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Everything posted by jordan

  1. Since the three previous posts all say the same basic thing, I'll address this to all three: You have all said that they should be allowed to marry because they want to; it makes them happy. What I don't understand is why this is the only form of marriage discrimination that is recieving attention. Why is polygamy illegal and no one claims discrimination? Making the arguement "because they want to" isn't really logical reasoning behind why they should be allowed. In fact, it's hardly reasoning at all. What I think needs to be shown is how they are equal to all the other people who have been married. If the purpose of marriage is reproduction, why should people who can't do so be allowed to married? Why should we encourage the this mindset just "because they want to"?
  2. ExtraSense has never been neer the chatroom as far as I know. Even so, it only takes a second to open it up. I guess it's not really my call though. I just don't really want to see everyone's posts get too cluttered up with lights and buttons and links to tell you if they're online, if they're in the chatroom, if their posts are good and what they last ate. [edit]On second thought, I've never seen you in the chatroom either.
  3. Click "User CP" on the list across the top. Once that loads, on the left should be another list of links. Click "Edit Signature".
  4. Can't you just get into the chatroom and look at the complete list there?
  5. On a technicality, anything greater than 3.0x108 is known to be faster but, as of now, unnatainable.
  6. Make a picture you like and save it. Then upload it under your profile.
  7. Sayo, what do you need mass for? That's seems a pretty simple mistake...unless you were going to factor air resistence and other stuff into it. As for the calculations you brought up, I got the following: Verticle velocity: 24.3 m/sec Time until impact: 2.47 sec Horizontal Velocity: Same as the velocity you threw it at* 24.3 m/sec would be about 53.7 mph. It seems rather unlikely the dog would survive. *Horizontal Velocity is probably able to be calculated but it would only lessen the odds of the dog's survival and that really seemed negligable at this point.
  8. But I still believe one can put different wieghts on race and gender when talking about marriage.
  9. The reason newbie said this: is because you've had two posts and are still yet to explain why you think that gender plays no more or less of a role than race. And just to point out, the two would be comparable for you and would not be comparable for newbie.
  10. That's what I find so weird: I can look down without getting any more nervous than most people, but as soon as I look up at something taller I feel like I'm going to black out. It's like the opposite of what happens to everyone else.
  11. I was on top of a mountain not too long ago and was looking down. Hights have always sort of scared me, but not to the point that I wont walk to the edge and look or something. It just makes me real nervous. Anyway, on top of this mountain was a station with a small radio tower. This brought up something I've often noticed: 1) Looking up at a tall building makes me dizy 2) Looking down from a tall building makes me dizy/nervous 3) Looking up at a relatively tall object while at the top of a tall building makes me really dizy and nervous. I also noticed this while on the Eifle Tower. I was on the first platform (a few hundred ft or so)and looked up to the top and could hardly stand. Does this happen to anyone else? Does anyone know why this would happen? Does anyone know how to make it stop?
  12. What are you saying YT? Which question were you trying to answer? I'm assuming #4, but that asks how many contained volumes there are, not how much the contained volume is. Can you explain?
  13. 1)? 2)1 3)0 4)1 Pretty much same as pulkit, though #1 is still questionable for much the same reasons as the circle with so questionable. If I had to guess, though, I'd say 1.
  14. How's SFN Chess coming along blike?
  15. Because it's not the way it was designed to work.
  16. In the US, everyone would think of Sports Illustrated when you say SI. Yep, Sports Illustrated so we can catch up on all our soccer and football news. But yourdadonapogos was going for the one below that on the list. Very few people over here would have ever known about that one, though. In fact, I'm not sure how many people know we use a different system of measurements than the rest of the world. Maybe if Sports Illustrated talked more about it people would know...
  17. Now you've got me stuck on a question, Kedas. I understand that the helium balloon would move forward in the van with the air pressure and stuff, but why does it do so outside? If the air pressure is equal all around it, how does it always go straight up? I know there's got to be a simple answer, but I'm drawing a blank right now.
  18. I haven't hit college either, Cap'n so mine would be somewhere between 1 and 2 days, probably closer to 1 than 2. That will change soon enough though.
  19. I'm not sure about all the stats, but I was never aware that the majority of people in this nation wanted to legalize gay marriage. Being prevalent doesn't equal being right.
  20. Interesting: Would you rather know the TOE in your lifetime or continue searching for it? I personaly find the search more interesting than the answer.
  21. Gravity still wont work, huh? Doesn't sound like a theory of everything to me. Oh well, I'll just wait and see what happens. Until I can actual understand all the math and stuff that goes on, I have no choice but to take people's word.
  22. How far along is string theory now in terms of describing everything (not proof)? If we didn't have to worry about proving it, would science be done tomorrow and everything you could want would be in string theory? Or is string theory just say there are strings and we don't know how they solve all our questions? Or somewhere in between?
  23. Hey, would someone in college (I know dave and bloodhound are) list the math-based clases they have taken so far and are planning to take? I just got a course book from a school that is semi-well-known for their math program and wanted to see how it stacked up to what you guys are taking.
  24. So what is the draw to it?
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