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Everything posted by jordan

  1. Thanks 5614. I did get everything sorted out by a profesional, though, so it all runs fine...for now.
  2. I was really disapointed when I just saw that they didn't catch it. One thing I remember, blike, is that the plan was intitialy to slow it down to around 9mph before catching it because even at 9mph they thought the crass could ruin the whole thing. Obviously, that was planning for the worst that could happen during a 9mph crash, but still, 100mph means there probably is very little chance of uncontaminated samples. Very disapointing.
  3. Someone installed it on the family computer and (once again) it screwed things up. At the time, I couldn't open anything that origionaly came with windows on the computer. My Computer, My Documents, the Start Menu, Recycle Bin etc. all froze the computer upon clicking on them. IE wouldn't open either, which is alright because I have Firefox, but SP2 screwed something up with the internet so Firefox was worthless. Calling Microsoft support got a message along the lines of: "If you a computer related question press 1. For all those who's computers got trashed by SP2, please press 2 and wait on hold while the millions of others experiencing your problem are handled"* *Might not be actual message. I just keep reminding myself about when I get my own computer...my own computer...for me.
  4. jordan


    Maybe... So if I said I have 1 pound sitting on my table then I tie 1 ft3 of helium to it, what would it weigh? Phi, you say it would weigh about 15 oz?
  5. jordan


    Is there an easy way to calculate how weight a give quantity of helium can lift?
  6. You liar. Why would you go tell blike your real name is Clark when it's really bud ulle wraagh?
  7. I've recently seen someone with a ti-84+. It seems that ti has put out an upgraded model and that could account for the fact that I too have seen many 83+'s in the paper for around 75$. I've not actualy got to play around with the 84+ to see what's changed.
  8. Hi there. Editing the sig is under the toolbar at the top of each page. It should say "User CP". Click on that and then look down the left side of the page. One of the first links should be "Edit Signature".
  9. When? Do you have a specific example you're thinking of or do you mean in general? If the latter, I would imagine energy has to come first as it doesn't really ever go anywhere and come back, just changes forms.
  10. A few thoughts: 1) The policitcians who are funding it probably know more about the political ramifications of the funding (i.e. getting more votes) than they do about the feasability of what they're funding. 2) Should additional funding provide results, the resulting technology could offset the efforts of past projects that have failed (star wars etc.). Can you think of any times where this has had succeeded? On the whole, a very interesting question.
  11. But just because the atoms aren't moving doesn't mean nothing can hit them right? They're still there and thus can be hit.
  12. If you don't mind me asking, what would be unique about a wire at absolute zero that would allow it to not have resistance?
  13. It probably has to do with the close political ties of the two countries or something. I don't know. But it is a little bit of an understatement. Just a little... Perhaps. Or he was embarased by saying he wants to buy it. Who knows.
  14. Not to get too far off topic, but that is relatively common. I hear it a lot and I am from the US.
  15. I don't really get that "reality integrated into my dream" deal. I either hear it and know it's ringing and wake myself up or I don't hear anything at all.
  16. Hi dave. My names jordan. It's my real name too. But I joined after you, so even being unnorigional was already unnorigional.
  17. Yes, you're right. So I reconmended either using that subset or changing the defintion. At the time, without much time to think about it, I wasn't sure how easy changing the definition would be so I suggested restricting non-terminating decimals until they could be worked in somehow. If I come up with anything as I am cutting the grass, I'll post and see what you think. It should keep my mind occupied, but I wouldn't count on me coming up with anything.
  18. Those are supposed to be repeating infinitely right? If so, that's a good point. Perhaps restricting the defintion to terminating decimals would help? I can't come up with a counter-example for that.
  19. I have experienced the first part all the time. It only seems to be when I'm thinking about something. I'll zone out and think through what seems like a lot and then snap out and look at the clock, only to find that it hasn't changed. More frequently though, when I really am concentrating on something, lots of time can pass and I don't even realize it. The dreaming part happens once in a while too. I don't dream a whole lot though. What happens more often is that I am asleep (I lose track of time) but in my mind I can sense everything that's going on around me like normal. Then, I seem to pick out the stuff that's important (the phone ringing or someone calling my name) and I wake up. I can remember everything that happened in the last 30 sec or so but after that it just feels like I know what happened but can't remember. Then I have to look at the clock because I have no clue how much time has passed. That is how I sleep a lot. But what really has me confused is that when I do fall asleep, I fall asleep really deep. For a few hours each night I can hardly be awoken. Funny story: last New Years we had some company over. It was late (I don't think it was New Years Eve though) and most everyone went to bed. My dad was still up when there was a knock on the door. It was a teenage kid dressed in black but not very heavily despite the cold and snow. He said he was lost. My dad woke someone else up, and then went back to the door. The other guy called the cops. Then we had a bunch of cop cars at our house. The took the kid and searched him for weapons, then handcuffed him until they could sort things out. Finaly, they took the kid back home I think. Despite the fact that they had awoken the entire house and the whole thing was going on just outside my window, I never heard a thing. Everyone else got up, but I wouldv'e never known if they didn't tell me.
  20. Upon reading it a second time, it makes much more sense to me. I understand exactly what you are saying, though I don't think I can offer much help with the more rigorous proof you requested. Above are the symbols I didn't recognize. From the text in the math brackets I read after quoting you' date=' it seems that [math']\forall[/math] would mean that it holds true "for all values of k". And the other symbols appears to be a "less than or equal to" sign, though I've never seen it with the "equal to" line slanted and didn't know if it meant something different. Would that be right? Thanks for taking time to explain it for me.
  21. I really wish I knew what half of that was saying. I think I can follow a bit of it but I'm not familiar with all the signs. If you happen to get the chance or feel inspired, would you mind writting some of that out in words?
  22. Yep. Question: With hurricanes rotating, the means at landfall one side is always pushing inland and the other side is pushing back out to sea. What effects would the tidal surge experience when the winds are pushing back out to sea instead of inland? I know the wind speed isn't the only thing that effects (affects?) tidal surge, but might it be strong enough to actual push the water in the other direction?
  23. And I'd imagine that where blike is located wouldn't take the full force of those winds/surge/etc. Seems like it could be rather fun to get to experience once or twice (but not within a two week period. That would just be annoying).
  24. blike would be more qualified to say than I am, but I think the danger of this hurricane is that it is moving rather slowely. Therefore, the slower windspeeds are sustained over a longer period and then so is the tidal surge. That can be bad.
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