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Everything posted by rigney

  1. Got a little carried away, didn't I? But as much as I dislike Rush (Limbo?), I despise Al Sharpton even more. And irony, Yep! should have made each of them a topics.
  2. If we ever find that light isn't the ultimate in speed, then practically any and everything is possible. Down through the ages some pretty smart civilizations have done incredible feats. Like the pyramids in Egypt, the Yucatan, Peru and the huge monoliths on Easter Island, even our calendars. Some modern medecines have been rediscovered from ancient formulas. But aliens from another solar system paying us a visit? I seriously doubt it. I can't say it isn't possible, but even the thought is too big for me. And Gods, we invent them almost daily. The Halebop fiasco was such a tragedy. Can you imagine supposidly sane, sophisticated and intelligent people carrying out such insanity? Even the thought is scary. While this planet is perhaps 4.5 billion years old, Humans have just arrived. I hope though that even a part of your philosophy is right.
  3. Well then, I suggest you find out who these guys are, then extrapolate. If you still insist my link is loose, then cozy up and kiss it, like you would your "Goose"! Perhaps then, you may find nothing is cut in stone. Even Gods! Who knows for sure? Don't break your meter just because of me 00. Both Sharpton and this nut case are radicals, pure and simple. Unfortunately, we only look for the guy with the explosives, not the perpitrator or the instigator. Best keep that thing cocked! What is fairness? If you are richer than I, more intellectual, smarter, luckier? Should I demand that sharing your bounty will make me a better person? Hell No! Idleness and ignorance are the worlds greatest follies. This civilization seems bent on allowing these things to happen due to liberal indulgence. Eventually it will be that each of us as individuals are responsible for finding ways of sustaining our lives, or perish. There will be no in between.
  4. I surely must have missed something in the commentary below since I just can't seem to understand todays radicalism. Last night I listened as a professed "MAN of GOD", Al Sharpton; demanding that Rush Limbaugh be excommunicated and thrown off the air ways of radio! What in the hell is going on? Have we gone completely bonkers? Who is Al Sharpton to demand anyone be barred, banned and yet, be given air time to espouse such hatred and ignorance? To my way of thinking, the guy is a nut case at best. The Kook depicted below, is just a Kook! The Al Sharptons of this world, and anyone who think as they do; are the ones we really need to be worried about! http://ww2.cox.com/myconnection/cleveland/today/news/national/article.cox?articleId=D9JVT6UO0&moduleType=apNews
  5. Not to my antiquated ways of thinking. I'm just old enough to believe that the speed of light, like us; has limitations. It would be amazing if we could travel to another solar system in our own galaxy during this lifetime. Impossible? I don't know. But, we had best find a more efficient way of doing it.
  6. There is no way to give a cognizant answer to something so misunderstood. Read the following and be careful of what you wish for! http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josef_Mengele
  7. "ipso facto"! The men (scientists) paraphrasing this topic makes even an ignorant ass like me feel pretty good about himself. Don't think I want to buy into it! http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/ancient-aliens-series/
  8. I especially liked your first statement; Good question. The only way I have to answer this without propagating wild conspiracy theories is to just say that it is possible for people to arrive at the conclusion that economic malaise necessarily/naturally leads to violence. Might it be said then, that these idle hands of malaise, could be the "devils work shop"?
  9. I don't think we should get overly excited about any special days except "holidays". People throughout the world have their own special days. Dec. 7, 1941 just happens to be mine.
  10. While the prospects of going to other star systems seem slim at the moment, if SETI ever gets a plausible signal from somewhere out there, it will give us good reason to keep trying.
  11. It was 4 days before my ninth birthday, I was in the 4th grade and that old AM radio of ours didn't get very good reception down in the holler where we lived in Mammoth, W.Va., But between the static and sketchy patches of news we received, Dad told me the Japanese had bombed our Navy at Pearl Harbor, in Hawaii, and war had broken out between our two countries. WAR?!, and I had no idea where Hawaii even was? The day: Sunday, December 7, 1941. After all this time, is it necessary to remember such a day? I think so.
  12. rigney


    Yea!, Me too! But just don't screw around with Christmas. Man I'm glad my parents were ignorant of religion. Heck! I was probably in my thirties 'for I even knew who Jesus was. Hadn't been for that guy "Harry Belafonte" singing about Mary's boy child Jesus Christ being born on christmas Day?, Santa Claus would have probably been my only link to Christmas, which was fine with me. Even bigger than the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy! for that matter. Hey! Don't mess with Santa Claus guys. Be like steppin' on supermans cape. I've known him for 78 years now and he still brings me presents. Just can't figure how he gets down the chimney though?
  13. Don't get me wrong, I'm neither meek, mild nor submissive, just curious about how others deal with science. And no!, the motion of planets, moons, suns and solar systems are no more strange than galactic rotation which I find fascinating. But get yourself a galaxy that doesn't spin and you'll have found an entirely different type of "gravitational" system, if there is such a thing at all. I'm not educated, just curious. There's enough knowledge on the internet about the universe to keep a person busy for a lifetime without ever getting filled up. I try looking at something different every day and hope to retain just a bit of the information. Other than math, I return to reread most of it several times. In six more days, I'll be 78. Now that isn't a record, but it is a pretty darn good average and I deserve a minute or two!! That monopole thing? If it's ever found, the Higgs Boson will have attained the size of a basketball in comparison. "If", (the monopole) is found, words like magnetism, gravity, and special relativity will have to go back to the drawing board. Hey! And if you want to be a theist, atheist or Sshaman, that's your business. Just remember, the sawdust keeps falling even as we discuss these issues.
  14. Radiation sources, I believe you posted them all. Let me bend over to recieve another foot print! But I do like your tenacious posture though.As I stated earlier, only in May of this year 2010 did I start looking at the universe other than in total awe and wonder, which I still do. If I may, let me ask you another question. Why, after 4.5 billion years does our planer still circle the sun without being pulled into it because of "gravity"? 'course that can be said of any body revolving around any other body. How and why does it happen and "seemingly to be" perpetual? And this at phenomenal speeds. I've read 'til I'm green and still haven't found an understandable explanation.
  15. Your statement: As for whether energy released in a quasar explosion or LHC ends up being absorbed by other matter/atoms, the answer is yes unless it somehow manages to proceed indefinitely away from matter. My question then is: "What happens to these particles if they don't get back into some form of matter? What do they become, and where do they go?
  16. If I may, what is your idea on anti energy? Seriously, I ask only because I really don't know myself. Just ideas! With gavity wells I have the same problem since I don't understand them any better than anti energy. Even the word gravity makes me tremble. The "shavings thing" was just a visual to explain something I believe to be happening. For instance, a quasar explodes, we see it, describe it, and explain why it may have happened. But other than that, there is little more that can be assessed. My thoughts are, with all of the anti matter, dark matter and dark energy out there in the universe, why is it there, where did it come from and where is it going? Nothing sits still in space as I know of. Chaos is the word! When the quasar exploded, was the energy of that blast dissipated only to fall back into other energy sources? When the LHC slam atoms together, is all of the particles released, assimilated back into other atoms? I don't know! Get back. I don't mind an honest butt kicking if something can be gained from it.
  17. The wood shavings is the only way I can explain what might happen if matter actually goes through the slow osmosis of being converted into anti energy, "If so", could anti energy be the "monopole" scienctist's have been seeking these many years? If monopoles do exist, they could be the most powerful force in the entire universe. That is to say, anti energy doesn't seem to intermix with other energies. As of right now our knowledge of the issue is very limited and only in theory. Going back to the wood shaving thing, let's say the stick, block or what ever the shavings are falling from, represents the physical universe that we see and the falling shavings, anti energy. The shavings have likely been falling since inception and have done so these many billions of years? As of now the wood (matter) is still visible and the chips (anti enery) that we don't see, keep falling. Where do they go? Is it possible that as they fall, they return to the core of where our universe began? Perhaps another hunderd billion civilizations may come and go before the universe advances to the stage of where nothing can survive and it finally succumbs to entropy? When that happens, everything of matter will be gone, but will start all over again as the next BB. The BB is instantaneous but the end of a process taking perhaps trillions of years to get done. Hey! I'm in no big hurry. Again, these are only my thoughts with absolutely nothing to back them up with. I know the term "space time" was used by Einstein's to describe his theory of special relativity on how light and moving objects interact. Both space and time are relevant to many phenomena, yet totally independant of each other. By the universe being so contaminated, it makes an absolute conclusion almost impossible for me to understand. This is a thing that bothers me about red shift and trying to figure where our own galaxy fits into the scheme of things..
  18. I like songs that say something, not just words. If that's what it was all about, "rap" would do just fine. But here's a guy that says it like it is. You can even disregard the portrait of Bush if you wish, but he was there when everything fell in on us.Quote: All mountains have steep slopes that give us pause to rest and look back and think of the things we may have left behind. It's the only true method of letting each of us see our journey, and balance its worth. This guy expresses it very well!
  19. This is about a 20 min. video, but it lets us know just how little we know of the overall scheme of things. Give it a ride! Much shorter than trying to analyze it year by year. But then, you may have already seen it? Me? I'm about fifty years behind the times. http://www.spacerip.com/2010/10/transcript-of-how-large-is-universe.html
  20. I will probably get into trouble, but I'd like to explain my thoughts through a simple mechanical function. Take a piece of wood and begin stroking it with a rasp. The fillings will begin falling and piling up on the floor. May take you a few hours to get the job done, but eventually there will be nothing left of the wood, other than the dust on the floor. Time will eventually determine the entropy of all matter. Like the dust, matter will still be a part of the universe, but in its alternate state, anti energy. I believe each BB begins with the total accumulation of matter at the core of creation as "anti energy". Don't shoot! I'm just a messenger.
  21. No! I believe what you were saying is truth in any sense and the AMEN was only in agreement. I just don't want to get into a discussion that I can't coherently follow as far as the forum is concerned. I screw up enough as it is. As I say, we've totally moved away from the original topic. Hey! we can discuss what ever you'd like and when ever, let's just keep it out of this post.
  22. Somewhere in the near future, I hope people like you can look back at Mr. Hawking as a brilliant physicist, prognosticator: and say, "WOW, I'm sure glad he was wrong on this one".
  23. "AMEN"
  24. It was more in response to the last line of your statement in # 56. Quote: However, it is this attitude of deferring responsibility to others that culminates in so many social problems. Unfortunately though, we have moved quite a ways from the original post. "A Mission From God"!
  25. Bring me up to speed, which quote?
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