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  • Lepton

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  • Favorite Area of Science
    Physics and Chemistry (Particle physics is my favorite)
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Lepton (1/13)



  1. thats a good point. Personally I feel that it would make a fantastic introduction, that can later be elaborated on in more traditional ways. But it helps draw nice connections between organelles/enzymes and their function
  2. The game is going to be a free flash game, I'll be sure to link it when it's done, Until then the best I can offer is the blog (where I will be uploading screenshots to) the only thing I would worry about with a major game developer is losing the science to add playability. This game walks the thin line between fun and educational, and it's a difficult balance to maintain. But it definitely is an interesting prospect.
  3. yea, one student we tested it on (to see if it actually taught) said she enjoyed "experiencing" it rather than reading about it
  4. I'm a physics undergrad, and I'm working with a professor who's making a game called CellCraft (almost done!) that is designed to teach students (8th or 9th graders) about science. the game is a real time strategy game that puts you in the place of a cell. So you have to build up your cell, and neutralize free radicals and make ATP and fight viruses and such. Everything was made scientifically accurate, for instance when you make a protein, your cell makes mRNA and sends it to the ribosome and so on. We also have written encyclopedia entries and tutorial screens for everything in the game. In short, I'm wondering what you guys think. Whether it'll work or if you've tried something similar. If you're a teacher I'm curious whether you think this would help your students or simply be a review tool. And if you're a scientist whether you think a game can work as well as a text book. You can find a trailer by searching on youtube, and I can give you more links if you'd like.
  5. I remember reading that article, but I assumed that the matter-antimatter fully annihilated, but then when matter-antimatter pairs were made from the energy afterwards, there was a slight tendency towards matter
  6. Can you simulate this accurately using classical physics as in the most recent post? It sounds to me like a many-body problem, so using classical laws wouldn't simulate well
  7. When a photon intereacts with a medium it's not really going less than c? It's simply being absorbed and emitted so its like it's traveling over a longer distance. It's not actually, but my point it that it's still moving at c
  8. Hi guys, I'm a physics student and Wake Forest, Feynman is my favorite scientist, Fluorine is my favorite element (yay electronegativity) and I dislike organic chemistry! Random facts are great aren't they?
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