Ok, so I'm doing my computer science course with maths methods as a subject, which is a prerequisite to do this course, but I never done it in high school but somehow they accepted me (due to the fact I done another tertiary course in IT then went into Computer Science in university). So anyway, I figure they'll just revise the math methods formulas and such, and although I'll be a little behind, I'll be able to catch on quickly and wing the tests.
So, heres the dilemma -not only are they not revising ANY math methods / specialist / calculas concepts, the lecturer is flowing through it like WATER! The people in my class have done 2 extra years of advanced maths in high school which I haven't done. Everyone else in my lecture theatre is nodding away and you can hear the faint whispers of people calculating the formulas in their head, all the while I'm sitting poker faced realising how deep in dog shit I am.
So, I need a crash course in math methods / specialist and calculas, PRONTO. Have a small test next week, and positively everything the lecturer said today, I hadn't the slightest clue what he was talking about except for the algrebra...but the formulas and theorems he was using mind blew me. Does ANYONE know of any free ebooks online for math methods / specialist and calculas? A quick google search guided shit all results, and my local library had basically nothing, or if anyone is kind enough to send me some notes , my goodness, I would be forever in your debt!
From australia with love, lol