that keep humans advancing. And I really don't mind someone poking a little fun on occasion, since I'm not the sharpest tack in the keg. But if we had all of the answers life would be pretty dull.
  14. Since I'm not an advocate of "Gravity" or Time", I like your use of "cause and effect" because they are my precise thoughts. If I may; let me put it this way. Vectorially the universe remains at a constant much as it has done since creation, perhaps give or take a yard or two. This constant speed and the "magnetic" attraction of all celestial objects has given us the rotational qualities that galaxies, planatary systems and moons possess and are made of. Explicit? No. just another conjecture. But coincidental speeds and attraction between bodies has to me; made this evolving universe possible. Humans have seen such a small part of this evolution, their thought process is, our answers are beyond a doubt mathematically and scientifically, so why change them? This may be. But then, the future is now.
  15. Regrettably, been there and done that on more than one occasion. Vets, Friends and even casual acquaintences. I'm sure my own phalanx of spiritual diversity will be analyzed at some future date?
  16. While I can't argue "apples and oranges" with most of you, I can read, listen, think and be argumentative. Don't believe that will change many opinions, but it's eye opening to me. Like the link below that I probably would have never seen, had not someone on this forum always been pushing the envelope. Likely I would have jumped ship back in June. But there is tons of information and so many things to learn. I Just never bothered looking at it that way before. For many of you, my arguments may seem mundane, passe and even weightless, but they are eye opening to me!, and I appreciate your input. I'm looking at Hawking's time travel? At best, how or why should something as such be possible? And "Worm Holes"? Can anyone give me a real meaning of understanding to such a caption? C'mon! We have hard enough trouble traveling to the moon. Phrases like the following bother me.
  17. Not trying to be argumentative, but could you say that walking at a fast pace across an empty swimming pool as compared to swimming across one full of water would be considered some sort of: "time dilation"? Might be, I just don't know. Just picked this off the internet and thought it was interesting. But, since the mystique of it is far above my head, perhaps one of you might want to look it over. That is, unless you've already seen or read the circumstances. http://www.xs4all.nl/~johanw/PhysFAQ/ParticleAndNuclear/HalfLife/halfLife.html
  18. No problem. I tried answering Michel123456 this way. To me, time is really only a metaphor of "cause and effect". I can understand that as a positive, since everything in the unuverse seems to function under that set of rules, other than SOL. And I'm not even so sure about that if you take into consideration what is called gravitational flexing? And since light is a physical thing, it must have its limitations like anything else. Although "Time and Thought" aren't physical as I see them, both are functions of our mind, and seem constantly different even if we are thinking about the same thing over and over again. I suppose thinking might be considered mechanical since we use our brain to get it done. It's a deep subject and I try to read anything I can find on it, and am not knowledgeable on it in any sense. Like I say, to me it's cause and effect. Two atoms, two isotopes or ions may decay at the same rate but not at the same "time".
  19. Loved your fast moving commentary. "WOW", Fantastic! to say the least. Are you perhaps studying something new at the Bellevue Hospital Center in NYC?
  20. I believe the statement: It is impossible for an act of Fundamentalism to be made that someone won't mistake for a parody, says it all. Your statement: You don't think anything said in a calm tone by a bureaucrat or non-radical politician can be used to motivate violence? You may be surprised to learn that the most intense violence is reactionary. In other words, it's not radicals but those that react to them that cause the most violence. Radicalism in and of itself actually dissipates the desire for violence by promoting democratic dialogue. People attack when they feel no other way to express their politics. Radicals express relatively uncharted terrain and thus provide channels to dissipate violent force into democratic dialogue. You seem young, rational and for the most part, somewhere in the middle to possible left of things. Afraid I can't convey my total tolerance to such a melonchaly platitude. Thank God you're are not in Hitlers Third Reich, Stalin's Putsch, Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge Reign, the Vietnam thing and so far, safe from N. Korea "AGAIN", China, etc. I'm too old to really worry, I just hope you are young enough and smart enough to care.
  21. Civilizations? My God!, I hope we have already far understimated what the universe offers. With the billions of galaxies, and perhaps the potentiality of trillians of livable planets in solar systems we will never know anything about??!! Please! don't be overly pessimistic.
  22. Because of a couple derogatory expletives in this little video, a word of caution: It's cool, but you may need to put your fingers in your ears or turn your sound off!. You don't step on Supermans Cape, and you don't fool around with "Grand-Pa's lie". http://www.thevog.net/forum/off-topic-60/ot-what-not-to-do-on-a-golf-carts/
  23. A friend of mine from Sweden entered into an impromptu tryst with a young lady living about a mile below him on the next farm. Startled by some hunters walking toward them, they both jumped up and ran their seperate ways. Next day my friend decided the least he could do would be to introduce himself. He meets her by the fence again and proceeds with a bashful salutation by saying. HI there, I'm "Thor"! Smiling demurely... she replies, "Your'e thore"!, I'm soo sthore I can hardly pi-s. Well, you get the idea. Actually, she lisps! A cousin, twice remove on my Dads side. Possibly French extraction?
  24. No comparison! A papier mache of a baby lying in a crib with straw men standing around accompanied by some farm animals as compared to a couple straights or gays getting it on in real animation? Uh-Uh, No way. I'll take the video. Preferably, I like the chubby ones.
  25. I understand your jump at credulity, just couldn't get that much out of it myself other than the bigotry. Evidently though, the guy is pissed off about his plight in life as compared to some of the worthless leeches he's associated with. But then, all of these religious folks have an ax to grind.
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