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Everything posted by rigney

  1. I'd really like to answer that question Leader Bee, but unfortunately, I honestly don't believe any of our species will be around to witness such an event. And yes, earth will be gone at some future time, not to be swallowed into the sun, but atomized and vaporizd back into a plazma, as our sun begins a search for its own death!
  2. You may be right Ewmon, but I rather doubt it. At present, other than deep space probes? Our space station for example, unless we give it a kick from time to time, it will fall. Then, look at how much it cost to put it up there. That's what you might call "Perpetual open wallet"
  3. What can we make that will keep operating essentially forever? And why do atoms and their sub-components seem to retain this perpetuity, yet supply the power for everything that exists?
  4. I don't believe our universe will last forever in its present state or any other state for that matter. But since I believe it to be ever evolving, we might call that Perpetual. Other than that, to me perpetual motion is a no no. But what if a man made contraption could be created that might operate for say, a thousand years continuously of its own volition? No wind, no nuke, no water falls or rivers to assist in the process? At least we could call it un-interrupted for that short period of time! I've seen a few experiments done with capacitive inductance that look a bit promising, but nothing that would even power a small motor for any length of time. Yet, at the atomic level and below, this seems to be the norm. Why?
  5. Jackson 33, You may think this was done as a ruse to curry some attention, but I assure you; it wasn't meant that way at all! I watched the video this morning and thought,! Holy Crap is this real?! Other than voting, I'm probably as ignorant about politics as a babe in the woods and probably should never have been so damn naive. But what bothers me most is that many folks my age feel as I do and are looked on by a younger set as a bunch of nuts. Are we? I hope you're right about only needing forty or fifty years to rectify the situation. Likely I'll only have another five or ten to worry about. But I pity those of the next generation who postulate my convictions and will be trying to work through this swirling cesspool we're now in. Thanks
  6. It's strange how many of us find politics distasteful unless they are being discussed at our convenience and meet our convictions. To show you how much of a politician I am, got an email from a friend in Alabama this morning. She is a Bible thumpin', fire and brimstone preaching, Southern Babptist who is screaming about the gulf oil spill. Love her to death, but you get the message? Sent me this video of a guy named Dennis Prager. Have no idea when it was made, but he is a news analyst, writer, speaker; yada yada yada. But his take on todays situation is one I've held for an entire lifetime in dealing with policy. You may or may not agree, but it sure gave me pause to think?? I grew into my teens during WWII and was as patriotic as the next guy. I didn't vote for Ike, and my first vote was cast for J.F.K., but I have been a rightist ever since. My question now is, will America continue to assimilate as a nation, or will we go the way of so many former great powers, to quietly cede that right? So, regardless of your answer; jump in. I'm too old to be anything other than judgmental. Connection: Dennis Prager
  7. rigney

    Red Shift

    Spectral Red Shift Using red shift to extrapolate distances to other galaxies is probably the most accurate method on the books today. But not foolproof by any stretch. Looking along a particular line of radii we will see galaxies that have a red shift according to their distances from us. A galaxy left or right of that line by any margain will have a different wavelength unless it is exactly the same distance away from us as the one we were looking at. Viewing such a small segment of the universe as we do, and trying to make sense of it is mind boggling at best. And since I don't believe in a bent, flat stretched, cubicle or boxed in universe, let me give you my reasons for saying so. For starters, to me; our universe is spherical,! round as a basketball and smooth as a pearl. Quote, unquote Well, maybe I really shouldn't have gone quite that far, but give me a break on the spherical thing anyway, ok? So, we're rocketing out into space at some unknown speed because there are no mile markers, maps, sign posts or a speedometer to keep us informed, and wondering at the same time, where in the world are we are going? Well, let me tell you; I feel a lot safer without a map in this situation, than trying to read through a library full of information that leads me absolutely nowhere. As Carl Sagan once said, settle back and enjoy the ride. At least I think it was something like that. First off, just how large is this universe? If we knew, it would probably blow our minds. But since we don't, what is there to be afraid of? I'd like to think of our universe as a big "spherical" bicycle wheel. You know, with the spokes, rim, tire and all, and an axle hub you had to keep greased so the bearings didn't wear out and freeze up. Well, keep that view in mind for a moment as a flat version of what I believe is a "spherical" universe. Now, take away the tire, rim and uncross the overlapping spokes so they point radially away from the hub to form a purely symmetrical unintersecting gradient in any direction. Let's then say that from tip to tip across the entire diameter of any two spokes and in either direction, the distance is 24inches. Now let's say that 24" represents a whole bunch of light years. How many? Who knows? But for arguments sake let's say, A hundred billion light years, and again; from spoke end to spoke end. For instance, from the exact center; it is fifty billion light years in any direction. Somewhere, presumably in the middle of "one of these spokes" our galaxy is racing outward at some immeasurable speed. To what or to where you might query? And you would be right to ask such a question, since there is no end to these spokes, and simply put, because they are only imaginary lines anyway. Before I get totally carried away from this fantasy world, let's assume that our galaxy is approximately twenty five billion light years from the center of this imaginary spherical wheel we call universe, out to where we are universe has extended to the present moment. According to astronomers we can only see visible light as it looking at perhaps 13 billion years ago, which means that the vast majority of our universe is still unaccounted for. Now imagine our Milky Way as the very center of a globular parallax in the middle of one of these spokes. Yes, we can see in any direction for thirteen billion + light years, but I believe it is only a small portion of the universe we see, as comparable to that which we cannot see.
  8. How can we possibly gaze at something so vast as the universe and think of it as making any sense at all? And since there are no mile markers or sign posts to compare with other galaxies, we are left to our own designs in making up the rules. With that said, let me make mine. Scientist's can analyze and measure the "mean" axial and orbitals speeds of each moon and planet in our solar system and their journey around the sun, down to the nth degree. And also, our solar systems path around the galaxy. Add any of these mean speeds to the galactic revolution of our Milky Way, and we might find that our universe is moving at approximately 666,000 mph., vectorially. The equation may be a simple: A+B+C=D, with D being this vectorial constant. I can't refute any of your analagies simply because I don't have the answers. But in checking out our solar system, it seems rather uniform and follows some basic rules. Like, all of the planets and their moons rotate in a counterclockwise fashion, other than a couple drifters who run contrary to the scheme. Even our sun and galaxy follow this example and rotate likewise. Would it not seem likely that other galaxies would do the same? When "we do" eventually explore other solar systems, I believe they too will be similar in design and calculable in comparison to their rotational speeds and distances from their suns, much as our system does. Quite possibly these rotational speeds of our moons, planets and galaxy are caused by a specific constant, and that being, the vectorial prolongation of our universe! Don't laugh, I have a mean dog and if he had teeth, he'd bite you for doing that!!
  9. Voila! Just happened to realize that my brain power lapses long before my fingers do. got it!!
  10. I suppose if one was to look at either scenario and acquiesce to it as a creed, it might be conceded as an ediface to ignorance. I simply can't go there. I see things that I can touch, feel, visualize and/or calcuilate as real, not the thought processes of others. My own ideas of where, and why we are; may not be in accordance with many good and much more educated folks than myself, but unfortunately I've never been a very good follower. My question was and still is: As we seem to languish in our little corner of the universe, why does the rest of it seem to be running away at light speed? And to where? Bless his little Pea Pickin' Heart, but Dr. Einstein surely did put a burden on the rest of us???
  11. I had arrived that very afternoon at Ft. Bliss in El Paso, Texas. We had went down from Ohio to do some practice firinng at the McGregor missile range in New Mexico. But, when you arrive at Ft. Bliss to witness a railyard bristlig with every type of ordinance imaginable, it gives you pause to reflect, and also a thought of foreboding. The following is just an excerpt. The entirity of what was the"Cuban Missile Crisis" can be picked up in many archieves. Do I blame the Isralis for their actions today?, Hell No! On October 22, 1962, President John F. Kennedy informed the world that the Soviet Union was building secret missile bases in Cuba, a mere 90 miles off the shores of Florida. After weighing such options as an armed invasion of Cuba and air strikes against the missiles, Kennedy decided on a less dangerous response. In addition to demanding that Russian Premier Nikita S. Khrushchev remove all the missile bases and their deadly contents, Kennedy ordered a naval quarantine (blockade) of Cuba in order to prevent Russian ships from bringing additional missiles and construction materials to the island. In response to the American naval blockade, Premier Khrushchev authorized his Soviet field commanders in Cuba to launch their tactical nuclear weapons if invaded by U.S. forces. Deadlocked in this manner, the two leaders of the world's greatest nuclear superpowers stared each other down for seven days - until Khrushchev blinked. On October 28, thinking better of prolonging his challenge to the United States, the Russian Premier conceded to President Kennedy's demands by ordering all Soviet supply ships away from Cuban waters and agreeing to remove the missiles from Cuba's mainland. After several days of teetering on the brink of nuclear holocaust, the world breathed a sigh of relief. "Gaza Aid Flotilla"? Will something such as this eventually be our worlds Armageddon? But by the same token, no one should ever kick what they consider a mouse into a corner,where it's only chance of survival; "is to fight".
  12. Thanks Spyman. My understanding of the universe is that several (13+?) billion years ago everything eminated from a specific point. Over time it has somehow evolved into the galaxies we see today. While what we see is perhaps only a sampling of this vastness, I believe that in any portion of the universe we might ever look, the view will be no different. My problem is that, with red shift; we see the fartherest galaxies moving away from us at light speed or greater. Yet the galaxies in our immediate cluster or those in nearby clusters, don't seem to differientiate spectorally in speed at all? If as Einstein formulated, we exist on the outer cover of some expanding sphere where gravity, time and space warp(age?) act as a continuous circle, from what is the universe running, and to where is it going at such a speed?
  13. Guys, if you've looked at my initial question, you'll know that my total understanding of physics pertains only to x-laxs. No pun or insult intended. Math of any sort is not my thing. But could it be possible that the entire galactic universe might be moving at less than a million mph? It's a foolish guesstimate and only a question, so I have no way of explaining it other than how I relate it to our galaxy and solar system, which I don't do too well either.
  14. Well Insane guy, we know that something is happening? I awake in the morning, it's light and it's about seven AM. I go to bed around ten/ten thirty PM each night when it's dark, I sleep about eight hrs and do it all over again. I go through the four seasons and recognise the difference between them. Science tells me that our earth is spinning at a thousand miles per hr. and we're zipping around our sun at some sixty five thousand miles per hr. I'm not sure that I can relate to no universal frame since I don't know what that means. Some folks say that our universe is traveling at the speed of light which makes me wonder? Why is there no universal frame? I'm told that our galaxy and the Andromeda are gonna crash into each other somewhere down the road. Something has to be moving?
  15. My esophagus will probably close over, but I'm gonna give you a "Big Amen" on just about everything you related to jackson33'. 'Course, us Hill Billys have our pride, so don't get carried away. Ain't it something though, I'm over the hill, but have never received anything from the government other than S.S., which in all honesty I would "GLADLY", quote; "GLADLY" return if I could be assured it would go to some poor slob who has worked his a-- off an entire life time and still not able to get aboard. Spent my entire career in missiles and the automotive industry. Yes! I do get a stipend from the local group, but a suppliment not even large enough for another humans needs. Ask my wife!!. Appreciate your input, but never thought for a minute I was giving away my age as someone over thirty?? Give me a private buzz any time. might be nice just talking to someone with a load of experience, so to speak? Almost anything else, I keep forgetting??! PS. My older brothers daughter is a Physics Professor @ the University of N.M. in Albuequarque after spending several years at the Hanford Site in Washington. I have no idea where the brain power came from?? Socialistic policies? Do you recall by chance an insane and maniacle madman who brought the world, KristollNacht? Or the other "Nut Case" from Russia? who did him even better? How soon we forget!
  16. Well, I've hung around a couple of weeks now without being thrown out of the forum. Perhaps that will change shortly. The name is Rigney, and I'm a proud Hill Billy from West Virginia. My education probably wouldn't fill a Lemmings ear, so I have a million questions to ask. But I do know how to plow, mow and wind row. So, bear with me!!
  17. How fast is our universal speed? From where are we coming, and to where are we going? I've heard everything from, it isn't moving at all; to light speed, or greater, then to slow down and freeze over??? Since I'm not well enough equipped to even begin answering such a question, maybe someone can help.
  18. Conspiracy is in the mind of the thinker. I do believe there was a collusive conspiracy to assinate Abe Lincoln. A conspiracy to assinate Hitler? Yes. Conspiracies to harm our soldiers and allies by civilians in the wars we're now in? Yes. To blow up the Trade Center, the Pentegon? Yes. But I never once considered it to be other than a lone, sad and miserable soul, that assinatated President Kennedy. Surhan Surhan and brother Bobby, I haven't a clue? The maniac that did the assassinations at Ft. Hood? What can I say? Today, the confluence of deranged minds are not too far away from the main stream of societies. But, if this erosive spirit continues to run free and can't be challanged or changed, there is a lot of trouble ahead for normality!! Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedConspitory Theorist? Nay, Ecoli. But have you been watching todays news? Tsk-Tsk!
  19. 'Now', Not trying to be controversial but, Yes I would object. To build a Church, Mosque Synagog, or Whore House on any of these beautiful sites just because you have the bucks to do so, is ludicrous. There is a beautiful Mosque on West 130st. in Cleveland just east of me. While I've never been inside, it is a fabulous structure. But then, rarely do I go inside many other churches. Am I anti Muslim? If you can read into my verbiage, you know that I have biases. My only draw back to Muslim Religion is that I don't agree with their dictates of Sharia Law. This handbook of laws is in total conflict with our state and national laws. To me this will eventually be a real problem. The Morman Religion was on the same path a hundred and fifty years ago as Islam is today. But the Mormans didn't have such a stringent loyalty doctrine and finally conformed to becoming citizens of America without being belligerent. I can't believe this will ever happen with Islam.
  20. Jackson33, I notice a few like you are rarther reticent to use any specificity in declaring your residency. Me, I live in Lakewood, Ohio. Not to be provocative; but, let's say that a group of Muslim Imams decide to build a Mosque just outside Buckingham Palace, the Arc De Triumph, or next door to the beautiful Opera House in Sydney? Or, perhaps even beside the Parliment building in Ottawa? I don't believe any of the people living in these areas would be happy campers? Need I go farther? And basically, this issue has nothing to do with religion. Welfare? I've put 16 hours a day in at two Mc Donalds rather than to go on the dole. Me?, I would rather crawl to a job than go on welfare. P.S. Just to let you know where I stand, I'm a Bigot. I despise anything the KKK stands for.
  21. This year, April 5, a methane explosion killed 29 men in a Whitesville, West Virginia coal mining accident. I'm sure you're are aware of the disaster and the proceeding hue and cry of the blame game? By 15 April, even President Obama had jumped in with both feet to denounce the owner, Massey; as being "Responsible" for negligence leading up to the event. Today, June 15, as far as I know there hasn't been one new editorial concerning the happening. 29 men are simply dead, but mining will not stop, just yet. Excitement has died down and only the families grieve. This oil spill in the gulf? Even though in a couple months the names of the men who died there will be forgotton by other than family, the moratoriam over this spill will be in litigation until the United States has moved itself to an entirely new power source. Make a bet?
  22. You're right! This site should not be dedicated to anyones GOD, but a place to reflect on the good and bad found in all humans. Yet, until we reach that fork in the road with a better understanding of which lead to take, it's best to be vigilant, and keep your powder dry.
  23. I'm not making light of your understanding of the event Insane Guy, but this is arguably the most catastrophic "accident" in my life time. Was it neglect? I hope not. Was it an honest, but possibly preventable accident? I hope nothing more. But when I see a call for extreme change to other power sources for this country, I wonder?
  24. While I've never been a "conspiracy" nut case, this oil spill thing in the gulf has me wondering? Of all the areas that could have been drilled on land or in much more shallow water, why was B.P. demanded to drill so deep? With the Anwar in Alaska as an example, and many other areas on the high and dry, again, why so deep? And trying to cap, plug or control a well @ a 5,000ft. depth, and after the fact, is like trying to cram a wet noodle up a "Wild Cats" behind. And to lose a full crew in the process doesn't make any sense either. But then, we are trying to get away from oil and go with wind, solar and probably more atomic power. What a waste of resource. To think, a drilling like this in the Anwar may have caused a caribou or bear a bad headache by running into the rig. But the devastation to wildlife along these gulf shores and in the sea will be immeasurable for years to come. At that depth, and as cold as it is down there, those massive jello like globules of deep oil will likely be releasing for a long time. Believe me, I just don't see it as B.Ps fault alone. A "lot of unknowns" in high places can take the blame for this disaster.
  25. I know you're just poking fun Insane Guy. I've only been into computers for about six months or so and not quite acculimated yet. But in fact, I thought he was talking about the 13 original colonies here in the U.S.
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