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Everything posted by jordan

  1. Severian, I think the definition of "forever" in this case is an infinite time span. Even the most minute co-efficient of friction will cause it to stop spinning eventualy (even if that is theoreticly longer than the universe itself will survive). By the definition of infinite time span, the cannot be any friction acting on it. 5614, you seemed to have missed his point.
  2. jordan


    Pi is used in radians because the circumfrence of a circle is found by the equation C=2(pi)r. Sub in 1 for the radius and the circumfrence of the cirle is 2 pi (thus 180 0) is pi radians. This is known as the unit cirle. Angles in any circle of larger or smaller diameter can simply be found by multiplying the measure of the angle in this unit circle by the new radius.
  3. jordan


    1) No idea what that is 2) An a is 440Hz and each octive is seperated by a note of doubled or halved frequency. So an a below that is 220Hz and above is 880Hz. I don't remember how to find the notes in between. 3) Loudness, I'm pretty sure, is proportional to amplitude. 4) As you said in #3, pitch is caused by frequency. Where you place your fingers determines the wavelength. Wavelength is inversly proportional to frequency. As wavelength shrinks (you move to a higher fret), the frequency increases, thus increasing pitch.
  4. I've always been interested in this stuff too. What's the best way to get started? Did you guys look for some kind of club around town, or just pick up a model rocket kit? Or (preferably) is there some way just to build one from scratch?
  5. Would anyone mind explaining what's under the "min" part? I understand the rest of the notation, but I don't follow what you're saying with that first part.
  6. Would anyone mind explaining what's under the "min" part? I understand the rest of the notation, but I don't follow what you're saying with that first part.
  7. The link looks good. I'm heading off to read it now. Thanks. The main problem I had is that a google search didn't give any great answers. It gave me an idea of what was going on, but there were a few conflicting stories. One said that it was predicting an opponents move in a game (like chess). But the movie made it out to be more related to economics/everybody wins. I wasn't sure exactly which it is or if it's a bit of both.
  8. I recently watched the movie again and was curious if anyone has studied John Nash's theory more in-depth. Can anyone explain exactly what the theory predicts and/or how it works?
  9. jordan


    Weird, but it seems the easiest way to see it is to look in between the squares and see A and B just in your peripheral vision, then it becomes readily apparent.
  10. Oh, are there plans for this in the works sayo?
  11. I happened to walk by the TV the other day when someone was watching it. I only caught a second of the show and didn't hear the explanation for this (if there was one). Anyway, the question. It said that after a hard workout, hockey golies sit in an ice bath to remove the lactic acid from their legs. Why does this work and when should it be used? Would it be wise after any workout or just very strenuous ones or never?
  12. It will take you forever if you try going one by one. You need to cluster them in meaningful groups like if you see four numbers that are an important date in history or they are in someone's phone-number. Then you should be able to memorize a few hundred in an hour or so.
  13. I don't know very much about it, but isn't that the point of Longhorn?
  14. Don't you mean there is no velocity. Acceleration would be constant in this.
  15. Assuming no friction, the person with fall back and forth forever taking the same time on each trip back and forth.
  16. Yeah, I'd really like one on integrals, but I'm really not in a position to ask anyone to hurry up and post because I haven't gotten around to our debate very quickly. If and when he gets a chance, I will certainly read it though.
  17. Really? Our speach went a little more along the lines of: I like being the school's calc teacher. People think calc is so hard and therefore I can pull a lot of weight at the faculty meetings. It's a lie though, calc is really easy. I just don't tell them that. So far we've hit limits and we're most of the way through derivatives. We still have a few special-case rules for derivatives and then we're done. Thanks to dave's summer lessons, I haven't had to think too much yet. Now that I think of it, the class was offered a chance to do bc calc. The only thing is those students who chose to do it would have to work within themselves to learn the material as she would be teaching ab calc all class. This was basicly saying I would be working by myself on it and I'm tired of doing that.
  18. What are you guys doing in bc right now? And what have you covered so far?
  19. I'm pretty sure it's ab. I do know it's whichever is the easier of the two. They don't offer the other at my school. My school seems not to care so much for math I'm still in highschool. And AP courses are designed to be comparable to entry-level college courses to give highschool students 1) a challenge and 2) an oppurtunity to test out of those courses in college. The teacher is given a list of what the students are expected to know and they are free to teach it however they want. Then in May, College Board (the same people who make our infamous SAT's) sends out their tests. You can score from 1-5 with 4's and 5's generaly being recognized as passing by most colleges. Oh, and good luck with finishing the year and med school blike.
  20. Hey blike, you want to trade for a while? I've got AP Physics AP Litterature AP Phsycology AP Macroeconomics AP Calculus The only one that's bugging me right now is AP Lit because the work isn't hard but takes a long time to do. I wouldn't mind taking a day or two at college for a little change. And you could boost all my grades for me.
  21. jordan


    Whenever [math]x=\pi[/math] then you get -1 no matter what is in place of the i? dave has already provided a counter-example where that's not true. In his, it was [math]1*\pi[/math], and [math]e^{\pi}[/math] isn't -1.
  22. jordan


    Well what's going on then? According to his theorem, that would expand to [math]cos{(\pi)}+1*sin{(\pi)}[/math]. That would be -1+0 or -1. What am I missing?
  23. jordan


    Thanks for the link bloodhound.
  24. Yeah, I thought that might be the case. The oh-so-ooey-gooey parts were what I was looking for. Computer geeks
  25. What version of windows is that sayo?
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