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Everything posted by rigney

  1. QUOTE: Dr. Livingston, I presume? Supposidly (quotheth?) by, Henry Stanley. About a hundred and fifty years ago a guy from England by the name of David Livingston went to Africa as a Preacher or an Entrepreneur, looking for among other things, the source of the Nile River and who knows what else? I'm not exactly sure what his real purpose was? But back in those good old days, if the locals caught you, they'd usually put you in a big cook pot, toss in a few yams or sweet potatoes, some guava, a little Vino and "Voile" supper. Honestly, not for a moment do I believe we've ever been visited by, "ALIENS"
  2. Thanks. Your explination is justified and I do appreciate it. But, is there a "Continuum" beyond or exponentially surrounding our universe?
  3. Having been a quazi farm boy, miners son; I saw this phenomena more than once as a kid. Have I any idea what it was or is?, "No". But living in the hills of W.V. you got to see things many city kids can't even imagine. 'course they do too. As I remember, Ball Lightning usually happened in the early part of summer when the woods were pretty damp and warm. I just think it was a lightning strike ionizing moisture around the strike area. After seeing it a few times, none of us got too excited, except it was fun to watch and when you tried to tell someone, especially an adult that you saw it, their usual reply was; "Uh-Uh". How many times did I see it? Maybe a half dozen times in as many years. The balls? They were real enough, not dazzling bright but a reddish orange. Some looked to be the size of a #2 washing tub, down to just flecks. But never did see any little green men or space ships to go along with them though?
  4. Is there such a thing as a "Continuum" in relationship to our universe? I've read that before the universe began, there was absolutely nothing. Having went through a myriad of text and the profundity of great men, I'm still under qualified, totally lost and amazed by everything I read. Are the continuum and universe the same thing, two entirely different entities, or does the continuum exist at all? While I do have my thoughts on the subject, it would be nice looking at some plausible answers from some other corner??
  5. rigney


    Tree, I would be happy to stumble in circles, but mine is more or less an endless zig zag pattern. There is so much information out there to choose from, it actuall scare me. And with such subtle conjecture built into it, there is little to makes me want to change my mind. Many people making these claims are genuine professional folks with degrees I can't even spell. Instead of writing a narrative explaining my (rather nots), just go to google and type in: "Is the human body held together by magnetism or gravity"? Just wishing I was sharp enough to debate the issue with you without getting squashed!!
  6. rigney


    I apologise for not remembering where I obtained the info, but it's on google. Like I say, all of you guys are head and shoulder above my understanding of physics. But why would anyone suggest this characteristic in matter would not go to the core of its creation? In essence, we have strong forces, weak forces, magnetism and what we beneovently call gravity, which no one seems to be able to explain. I can at least partially understand my thoughts on magnetism and the inbalance of strong and weak forces. Gravity? Would you please give me something other than a: (you don't know) when explaining my thoughts on magnetism? I'm not ungrateful, merely at a loss?
  7. rigney


    Tree, as I expressed in my post, I'm not trying to prove a point or belittle anything that is substantive; but merely making an observation. The beauty of a computer is that you don't need to have a Doctorate to question science. Actually, without questioning, there would be no science. The excerpt below is perhaps something you may have read. I have no way of authenticating its validity, I only read and think! This preamble is only a short bit of information which could take hours for an ameture like me to even try digesting. (Classes of Magnetic Materials) The origin of magnetism lies in the orbital and spin motions of electrons and how the electrons interact with one another. The best way to introduce the different types of magnetism is to describe how materials respond to magnetic fields. This may be surprising to some, but all matter is magnetic. It's just that some materials are much more magnetic than others. The main distinction is that in some materials there is no collective interaction of atomic magnetic moments, whereas in other materials there is a very strong interaction between atomic moments.
  8. rigney


    Hopefully not getting into a debate with someone out of my league, but isn't it true that magnetism is ingrained in all matter, regardless of its level, other than the photon? I have no idea how this is true except that brilliant scientist' have made this analagy.
  9. Yep! I've used the the dirty word "Magnetism" and will probably pay the price for doing so. Having put that on the front burner, let me commence to begin to start! To me, magnetism is the only true and intrensic force in our entire universe. Can it be proven? Absolutely not! If it had been, or could be; there would be no reason for making this assumption. I'm not trying to step on the toes of Physcists, Astronomers or Accredited Theorist. How could I when all I have to offer is a gut feeling and a thought. Magnetism in one form or another is the backbone of our world. But to my way of thinking, today there would be no existance of anything, without magnetism. Man himself, along with every field of endeavor you can think of would be only a dream. To make this small thought even more provocative, magnetism is the imbued and intrinsic force in every iota of matter known to man, other than possibly the photon? Magnetism, either by natural cause or thru EMF; is the blanket we pull up at night around us, or the A.C we crank up, when the weather is 90 degs. outside, or the refrigerator keeping our beer cold. I would like to keep this thread open if possible and welcome any and all conjecture, if it's not overly formulated. Simply put, I can read readin', but I can't read writin'. Summation: A serious fool is only an idiot in drag, unless he has a following? In such case, it should be considered a field of fools!
  10. Moderator, I'm simply trying to get my feet wet quickly. Being 78 years young, I don't expect to be a Yo Yo Ma in the next few weeks or even buy a cello. At the moment my biggest problem is trying to keep logged in when making a post or reply? Seems I'm always running out of time or havent logged in adequately to a specific venue, or forum. I would appreciate any "helllp". Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedModerator, I'm simply trying to get my feet wet quickly. Being 78 years young, I don't expect to be a Yo Yo Ma in the next few weeks or even buy a cello. At the moment my biggest problem is trying to keep logged in when making a post or reply? Seems I'm always running out of time or havent logged into a specific venue, or forum. I would appreciate any "helllp". Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedModerator, I'm simply trying to get my feet wet quickly. Being 78 years young, I don't expect to be a Yo Yo Ma in the next few weeks or even buy a cello. At the moment my biggest problem is trying to keep logged in when making a post or reply? Seems I'm always running out of time or havent logged into a specific venue, or forum. I would appreciate any "helllp".
  11. I read a short poem some years back that has hung with me since. It may even be a short dichotomy as to why parents put such questions to their children, and why children reply as they do. Time, love, patience and understanding; are the greatest equalizers to any conjecture. A wreath on the door His name ain't on no table, in no park his statue stands All his life he grubbed for wages, you could tell it by his hands While his total earthly wealth wouldn't fill a tobacco can I had to come and thank him just for being my old man
  12. The saddest part of the situation is that this volcano, by itself; has wiped out the last five years of trying to save our planet by the green team. What if Vesuvius, Krakatau, "Eyku" and Mt. St. Helens all decided to go off at once, other than having Al Gore's reputation either expunged, or at least highly questioned? Hydrocarbons?, "WOW"
  13. rigney

    Big Balls!!

    I can't imagine huge balls of matter floating along in a universe running at hyper-speed no more than clouds doing the same thing. I'm just saying something must have caused them to coalesce into huge masses that could have been the forerunners of galaxies. Heck, we're maybe talking about billions of light years to get it done?
  14. The new hadron collider at Geneva (Cern) is on the verge of bringing bits of matter together at speeds of about 99.999% that of light. When some of them do slam together, the heat generated is supposedly in the billions of degrees K. My question is: are we looking to find what matter was prior to the BB, or is it the instant following, when everything was a plasma?
  15. After the dust settles, just what is gravity? While many equations have been laid down explaining it, beginning with Newton; it is still only theoretical? Even the word graviton is make-believe. What we have defined as gravity absolutely works to perfection, probably better than the (other three forces combined?) but its physical presence is still unproven and unknown. Perhaps it isn't physical at all, but possibly made up of several other properties?
  16. Pioneer, while I appreciate your input, you were head and shoulder over my thoughts. I'm sitting here wondering just what to say next? Since I've never learned to interpolate fourteen billion years, I can only express my wonder. Perhaps after reading your reply fifteen or twenty times, I may absorb just enough to get out of this stupid funk of mine. Let me mull your reply over for a while. Thanks, rigney
  17. Was just reading a thing Stringjunky left. http://www.atlasoftheuniverse.com/bigbang.html. While I can't or won't dispute it, I do wonder at its validity? Not a Physist by any stretch, I just can't imagine an explosion, large or small; not being spherical if possible.
  18. Suspision?:! Growing up, a friend of mine had a couple coal miner friends of his Dad living in his home. While being congenial and well spoken, Andy, one of the two; was a professed atheist. Andy died and a very dignified wake was held in his honor at my friends home!!. I didn't witness the event, but supposedly some of the peasentry gathered to do him honor, were heard to remark: "Look at poor Andy, All dressed up and no place to go. Ignorance is a blessing in disguise. Walking in its midst daily, most of us never suspect being a part of it. Merged post follows: Consecutive posts mergedI've never met a religious person without wonder, and never met an Atheist without doubt?
  19. Gotta' to run this by you to check your humor! A hog ate a peck of beans before it started Ran a mile befor it f--ted Give me the total distance before it s--t?
  20. Cm'on, I had a feeling someone would go there, but honestly; give me a position on the issue??
  21. Another aspect. What if our universe is entropic and maintaining balance through its constant vectorial reach and systematic circular pattern systems, in a continuum? Just a thought.
  22. What is our "Universe", in relation to the "Continuum"? Is there a Continuum? If so, what Is the connection, or is it only the universe and what we theorize?
  23. What is our "Universe", in relation to the "Continuum"? Is there a Continuum? If so, what Is the connection, or is it only the universe and what we theorize?
  24. rigney

    Big Balls!!

    "Fantastic Moontan". My main aim is to look for answers just like the one you presented. Other then Physicist who brobe the absolute depths of our universe, the rest of us leave it to conjecture??
  25. rigney

    Big Balls!!

    Thanks for the reply Zolar V. And while I cant refute, dispute, or even argue your assessment, I believe accretion thru magnetism was responsible for matter forming into these giant balls. I'll probably get the rath of Zoar down on me for this next statement, but I honestly believe gravity is only an offshoot of magnetism. I'd say thanks, "which I do", but you'll still think I'm lying!!
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