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Everything posted by rigney

  1. rigney


    Well!, at what, and what type of monopole are we dealing with, when speculating gravitational forces? Since I don't know, I hope the question is appropriate.
  2. I couldn't have said it better myself. If I was leaning a bit to my left with the comment, it's just that I make a better draw using my right hand. Wasn't trying to inspire or make you uncomfortable at all, just stating what I believe to be fact. Had I aspired to be a preacher or a politician, I'd stay on a stump. And bend your mind? If you let someone do that without absolute conviction and take a chance of going to "blaas" in a hand basket, you're just as bad off as the nut trying to make his case. Naa!, If you feel a need for something different in your life, you'll find it. And if you think I'm trying to use reverse phychology, ?
  3. rigney


    What little I know of quantum physics or mechanics wouldn't fill a gnats ear. But a sub-particle, preferably the quark; I hope can one day be shown as the transitional phase between the world of anti-energy and our world of matter. The word Quauq seemed appropriate. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged That's my problem. I can't imagine a magnetic field unless it is a natural lode stone, having been induced electrically to form a magnet, or generated from an external source to propel something such as a motor/generator. But each of these are bipolar or multipolar conditions. My thought is, if a single ballbearing could be magnetised spherically to retain "either" an attractive or repulsive state on every point of its surface, that to me would be a monopole. I believe this is the natural phenomenon inside each atom from inception.
  4. rigney


    I really thought there was only one answer to monopole. I thought it meant only one pole. If I may ask, what is a gravitational monopole?
  5. rigney


    AJB, both you and Swansont's understanding of the question is far beyond my ability to answer. Math to me is like pouring oil and water together, they just don't mix. But, if I can use a: "What If". What if every particle of matter in the universe is endowed with this innate trait of being monopolar as the result of Quauqism?
  6. Isn't it though? But what is even more amazing is that we have been living through the preamble of scientific convention for the past few thousand years and are just now getting down to the culmination of two basic issues. Where did it all come from and what is it all about? As mentioned in a couple earlier posts, while I'm a bit more agnostic than religious, I tend to see us as an abstraction, rather than just a casual convenience??? Merged post follows: Consecutive posts merged Your'e lucky! As much as I like to drink with my sex, I'm careful; and would have likely flushed ya down the john!
  7. Moontanman made almost the same comment. If there was utter chaos in the beginning, can you relate to me from where it came? If you can, and without equivocation???, I will forsake my creator.
  8. rigney


    Is there, or can there ever be any proof of monopoles? Since we can explain the effects of what we consider gravity to be through very sophisticated formulation; is it possible that monopoles might fit into that same catagory?
  9. Remember the humorous "Where's the beef?" advertising campaign of the 1980s from Wendy's hamburger chain? A cute little old lady, played by 81-year-old Clara Peller, ordered a hamburger at various fast food restaurants. When it was served, she’d lift the bun, wrinkle her nose, and quizzically demand: “Where’s the beef?” Think I'm just gonna go with: "Beef". Aught to cover both sexes without being plural! Male and female I believe are called beeves.
  10. Genecks, finally got back after a time trying to figure out how to give an answer. Likely, I've probably missed your point completely; but I'd like to give it a shot. Having looked in my own mirror thousands of times now, I believe I understand where you are goin with this. Yes, there is more than a reflection staring back. Much more than a couple of eyes, a nose, mouth, and some hair. And why? There is a brain, facial and racial features attached to a body no other living soul can share. You are an individual! You stand alone in your make up regardless of if you are a twin, triplet or conjoined. There is only one other with whom you can share these most inner thoughts. If you fail to make the connection right away, keep trying; because there is a patience beyond anything we can comprehend.
  11. Actually if you look close, it's a triple post. I screwed up. If some one can, please delete all but the latest post. Thanks! Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedWas just watching this episode last night Moon. Even though these people supposidly had boats that could carry a hundred people, there seems to be no evidence of that now. Me, I don't know.
  12. I was watching an interesting documentary on the History Channel last night having to do with the year 2012, and possibly; "The End of Time". Having glanced at several articles over the past few months I saw nothing to peak my interest until hearing and seeing that it might be the end of our world as we know it. Well, you know how that goes?? Seems that some of these Myans, supposedly their astronomers and such, sailed out into the middle of the Pacific Ocean hundreds of years ago and thousands of miles from home just to carve a statue out of a rocky formation on the mountain side of a small island. How they found such an island is just as much a mystery? The statue is about 150 ft. tall, looking like a "man god" with a jaguar crouched behind him. And all of this work just to witness an event to happen at a future date hundreds of years hence; 2012? Well, it did get my attention to realize these people had been doing this data for five, six or seven thousand years, with some of it as exact as what we do today. Tried to read some "google" on it this morning but found it over my head. Anyone liking to reply, please do; since I don't have a clue?
  13. rigney

    I am outraged!

    You're right about one thing StringJunky. When the playing field is finally dug below basement level, even the laziest and craziest will be happy to play the game. 'Course, you don't dare win even then because someone is still gonna get pi--ed off at ya!. By the way, if you really have "that" special rapport to go where brave policemen dare to tread, come up to Cleveland, Ohio and give us a hand. There are a few streets we'd appreciate your help with. Just remember one thing though, a mass majority of the uneducated "are not" idiots, thieves or thugs. But be assured of a simple truth, all thieves, thugs and unsavory crazies are, regardless of intellect; "IDIOTS".
  14. Is it necessary to believe in a Creator other than that which we find in our minds? At night, have you ever stood on a mountain, walked along a river or lain in bed and felt absolute contentment while looking out into a creation no one can explain? Then, have you not wondered? This is GOD in his infinitesimal(ism). Many well intended people will try bending your mind to their way of addressing this supreme power; but you are the only one who can make that decision. GOD is real, it's just a matter of pacifying your mind in dealing with such an enigma.
  15. Into this life we are let, first only asking; then to our fame Oh! so quickly do we leave, taking not; but as we came. (ME)
  16. Hey!!, best I can recall; we had a couple guys come out of Illinois who made the transition from mediocre, to prominance, to president; and no one knew who they were either. Don't remember their names, but some years ago, the first one dreamed up some silly assed expression of, "Four score and seven years ago", etc. etc. etc. Don't know what this new feller has in mind, but I'm sure he'll think of somethin'. Sure hope he has better luck too.
  17. C 'mon you guys, most of this prattle I'm reading here is just that, prattle. If you thnk for a moment this guy is and was the first and only officer to ever be kicked to the curb, read your history!! And if you think this bit of rhetorical grieving, one way or another is going to change things, you're wrong. We have kids over there dying practically every day to keep our asses free over here. Maybe these "hard assed" GIs would have liked to keep McChrystal as their boss, but he can't expect to kick his boss in the nu-s and expect it to work in his favor. As I said before, Mc Arthur was the perfect example.
  18. Pangloss, Personally I'm still having problems with forum procedure, computers and the english language in general. None of the priors puts the best foor forward for this hill billy kid. Rigney
  19. Well Paranoid one, I honestly don't believe it could have been better stated. Our Constitution was created by some the most prolific educators this world will ever know. College grads? I doubt if a single one of them could have stood up to such a background check. But their combined common sense was beyond reproach. Using variables of law, going back to perhaps before Solomon, and with the Magna Carta of England as their primary guide, each signee of our Constitution proposed and proclaimed: Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness to the individual. While this was not a mandate to happen over night, it has over time come to fruition. God help us if we eventually allow it to be destroyed.
  20. You said that Moon, not me. I merely stated there are some folks in this country who would kick our four hundred year history to the curb in a heart beat.
  21. If our country is to continue as America, no one should ever get their drawers in such a knot as to believe for a moment they can supersede the laws of this nation and continue to survive. Sorry McChrystal, but McAruthur was one of the most famous Generals in our history to cross that linel!! Shhhhhhhh! What might the outcome have been had this super general had - had his way, who knows? After brilliant offensives and the capture of Pyonyang in 1951, it appeared the Korean war was finished but the Chinese attacked the UN Forces, crossing the Yalu river with Four infantry armies, three artillery divisions, an anti - aircraft regiment and 260,000 men. The UN forces were forced to retreat and a standoff was achieved at the 38th parallel. The U.S., during a lull in the fighting, announced that negotiations might be possible with both sides separated by the 38th parallel. As usual MacArthur rejected the idea of a negotiated settlement. MacArthur continued to make statements that were contrary to the official position of Washington, and specifically Truman. MacArthur had derailed the U.S. initiative by daring China to continue the war. The Pentagon received his message, which infuriated many high ranking officials. Acheson said that MacArthur had "shot his mouth off" for the last time. The next morning Truman awakened to the news of MacArthur's "sabotage". At that moment he could no longer tolerate the insubordination. Truman had considered firing MacArthur many times previous, but this was the last straw. Actually the order of Dec. 6 which MacArthur had disobeyed was explicit enough to warrant court-martial proceedings. MacArthur's statements were causing consternation in Washington as was his insulting personal letter to Ridgway. His advice letter to the House of Representatives again infuriated everyone. The British Government called the letter the "most dangerous" of an "apparently unending series of indiscretions". They claimed it was another irresponsible statement without the authorization of the U.S. or any U.N. member government. The Foreign Secretary complained that MacArthur wanted a war with China, and his leadership could no longer be tolerated. In reality, MacArthur did want to invade China, but in a dangerous way. He suggested using nuclear weapons against them if he was allowed to invade. On Apr. 6 a meeting was held with Truman to determine how to get rid of MacArthur. Truman insisted "I'm going to fire him right now".
  22. If you mean will I fight against abandonment of our system of government and allow it to give way to mob rule and Anarchy, or crown someone emperor just to please a few malcontents? "Bet on it; I will fight". But I said nothing about having to agree with me on any issue. Just respect the wishes of a "legitimate" majority. But, if we abandon normal principals and Anarchy become rule, then what?
  23. I simply love "Mysticism" because it belongs to no one other than you. Does GOD exist? In my mind, I can't believe there is anything else. And while science and the humanatarism of our medical professions are extensions of GOD's power, I only wish that I might be more humble to a deity that is so profound, yet so disconcerting as to make most of us skeptics. So, blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth?
  24. Appreciate the input Moontan. but would you like this "Knock down drag out, ass kickin" to end"? Naa!, I think not. It's what America is all about. In essence, if you don't like what's going on, give it a couple years and change the system. Four years, change the policy. Not being boastful, but America, with it's good, bad and "blase indefference", is the worlds greatest hope in the coming millennia. Why, because we are such a melting pot of overall humanity; and it's this diversity which welds us together into such a nation. It's sad that some folks living among us are unhappy and would destroy this Utopia just for the sake of trying something entirely different. "Bless their Pea Pickin' Hearts".
  25. While ethnicity sets us apart by choice and in many instances, through demands, one simple philosophy holds true world wide. Years ago a Frenchman; Rene Descartes made the statement: "Cogito ergo sum" I am, therefore I think. It can't get more explicit than that. Yet, even with this endowed trait, timidity and indecision in a defense system can, and will cause the destruction of any nation. Using that last sentance as a scenario; "free will" is not an option unless you want your strawberry sherbet sprikled with opium!! Or looking to get your throat cut! Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedI thought perhaps some fish might have hit that lure before it was in the water. Menza menza.
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