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Everything posted by rigney
Random, there are no mentally stable child molesters who are not deemed significant risks if you set them free. Releasing them back into society would be like setting a rabid fox loose in a hen house. Should they be castrated? No! You may "geld" a stallion that you want to ride, but you don't keep him around if he bucks you off even with his nuts removed. That one you make "dog food" out of. A child molester, you simply bury. A person that kills with reasoning, you may find compassion. But a flagrant murderer? You either bury them, or turn them into dog food.
Cuthber, No one can be both God and Devil at the same time. I thank "Our Creator" that we are not a nation of fools. Rational people, yes! And people who can do what is necessary when our country deems it necessary. Could I push the button or pull a switch to end a human life? I really don't know since I've never been in that position. But the two who raped and murdered this mother, and then burn her two children to death!, I could cut their throats like winnowed hay and never wince, not even once! Yes, you might call my rationale cold, but it is not wussy.
Mr Skeptic, on 10 November 2010 - 11:27 AM, said: All he's asking is how you justify your desire to kill without justifying the murderer's. It's certainly not a loaded question, but perhaps it is one you don't know how to answer? Skeptic was absolutely right, you should never bring a "knife to a gunfight", unless it's hidden in your boot.. I'm not nearly smart enought to go up against our modern day justice system. I was just listening to a TV program moments ago describing a father who was fined a $!,000 and put on 6 months probation for going on a school bus and reading the riot act to some bulling kids who brutalized his "slow" daughter. What if he had went off the deep end for only a moment and shot hell out of the entire bus? Would our judicual system have been more compliant and understanding? And my questions to begin the post were not meant to assume or placate my thoughts, the link would have given you full reign of your own feelings.
Would you favor me by replying to his questions Mr. Septic, since I haven't a clue as how to answer them. I would appreciate any edification, especially at your level of understanding. Thanks. I took this off the internet moments ago trying to get a better idea of what our nation is all about. Should these "murderous young bastards" go on trial and be committed to a minimum stay in an institution that will shortly let them back on the street to prove their point all over again? Is that punishment enough? I would hate to read where a guy with your intellectual attributes was caught in the same predictiment. What should we do about it then? Life to me is a precious thing! An imbicile ot a totally sane critter with a 150 IQ who indiscriminately destroys a humn life has no rights and should not be allowed to live. Check the below out, without gagging. http://ww2.cox.com/myconnection/cleveland/today/news/national/article.cox?articleId=D9JDB2000&moduleType=apNews
You're not looking for answers John. Both of your questions are loaded and dichotomous to the point of filling a book. Perhaps ydoaPs could give you a hand with your problem, since he seems to understand it much more clearly than I. Then look at the information below and tell me, who are you trying to kid? http://gothamist.com/2007/07/30/murdered_mother.php Look at the information below. Perhaps "let he without sin cast the first stone" was prophetic two thousand years ago, but do you think the man who uttered those words would attest that same philosophy today? http://gothamist.com/2007/07/30/murdered_mother.php by: rigney I understand your position on the issue Trip. Sadly, attorneys today have created a trail of meandering BS to simulate a linkage between killing a person, or murdeing the same. The vagueness is hard to distinguish and almost impossible for a prosecuter to walk through. Unfortunately, most is done pro bono, and pertaining only to a particular case. Not free mind you! These guys don't display their talents for a pittance. Next bull out of the chute is an entirely different story with a different spin to it. Our legal system has all but been destroyed. A practice that men like Franklin, Adams, Jefferson, Lincoln and others tried so hard to make a pure science. It's gone!. Killing is a metaphor meant in most instances, as a means of doing justice.Murder on the other hand is either a calculated plan to coldly take someones life, or an impromptu action as the result of a planned crime. This case up in New England shines a very strong light in relating to what is wrong with the system. http://gothamist.com/2007/07/30/murdered_mother.php
How can a person brutally murder another, and then only expect to be locked up in an asylum for the remainder of their life or until they are fit to stand trial? And all at tax payers expense? Me, I believe these individuals should be dispatched as soon as the law permits. The guy in question butchered a female psychitrist because she happened to be in the office he went to rob. A meat cleaver no less, to do the job. What I am saying is; where do we draw the line? If you are unfit to stand trial for such a murder, why should you be fit enough to live at tax payers expense for God knows how long? We shoot horses and sick cattle don't we? http://ww2.cox.com/myconnection/cleveland/today/news/national/article.cox?articleId=D9JCQ69G0&moduleType=apNews
Let's say you visit a specific place. Perhaps a park, picnic area, scenic overlook, etc. After thirty years, your memory of it is as vivid as when you first saw it. A friend is going to visit the same place. You relate nothing more to them other than how beautifulit your memory is of it. They then return to describe in detail, just as you recall it. Honestly, does matter matter?
Whew!, Elections are over and Oklahoma remains safe from Shari'a law for the moment, so I thought I'd send these along to let you know our compass heading, unless we are extremely careful. Good luck and check them out. http://lexingtonlibertarian.blogspot.com/2010/08/is-sharia-law-coming-to-america.html http://www.americanthinker.com/2010/08/sharia_law_in_canada_and_brita.html
A few meaning of speculation:Contemplation or consideration of a subject; meditation. A conclusion, opinion, or theory reached by conjecture. Reasoning based on inconclusive evidence; conjecture or supposition. I wasn't thinking of a sciencific break through, just wondering how it's possible that opposite animal types can be so nice to each other without having ulterior motives, like humans?
Not sure just how much on the up and up it is, but one of my kids emailed this to me: so I went on the internet to check it out. Sure enough, it was there! At least ten different versions. Maybe it's like a Rhino and a King Cobra being best pals, I don't know? Or does someone just make this stuff up? Well, at least the two seem to get along pretty good together and started me wondered if they were coked up or tokin on a bit of weed? Even then, it would have taken quite a while to pull this stunt off. But do things like this actually happen in the wild? I saw some time back where a 30 year chimp had blinded his masters friend and chewed her face off, but nothing like this. Are we missing something here? http://video.aol.co.uk/video-detail/the-orangutan-and-the-hound/1356710375
DaSaint: Finally, the bottom line IMHO, is that Shariah law (I've stuck with this spelling so far, and it is too late to change now) is not coming to America or Britain. It is, and always will be the case, that immigrants in our nation will have to follow our laws. Rigney: Tell me Jimmy, do "Radical Muslims" living in England follow Parliamentary Law now? I didn't think so, no more than here in the states. Shari'a is much like our constitution, but has been amended many times by demagogues known as Imoms. Fortunately like you, we have law makers not "law givers". And these laws must be approved by the populace or they are gone, along with their creators. Muslims are welcome, but conflicting doctrines to our constitution such as Shari'a Law, NO!
While I'm not overly impressed with your description of a "Tempest in a Teapot", I certainly hope you're right Jimmy. But there is one thing you best keep in mind, when the wealthy do not control the wealth, you have anarchy, and nothing more!. Is that what you are looking for? If so, it isn't very Christian of you.
From Jimmy: If Muslims want Shariah, in a Western country, to be applicable to Muslims, let them have it, as long as it does not interfere with the freedom of others. At that point, the Shariah should be limited. Quote by: Rigney. Shariah is not a religion Jimmy, but Muslim "law", and not to be construed in any fashion as being a democratic concept of law. That was the bourbon talking last night Jimmy. And of course you made several good points in trying to free up my ignorance. Blind emotions, never gave them a thought 'til you mentioned themt. But Rage and Hells fire? Screw with America and you may have a plate filled with more than you can eat. If I felt hate or malice of another human being it would be a different matter, but I don't have that insecure feeling. Caution, perhaps. The Muslims in this country are allowed the same religious freedoms as anyone else. But to murder your own female children because they want to move on with their lives and perhaps love and marry someone outside their faith, is rediculous. It would be like me killing one of my daughters for wanting to marry a black, hispanic, or a muslim. Who am I to say no? No dad anywhere in this world should ever have that kind of power. And asking that foot baths be installed in our schools to accommodate muslims, and seperate quarters for their female counterparts, is ludicrous, don't you think? It just can't be allowed to happen here Jimmy. We've just about given up my favorite holiday "Christmas" to appease a few malcontents who don't like it. But, as we do for one, we must do for the whole. And as far as riding into other countries throughout the world as mercenaries to save their oil and gas supplies for the good old US of A.? C'mon! Where the hell was the oil back in 1917 when our troops went to France? Where was the oil we coveted so much when returning to Euorpe in 1942 and stayed thru 1945? We never captured one oil well. Or Japan or the Phillipines or Korea or Vietnam? Where the hell was the oil there? We have never invaded a country without first being asked to do so, either by that particular country's government, or the meek and mild of the surrounding neighborhood, too damn sorry or scared to do their own warring. As far as the middle east? We should have stayed out of that dust bowl completely and allowed the local gentry to burn it and turn it into a full blown blood bath. Israel, I'm sure would have straightened things out post haste. But hey!, the US, being the maudlin "SUPER POWER" of the west, simply can't bear to hear the bleatings for help from some down hearted "quail" without rushing in like a bunch of frikkin idiots, pretending to be Charlemagne on a dashing white stallion. But our military is not made of idiots, as you seem to view them jimmy. Me? You might make an exception of. But in general, our military personnel are very bright lads and lassies with IQs ranging far above mine. And no! To be a patriot you don't have to be of the intelligentsia, but many of them were there when we needed then most, and still abound today. The McCains, McArthurs, Eisenhowers, Pershings, Bush's, Kennedy's, etc. are good examples and will attest thate fact. I was a conscript who grew to love my country even more so by serving in its military. None of my children were forced by either me or our government to serve. I wasn't even consulted by my children as to a, 'should I or shouldn't I'? question. Had they done so, I would have probably advised they to remain civilians, and they knew it. That's why they didn't ask. No, you may think of our military as being in the servitude of a demagog or slick politicians bent on keeping their own kids out of harms way, but you'd be entirely wrong. A few, as in any society will do just that, but the majority are not self serving, but proud. I'd say 'peace back at you", but we both know it can never happen in this life. And that Linkin Park thing? Give your hearing aide a tune up. There's a bit of intel below relating to our oil intake and who supplies it. Check it out. Crude Oil and Total Petroleum Imports Top 15 Countries July 2010 Import Highlights: Released September 29, 2010 Monthly data on the origins of crude oil imports in July 2010 has been released and it shows that five countries exported more than 1.00 million barrels per day to the United States (see table below). The top five exporting countries accounted for 65 percent of United States crude oil imports in July while the top ten sources accounted for approximately 84 percent of all U.S. crude oil imports. The top five sources of US crude oil imports for July were Canada (2.055 million barrels per day), Mexico (1.174 million barrels per day), Nigeria (1.143 million barrels per day), Saudi Arabia (1.033 million barrels per day), and Venezuela (1.016 million barrels per day). The rest of the top ten sources, in order, were Iraq (0.430 million barrels per day), Colombia (0.381 million barrels per day), Angola (0.374 million barrels per day), Russia (0.367 million barrels per day), and Algeria (0.353 million barrels per day). Total crude oil imports averaged 9.890 million barrels per day in July, which is an increase of 0.018 million barrels per day from June 2010. Canada remained the largest exporter of total petroleum in July, exporting 2.534 million barrels per day to the United States, which is a decrease from last month (2.711 thousand barrels per day). The second largest exporter of total petroleum was Mexico with 1.289 million barrels per day. Crude Oil Imports (Top 15 Countries) (Thousand Barrels per Day) Country Jul-10 Jun-10 YTD 2010 Jul-09 YTD 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA 2,055 2,174 1,988 2,129 1,913 MEXICO 1,174 1,066 1,113 985 1,128 NIGERIA 1,143 1,064 1,020 858 674 SAUDI ARABIA 1,033 1,120 1,070 1,026 1,055 VENEZUELA 1,016 850 923 904 994 IRAQ 430 630 494 321 454 COLOMBIA 381 387 329 251 256 ANGOLA 374 425 401 320 503 RUSSIA 367 416 290 292 270 ALGERIA 353 375 323 196 236 BRAZIL 315 307 284 392 344 UNITED KINGDOM 200 117 150 52 115 ECUADOR 200 211 185 193 212 KUWAIT 189 217 201 187 174 AZERBAIJAN 82 90 61 34 58 Total Imports of Petroleum (Top 15 Countries) (Thousand Barrels per Day) Country Jul-10 Jun-10 YTD 2010 Jul-09 YTD 2009 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CANADA 2,534 2,711 2,552 2,664 2,461 MEXICO 1,289 1,208 1,249 1,076 1,238 NIGERIA 1,174 1,108 1,050 879 714 VENEZUELA 1,084 899 1,004 976 1,123 SAUDI ARABIA 1,053 1,125 1,079 1,046 1,087 RUSSIA 719 760 596 758 656 ALGERIA 518 550 495 383 468 IRAQ 430 630 494 321 456 COLOMBIA 404 407 357 289 284 ANGOLA 374 425 410 320 513 UNITED KINGDOM 351 269 293 203 250 BRAZIL 332 308 308 408 363 VIRGIN ISLANDS 239 244 245 273 303 NETHERLANDS 211 87 125 118 142 ECUADOR 205 211 187 198 217 Note: The data in the tables above exclude oil imports into the U.S. territories. PS: So, whom do we attack next? Canada, Mexico, Nigeria, Venezuela or Saudia Arabia? All big oil pushers. But Hey!, they are all easy marks, except the folks up north of us. I'd be a little leary of leaning on Canada too much. Ain't sure about the rest of them, but the folks up there have "Balls"
Jimmy DeSaint: I'm afraid this ex-Army nonsense cuts no ice with me mate. You are a patriot blind to the faults of his nation so that you are counted as a 'useful idiot' by the very rulers you admire so much. Your previous remarks seem to show that you will blindly follow the views of people in power, as long as they are more educated than you are. This is absolute folly and an excellent reason for all young people in America and other countries in the world to become highly educated precisely so that they are not held in the thrall of the highly educated leaders of their countries. In Britain, most of our Members of Parliament are highly intelligent and have gone to the best Universities but I wonder how many of them are self-serving instead of serving the public, with juicy directorships awaiting them as soon as they take the reins of power and also when they retire. Figures from 1993[/b][/b] Sorry about that Jimmy. Me, my three sons and one daughter in law have contributed almost ninety years in the military defending America. It didn't start with us, but goes back to the revolutionary war when we kicked your asses. It's a thing that we here in the states still refer to as patriotism. You have many countrymen there who still think of it as such. Heck!, You could even call me the 'village idiot" if it pleases you. Just don't run that phrase by any of my children. Even the female in the crowd would kick your ass, or make a damn good attempt to do so! There are two Phds and a CPA in the crowd and another Phd on the way in a year or so. Dad really didn't have to be that smart! I simply have intelligent children. HAGO!
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I'm not saying all, but do any of you making these slanderous remarks against our country, "America", actually live in the United States? Or should I be appalled to find out that you do? To even remotely compare our governing system with that of any another nation is abominable at best, if you live here. And you can take that to the bank! We, as a nation have all but become the soft underbelly for a bunch of blase, self-indulging idiots living amongst us in abstract luxury, caring less as to how it gets done? Shame on you! You are worse than the Taliban, Al Queda or any Muslim nation that "may" eventually roust you from your idoitic stupor and bring you to your knees just to slit your throat. I just hope that's not the case, for the sake of the many! It will only mean that a lot of our young people will have to go to war again, to save your "Sorry Asses".
The problem is Captain, you only read and talk what seems to suit your metaphorical innuendo. I've lived a lot of years and thought they were spent protecting such ignorance. Guess I was wrong.
That is exactly why I made the statement. How can people of such brilliance write absolute gibberish and blame it on a madeup divinity. I don't believe Opollo, Zeus, Mercury, Atlas or any of those gods ever wrote a single word, philosophical or otherwise? Yet, Silenus and I share a lot in common. "Roll out the barrel"!14%.
Seems that every time I make a statement, it's diametrically opposed to someone with a liberal concept. If it's true, then I'm glad. To me, left wing liberalism is a means of testing the waters for destruction. That's not to say that a rightist is any more correct in their preachings. Somewhere between the two I hope there is enough calm ans sensibility to maintain our nation. I've been branded a bigot, racist, and atheist among other things. Listen to the positions of some interesting people in these clips. Some of these folks may not have gone to Harvard, Yale or other law schools. But since they seem to be much more intelligent than I, other than the radical bantering I hear from a few, I tend to go along with the majority. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=40un7UKr0ac
Fortunately, in this country there are many religions going on at the time. In Iran and several middle eastern nations "Muslim law is utter and dogmatic". You don't change religion there like hopping from one streetcar to another without being castigated, crippled, or killed. While the Pope, Billy Graham, "Jim Swaggart" and many other religious leaders here share equally in their splinter groups, Share'i law doesn't allow for that in a muslim nation. There, there is but one God, Allah! And one rule: The High Mullah and his hand picked cadre. You're right, we have a few Timothy McVeighs, isolated nuts cases who would murder an abortion specialist, some Black Panther separatists wackos, and a few teaching in our universities today, who were once saboteurs and bombers called, "Weathermen". Yet, I'm glad our government is still ruled secularly in most respects by the people, and nothing dictratorial, as yet.
I hope you are right Mr S. But me, I am very skeptical of situations still going on that debase any gender. Jim Crow laws, be damned. Salem witch hunts, the same. Persecution of homosexuals and gays, no different. The stoning in Iran happened 20 years ago. The lashing and murder of this young woman, only weeks ago. Lynching of blacks, or a horse thief in their eras are equally as despicable. A woman in Iran is right now alive only because world opinion and condemnation halted her being stoned to death. The laws of our country should not be compromised for any single religious belief. Today, this very thing lies at our doorstep, what do we do about it?