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Everything posted by rigney

  1. If I couldn't read the condescending values of your ignorance, or stupidity?; I may even be tempted to agree with you. But since you seem to act as a fool, then be the fool! No one at any intellectual level would want to measure up to your "self gratification". I can see it even though I'm just above a class z smarts. By the way, your costume befits your wholesomeness.
  2. Without vague terminolagy I wouldn't even be able to ask the question. And lockstep? It's anything from the nazi goosestep, to the finest symphony orchestra your ears have ever witnessed. Perhaps I should have said "in unison". Other than a New Star over Bethlehem a couple thousand years ago, an occasional comet and some meteors, each planet and moon in our solar system maintains its status quo, and is pretty much in lockstep by speed and orbit; which don't preceptively change. Why? And please, don't use gravity as a demo, just hearing the word makes me nuts.
  3. I'm sure you meant "Spin orbit resonance". But tell me, what is wrong with saying that our solar system is in "Lock Step" or sync? As I stated, Kepler gave us the formula to calculate every nuance of our planets orbital paths. It holds true for today as it did four hundred years ago. Heck, I'm not trying to pick an arguement with you, since I don't know that much about anything. But am only trying to get a few questions answered without having to answer a bunch of questions myself. You made the statement that in any given orbit the mass will tend to accrete into a planet? That was not one of my questions. But, if that's the case, why is the asteroid belt still a junk yard and the the rings of venus and other planets are still dust? Too many things simply don't make sense to me just to hear a few well documented, but unfounded statements. Is our solar system changing? Absolutely! Knowing our moon is moving away from us is bad enough. The rest of our system is in change also, and has been doing so since it was created.
  4. You answered part of my question, or perhaps shot it down by saying, "They haven't". What is meant by, they haven't? The lock step thing was merely asking how a planatary systen could orbit a sun for billions of years in supposed unison and not have come apart before now? I wasn't talking about eternity.
  5. Kepler gave us formulas for calculating distances and speeds of our solar system. Yet, while each planet is unique in its size, density and orbit, how have they maintained this lock step for billions of years? Maybe someone can help?
  6. A mandate(s), regardless of how severe; can always be overturned. While I am no coward, bullet holes are a lot harder to fix than a broken system. You first give the ballor boxes a chance and go from there. Our constitutional framers were very thoughtful in that respect. Quote: Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments LONG ESTABLISHED should not be changed for "LIGHT AND TRANCIENT CAUSES": Unquote. Violence should be the last resort to any civilized disagreement. But, should it come to where there is no compromise, "It's Katy, bar the door".
  7. Can't fault you on that statement Moontan. Seen to many Swaggarts, Jones's and Bakers come down the pike with their hands out. But, when anyone wants to make that supplication for either you or me, let's both just say no. Few devout persons have ever walked that last mile and not wondered about GOD and the hereafter? But then, there are few atheist who don't also have hope?
  8. I believe your synopsis is absolutely right. An untrained "want to be" swordsman should never cross blades with a tested artisan, but should continue on a path of truth. People look for GOD in many ways, yours truely included. I may have found what I have been looking for. You, on the other hand; may find more in a minute of faith; than I will have found in a lifetime.
  9. After the Bill of Rights was enacted, everything else has been nothing more than redundancy, other than voting rights. "Which sure as hell should be taxed in every town, city and state". A drunken Empeor, drunk on power? AD37-AD68. A serious, but anecdotal mirror image, AD2010-AD:? The blood of traitors? I'm not sure that can be a fulfilling legacy. However, a good "Ass Kicking" from time to time always seems to "nettle" their attention. Just gotta do it right, and keep on "towing the line".
  10. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, "DERIVING THEIR JUST POWERS FROM THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED", — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for "LIGHT AND TRANCIENT CAUSES"; and accordingly all experience hath shewn that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. We have appealed to their native justice and magnanimity, and we have conjured them by the ties of our common kindred to disavow these usurpations, which, would inevitably interrupt our connections and correspondence. They too have been deaf to the voice of justice and of consanguinity. We must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, which denounces our Separation, and hold them, as we hold the rest of mankind, Enemies in War, in Peace Friends. Only excerpts, yet very frightening! While we know the Declaration was drawn in defiance to the supressive rule of King George III, is it not too far removed from the affects of a government circumventing the will of a majority by clandestinely compomising, and/or enacting new laws to placate, light and trancient causes? One way or the other, we should know this next November??
  11. Not nearly so amazing as what it might do for a glib, and carelessly "case hardened" tongue.
  12. I thought my approach to "Anarchism" on a jocular level might have cleared some heads, but evidently it did not. And since I simply haven't the depth of profundity or patience that some of you have, you'd best listen. We have created a multi-headed hydra, if you will, for what government was originally established to do. Yes, our forefathers had the good sense to realize even then that the masses needed to be protected from any kind of tyranny, especially a "Run Rampant" government that we have progressed into today. These past fifty years are the culmination of an abomination that has been festering since the Korean Conflict, ending in 1953. Subtle at first, but exponentially increasing in the sixties, it has now hit a stride, yet to slow down. We have quietly slipped into a "Welfare State" which has become virtually impossible to extricate ourselves from. Myself? I'm part of the problem as a Social Security reciprient! Can I do without it? Hell yes! But then, why? I worked a life time trying to save a few bucks for retirement. Now it appars that government wants every one to share in my damn work. Does this piss me off? Bet on it. I made this comment only days ago: When we finally get the playing field scraped to below basement level, then every derelict and piece of garbage imaginable will want to play our game. Just remember one thing, If you sow the wind, you will reap the whirlwind. We have done just that! And by the way, we no longer have three branches of government, we only have setting hen(s)!! Don't like what's happening, just "BITCH", someone will take care of it, and fix your bo-bo..
  13. Without all of this fumbling around, we can always acquiesce to Anarchy. And if we get some of these guys in there, they'll get 'er done no matter what you want. Maybe that's what we need to straighten out this "kum bay ya" (B.S.) that we've been playing around with for the past fifty years? Well!, who knows?? Heck, we might even reveret back to some sort of a constitutional type government.
  14. rigney

    A Perfect Ten

    Do you believe in GOD? If so, I think this is for you. If not, don't be nasty. http://www.openmyeyeslord.net/UltimateFreedom.htm
  15. Only trying to look at it conjecturally, but isn't atrophy our biggest problem with space flights at this time? And does anyone "actually" know if a human could withstand a speed, such as light, even with a soft take off and landing? The atom slow down thing, that comes when you freeze them, right?
  16. Have to admit Spyman, there are many folks out there with brain power making mine seem less than a drop of water. But, while this hypothetical is what you take seemingly without a philosophical whisper of indifference, is it totally beyond doubt, what you espouce? A lot of people will disagree with you, and may even make their points just as conclusively. But not me, so if you don't jump too hard, I'll listen.
  17. If we can, I'd like to get back to the original question of time dilation. Suppose our ability to travel at C: is finally achieved and we can sling something out into space at that speed, other than photons,(a light beam)? As I'm beginning to understand it, at C; an atom simply stops working, or at best, is barely moving and its kinetic energy goes to maximum. What have we proven, other than that a machine as such might not rust or decay during the trip? But what would happen to humans on board without cryogenics or some sort of suspended animation to protect them as a cyborg? We are not machines, nor inanimate and without such a process, our bodies would be almost instantly dead. Even if it could actually withstand that speed, at C the normal aging process in a human would not stop. Unless we find a method to retard this process, even on a short trip to Alpfa Centauri and back, your space ship might look nine years less older, but not you.
  18. You may ascribe to my ignorance as being humanitarian, but newspapers have become so adulterated with bias, I can barely read one without gagging. I know their reasoning is political, but I sure do miss their "funnies", adds, house sales and crossword puzzles.
  19. Felt your brogue right through the tube Lad. Had a machinist friend some years back who's sister owned a bed and breakfast somewhere on Ness. Never been there 'cept in my dreams, and "Lassie Come Home". Understand your frustration in figuring out for whom to listen, or to cozy up with. If you look close, I singled these two out simply because they were at the end of the rainbow, not somewhere in between. Hope the RBS doesn't run across the same problems, since I'm a wee bit invested.
  20. And a "Happy 4th" to you also, DJ. Would like to add a little something to the mix. Been trying four or five days now hoping someone would give a listen, but times are tough and folks are busy. I believe you'll understand.
  21. Maybe my initial question should have been less laconic and allowed to dribble along for a mile or two. There is definitely enough material out there to fill a dozen books about this "Flop". The graph is well laid out and your narrative may be a prelude to one of those new books, but you read too much into my statement. I merely said that being the "heads" of this octopus is why I sorted them out. The ponzi scheme allowing such a thing to happen didn't start with Fannie and Feddie, but has been going on for years. It has been crossing political lines like a zebras stripes since before the twenty-nine crash. And as you say, someone will trust them again, just not me! When the United States finally relinquishes its total industrial strength to other nations and becomes a service nanny, we can all either sink or swim at the same time. And the Madoffs? What a tragedy; to jail men of such character and distinction. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Gosh, you honestly don't believe I used such reciprocal terminology to upset, disquit, or as a reason for making you feel uncomfort? I certainly hope not. Pardon me.
  22. You're right Insane Guy. The "Grapes of Rath" (Dust Bowl) and Galveston were acts of GOD. Fannie and Freddie were acts of duplicity and greed. 'course we could probably toss Inron and Madoff into the pool too? The problem with our social structure today is, no one need be accountable. Even if you're an illegal alien and in jail, it's a luxury. We may somehow, eventually get out of this cesspool.
  23. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac: Can we ever trust these two big real estate lenders again? I notice where more and more ads coming from these two giants, allude to the fact that everyone made sacrifices in these past several months of hard times. My question is, how can such a pair of fungi who almost, between the two of them; literally destroy this country. And now to crawl indiscrimitatly from under the rock where they have been so sucessfully hiding, to demand that trust again?
  24. I actually thought an inertial, geosynchronous and (geocentric) point were on the same reference line. Well, I may eventually get it right!! Thanks
  25. I know!, it would cost a few bucks extra to get it done, but you'd think they'd put those GSPs units in a (+ or - 0), geosynchronous tiaxial orbit where they wouldn't need the software to compensate for red shift, doppler, columnation, or etc.? And I firmly believed down time to a satellite shouldn't be fooled around with other than getting it started or stopped.
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