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Everything posted by jordan

  1. It's out of 5, though. 5 is the worst. This one has since been downgraded to a 2 I believe.
  2. I guess that depends on how deep you are. The further under the water you sub is, the more the ship can move from where it began to sink to where it hit the ocean floor. Didn't the two sections of the Titanic end up around 1/4 of a mile apart or so?
  3. Would there ever be a time when the submarine would have to resist firing from fear of the now destoyed ship sinking and landing on the immobile submarine?
  4. Yes. Definitly pick up this one at just about any book store. I got it myself. It makes studying easy. Just skip all the study tips and go straight to the practice tests in the back (there are 10). Work on making sure you get a feel for how long you have. Then, once you make sure you wont run out of time, start practicing just the parts that you are scoring lowest in. By then you should be out of practice tests but well prepared. Good luck.
  5. Yes, we've been properly introduced before. What's your point?
  6. Well I'll try to look at the possible motives here. Remeber, Moore has slanted the facts to lean to the left (I think we've agreed to that). 1) Telling the truth straight out leads to a picture different from what Moore has presented. 2) Telling the truth straight out leads to the same picture Moore has presented. If 1 is true, I stand correct that Moore has doctored the fact so much that he has decieved the public in doing so. If 2 is ture, I don't understand what he's doing. Why shift to the left when it's the rights he needs to convince. It doesn't matter if he strengthens the resolve of the diehard left because they're with him already. If he keeps the movie unbiased he has a chance to swing some moderate conservatives to his side and that's what he needs...if his motive is to get Bush out of office. Personaly, I think a lot of this is, like I mentioned before, is a grasp for attention. His name is already respected, the war is already hated, so why not go for the shock factor that will get him more attention?
  7. Which is what? That he can be the most deceptive? What does he have to lose by giving a fair presentation of all the facts? OK fine. You've proven you can tell the truth just like Moore does. I don't understand what the big deal is about him only giving facts (kind of).
  8. For number one, the underscore can represent the jurisdiction of whatever level of government the person you vote for represents whether it's a county, state or the entire country (or even whatever other countries might use).
  9. I find it quite the opposite. I scared the movie wont make people think. I'm scared they'll walk away saying "Moore, yeah I've heard that name before. He's pretty famous so he must be right." This sort of relates: I was talking with a friend a while ago about why he loses interest in bands when they make it big. The reason he gave is that they don't try anymore. People will buy there cd's just because the name is on the cover and the band gets lazy and lousy. Well I think the same can be true with Moore at times. His name is pretty well established and I think a lot of people see the movie and never question it because it's Michael Moore. He can start getting more biased and distorted and people will still walk away saying it was great. (I don't think anyone around here would do that, but the again I think many of us can reason better than the average person.)
  10. Thanks Phi. I'm just trying to pick up as much as I can and hopefuly, one day, maybe find an arguement where you or Sayo are on the same side as me.
  11. Good point Sayo. Still though, trying to compare the bias of a movie to a 24 hour new network is a bit tricky. Obviously, some hosts on Fox News are bound to be more biased than others. The bias of the station as a whole can change from time to time depending on the mood of the nation. Moore had 2+ hours of film to keep as unbiased as possible but chose the road of the lefts. I think it would've gone better if he had kept it more unbiased. All he did through this is futher the resolve of both sides. By appealing to the extreme leftists, he did nothing to convince the rights that he needs.
  12. Phi, the quote in my post was: That sounds like he holds it pretty sacred to me. And what I was trying to say is that no he didn't lie by the dictionary deffinition of lying, but he sure can distort the facts pretty far. And I'm sure budullewraagh would be quick to point out the bias of FoxNews to me as every Moore supported does. I was just concerned from his statement that he believes Moore didn't lie to him. Sorry Sayo, but I don't know what else to go by. I honestly don't believe anyone on this forum is more qualified to talk about the state of the nation's economy than Bush's team. He might not know how to react to the information he has, but he knows more about what's happening than you. I've got to trust him over most everyone else I know. As a side note, can I be banned from posting in this forum anymore. It tends to work out to an arguement between me vs. Phi and Sayo a lot. I can't resist posting sometimes and blike's not on at the same time I am for the most part to help so I'm just getting in over my head again.
  13. Are you blind to the bias of the film though? He uses accurate facts but that still doesn't mean everything he says is right. He leaves out critical "facts". He words other "facts" funny. I don't mean to say all his points are invalid, but honestly, you seem to be taking this as though it's your bible that can't ever be wrong. It's not really debatable: Moore will doctor the movie to swing to his side. And he really pushes it far to his side. Just be aware that everything he says is not as simple as he makes it out to be. He is one man relying on his oppinions rather than a whole team in Washington relying on the best inteligence reports in the nation.
  14. The only problem is that I don't trust myself backing-up and reinstalling the OS. It's a little too risky for me to try.
  15. jordan


    I don't think the radius is a strict line exactly. The definition of it would be the distance from the circumfrence to the enter of the circle. The radius isn't an actual, physical part of the circle like the circumfrence is and therefore I don't believe it responds to relativity (or whatever you're saying). It simple adjusts as the circumfrence adjusts because that is the definition of it.
  16. What exactly is this for Cap'n, me or something else?
  17. Indeed. I've switched to Firefox and there are no popups while I'm using it. Unfortunatly, if I leave the computer for a few minutes with nothing open, I get 20 popups out of nowhere. Oh well, I'm looking to get a new computer soon, one that is mine so no one else can screw it up. Maybe I'll start a thread asking for suggestions soon... Oh, and one more thing. Can I uninstall IE or will it not let me/cause problems.
  18. Well, if you go through and find all my threads in the computer forum you'll see the answer is "not well". I'm guessing you're on the right track, but I don't know enough about computers to risk playing with all those things. A wooden desk.
  19. These threads are all over the place
  20. I got 1550 points. Horray. And the puppy splatted, not bounced. Problem solved.
  21. You can buy so many 3 stamps and so many 5 stamps. Obviously you can't pay 1 or 2 cents for any combination. You can pay three cents (1 3cent stamp). You can't pay 4 cents, but you can pay 5 cents. After what point will every price become available through some combination of the two stamps. That is what the question is asking.
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