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Everything posted by rigney

  1. Most religious formats leave me cold. To make claims that one of our most famous astronauts, Neil Armstrong has converted to Muslim religion because of something he may have said in a speech at Purdue University, is truely sad. I didn't hear a thing. And Steven Hawking? For either of these brain trusts to be used as a crutch by any religious group would be ludicrous. Then, would it really matter if either or both of these gents converted to Muslim or another faith? Hell No! Religion and Science are totally opposite venues. But does such a difference mean there can't be compatibility, compromise? Only in the mind of idiots!
  2. Some guy in Michigan wrote this editorial and I happened to pick it up. What are your thoughts? http://www.examiner.com/christianity-culture-in-fort-worth/what-has-america-become-by-ken-huber-of-tawas-city
  3. If a universal GOD exists, of which I'm beginning to believe does; I want to thank him for my focal ignorance. I have just spent the better part of an hour trying to understand some of the most provocative commentary in memory, thanks to "Voltman". Everyone should have a copy of this and decide their own conclusion. But, if "HE" is there watching, it must be comedic for him to see such schism. Watch each facet of the link! Educational. Thanks again Voltman, I would have likely never seen it..
  4. I'm only sticking my two cents in because I have no idea? But does antimatter, anti energy, dark matter etc..,throughout the universe; have an effect on LS? And is the universe such a vacuum?
  5. To show you how smart I am Diva, what is a POE? While I'm not answering for Pioneer, tell me what was his "erroneous conclusion"? Have you ever watched the Ed Show on MSNBC? The guy scares me just as much if not more than Rush Limbough. Rush is a money baron, nothing more. He gets across to us idiots if we listen. Personally, I can't bear to hear him! Mr. Ed, on the other hand has a much more visceral attitude. No! not visceral, it's really more of a knee jerk. He wants to be a Rush. Just listen to the two of them once, then do yourself a favor, and turn them both off.
  6. It's only a matter of time until our galaxy is opened up to legitimate exploration, not just unmanned probes. And since the human brain seems to be locked into an exponential growth much as the runup on an ion engine, it could happen even sooner? That's the beauty of both, the engine and mans brain. Seems the faster they go, the faster they go. Personally, I had almost concluded that practically everything worth inventing, had been invented. Wrong, totally wrong!! The good stuff keeps coming in almost on a daily basis. I think President Truman said it best in his statement. Quote: It's amazing what can be accomplished, if we don't care who gets the credit.
  7. Time is really only a metaphor describing "cause and effect". Using Random wasn't meant as chaotic, but nothing in the universe seems to be a constant other than SOL, and I'm not even sure about that?
  8. Many words interface with what we concieve as time. But other than humans using the term, does time really matter, or even exist? Each of us have used the word for a lifetime and rarely look at it as a conundrum. The snippets below have been around for ages, yet; I wonder how they relate to your ideas of time and can anything new be added? Personally, I'm lost????? Prevalent: Widely or commonly occurring, existing, accepted, or practiced. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Speed_of_light Probable: Likely but uncertain; plausible. http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/time-thermo/ Possible: Capable of happening, existing, or being true without contradicting proven facts, laws, or circumstances. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time Random: Of or relating to an event in which all outcomes are equally likely. http://www.3rd1000.com/nuclear/nuke101d.htm ! Moderator Note Owing to the nature of the question here, it should be noted that answers are going to be, by their very nature, speculative. So rules 1 and 3 of the speculations forum are not going to apply in the way they normally do. However, any in-depth discussion of a response should take place in its own thread
  9. We are only a "blip" in this huge framework of universe. Dinosaurs lived here for millions of years and didn't get a thing done. We've been here only a short time, and I see no reason for man not to have a pretty good go at things. At least we don't eat each other any more. I don't think? There are guys right here on this forum who probably have good ideas of how to enhance and speed up the process. If I knew who they were I'd turn them in! A hundred years? C'mon! I hope you're right, but that is really speeding things up. Nice to be around about five hundred years from now though to check things out. Heck of it is, those with knowledge are going to keep on pushing the edge. The rest of us are just going to sit back, count our coin, check the pantry and wait for the other guy to get it done. Hope the next hundred years prove me wrong.
  10. Moontanman brought the slow boat thing to my attention some time ago. How can you disagree with such straight forward philosophy? I only wish that I could, but I like to argue. If life survives, or has survived long enough in any aspect of our universe for the distribution of the human genome to be prevalant anywhere other than earth, would that not be amazing?
  11. Odd, unsettling; perhaps both. But an anomaly, no! The moon has hung out there almost as long as the earth has been around. And we as humans have learned the basics of walking upright without help. But will we be here long enough to to figure out just what is going on? I sure hope so. But a good sized asteroid or a wild comet could give a civilization down the road some (? millions) of years in the future, good reason to look back, not at dinosaur bones; but buried sky scrapers and what we thank of today as modern technology.
  12. Your words Cypress: In the US, lack of a social security card is indication of lack of citizenship or work permit and is another form of discriminating between those with privileges and those without. Not trying to be factious or derogatory guy, only questioning. But why would you consider the lack of a SSC or work permit to be indicative of discrimination? Do you live in the United States? And if so; are you familiar with our laws and customs? Man, we don't even allow beavers to dam up streams and rivers because of their destructive process. Your idea seems to be, if a person is here; regardless of how or why, they should be an equal! Could you give me a (short} dissertation as to why the rules should be bent or changed to accommodate some, and not for the majority? A legal immigrant in this country will have a SSC. You can bet on it!
  13. Shortly after coming on the forum, I got my butt in a sling for using "Instantaneous Transcendental Teleportation". Don't know where I first heard the phrase, but that would be the way to go. From here to the other side of the universe in less than a heart beat. As weird as it sounds, we have just peeled the cover from space exploration. Who knows what's in store for the future?
  14. Absolutely! Couldn't agree with you more. I didn't think the post was offensive. A bit ambiguous perhaps, but nothing owing you a personal apology. If I hurt your feeling, let's talk about it privately.
  15. Only my curiousity led me to ask the question. I'm left handed and never saw it as a handicap other than smudging my penmanship. Now the keyboard has pretty much corrected that. Has there ever been any deep research as to the why or how it happens? I do several things with either hand, yet; not equally as well with both. I always batted a ball right handed, golfed righty, bowled lefty, shoot a pistol righty and a rifle left handed. Weird? Maybe. You can't call that being ambidextrous, because I can't do things equally with both hands. My left has always seemed dominent and was just wondering if any of you have the same characteristics? Had a friend in school who was totally right sided except for kicking a football. Strange?
  16. I'm totally lost JohnB. I was doing ok until you spoke of traveling the length of a light year in one day. Would that not be more than ultra hyper fast? If light from Alpa Cantauri under normal conditions takes 4.+ light years to reach us, wouldn't what you suggest be just 4 days short of: Instantaneous Telportation?(
  17. A majority of people throughout the world are "right handed". Statistically, less than 15% of us are "left handed". Is there a scientific reasoning as to why?
  18. It would only be a joke if science hadn't benefitted mankind in so many ways, which they have. I'm sure you have seen pictures of what the ISS looks like. What's very interesting is the concept of what to do with it once it becomes passe to science. Some pretty good ideas in the article below, but I don't know how well they stand up to scruiny. Lots of money sitting out there going nowhere fast (17,000 mph). Maybe someone can give NASA a hand in what to do with the thing once they are through with it? What a shame it would be to gaze up some day and see billions of dollars flashing across the sky in a final orbit. http://www.universetoday.com/15561/the-space-station-as-an-interplanetary-transport-vehicle/
  19. Actually, in this case it's considered a boiler! I did work a couple months at Ohio Southern Chemical Co., in Barberton, Ohio; many years ago. To this day I have no idea why I was there, or even the product they were making, other than steam? The old boy showing me the ropes on my first day, took me up about five levels, picked up what I thought to be pieces of an orange crate, handed me one and we began walking the length of what was five huge boilers. But before we started, he said to me: hold that piece of wood out in front of you boy and wave it up and down. He then explained to me that the steam could cut you in half. Hell! The rest of my time there I spent digging ditchs. Validity? I really don't know how true his words were, but I didn't climb around on those boilers any more. Jobs were plentiful back in nineteen fifty two. I just went out and got another one. Below are a couple charts describing temps and steam pressures. http://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/safety-valves-high-pressure-steam-d_833.html
  20. True. All you can ever hope for is the ultimate in efficency of a system. And you can never get more out of it; than what is put into it.
  21. Don't sell yourself short lad. If you are into engineering in any way, take a few classes in PSO mechanics. Power Steam Operations. They are nothing new since Fulton instituted the idea in his first steam boat, and it likely goes back much farther than that, but who's counting. Like ydoaPs says, there are many things to consider in putting your ideas on the plus side of the ledger. Your thoughts aren't novel, but they do need refinement. Remember, even the Wright brothers were thought to be nuts. Don't ever give up on your ideas. Who knows? By the way, Dr. W. Deming once referred to the Japanese work ethic as an apian hotel, sort of along your line of thought. Getting the cultures together. This guy knew what it was all about. Not steam necessarily, but "efficency", efficency and efficency.
  22. Thanks for the http: tip. Now I'll know what stations not to dial into! I'm not a radical 33. but simply like to think along coservative lines, that's all. Personally, I'm a "Middle of the roader". I've been on either side of the tracks so many times it's getting just a bit blurred and scary trying to make the jump again. Bones are getting a bit brittle and I dont want to break something. You know what I mean? I only wish a majority of younger folks could visualize a full lifetime of what they are about to committ themselves to before it becomes a reality. But when the big day finally arrives, it's too late to do anything about it, it's done and you're "shit out of luck". The Sharptons and Limbaugh's don't bother me so much, but the heretical leanings these younger listeners take, scares the hell out of me. Thank God I lack formal training. intellect if you will?. If I were even a tiny bit bourgeoisie, I'd more than likely be a basket case by now.
  23. Someone said earlier that nothing can be created nor destroyed. To me, the statement is absolute. Time is only relevant to us humans. Change is natures way (the universe), of keeping track of how things are getting done. All else is totally irrelevant to these continual happenings.
  24. I wish! 78 is a milestone to somewhere, just don't know where? But thanks. Personally I don't like Limbaugh myself, but many of my friends do. Trying to take him off the air is "Bull Shit!" If Al Sharpton had a day long program, even as much as I detest him, I wouldn't want him removed either. Damn!, that's what diversity is all about. A one sided coin is as fake as a gal using Kleenex to stuff a bra, even though that's a good reason. Know what I mean? It will be a sad day in the history of this great country if we allow liberal dictates to rule. By the way, I'm not a right wing nut, either!
  25. Yea! I know. MSNBC is a perfect example. If that Mr. Ed show, (The Talking Horse's A--); doesn't get some help soon, they may have to move the whole network to FOX News, but without him! What a jerk. Dumb! just plain dumb. Hey!, when a person gets bald, fat, old, ugly and "forgetful", there are gonna make mistakes. Please, just don't use the big stick on me when I do. As it is, I feel total reproach for my ignorance.
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