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Everything posted by jordan

  1. Just because it never got (and probably never will get) what it was looking for doesn't mean it isn't science. So nothing done before the scientific method was glabalized counts as science?
  2. Exactly. The only reason I could come up with to do this doesn't even make sense. I don't think it needs to be done.
  3. The link he posted did state that x, y and z had to be non-zero integers.
  4. A three body problem being...three bodies orbiting each other?
  5. Good thought there, Cap'n. I was thinking that as long as the two ships docked before you pumped any water to seal them and the metal was made to be very rough in the spots where the water is to seal, it might be a reasonable idea.
  6. I would've chosen simple, self-evident, unnecessary or kind of sad to replace "funny" Cap'n. Nice title, though, Sayo.
  7. Exactly, like that the "No Child Left Behind" idea was not very well recieved.
  8. So we can laugh at physicsforums and say "HaHa. You might have 9,000 members but all ours post and remain active."
  9. It would be a good way to get a true reading on what people think rather than just listening to biased polls...
  10. Interestingly, the link you posted bloodhound says this^. Mine definitely says July 19, 2004.
  11. I still haven't been able to get rid of this and now have noticed it's trying to send out a bunch of emails but symantic says it can't send them and I don't know what's going on. For all I know, there could be hundreds of viruses on the computer. I don't work on it much. I actualy prefer the old computer. It too could have lots of viruses, but they don't cause any problems with what I need the computer for so as far as I'm concerned, they don't exist.
  12. Didn't work. I'm off to see if I can find one that removes the W32.Beagle.AC@mm. The one I had appearently only worked up to AB and not AC.
  13. It hasn't caused any problems until now. It just stays out of the way and we haven't had any viruses. This is the first time anything has happened like this. Right now, I am running the program AtomicMX linked and hopefully it works.
  14. Does anyone know anything about W32.Beagle.AC@mm. Norton keeps finding it but can't fix it and every few minutes it pops up saying so. I tried deleting the file it says the problem is in, but it just comes right back. So we now have a premanent Norton window saying "you're computer is infected and you can't fix it. Hahahahaha."
  15. e isn't imaginary. There are an infinite number more imaginary numbers (though they can all be expressed in terms of "i" if that's what you mean) Like: sqr(-10) sqr(-43) Basicly, the square root of any negative number is imaginary.
  16. It signifies that whichever digit or digits are underlined repeat in that order forever. It can also be a line above the digit(s).
  17. I haven't seen it, but what really bothered me is the interview I saw of him. A lot of it was about "what do expect from the movie" "Are you suprised at how controversial it is" etc. But when the interview got to the part about the factual basis of the movie, he began to frustrate me. First let me say Moore admitted that the "facts" of his peice are all checked and double checked as true. The infamous golf clip: Moore said the story behind is was that Bush, after dealing with the war for a few months went to play a round of golf during which the media approached him for a statement. Bush gave a quick statement after which the cameras were to be turned off. At this point, he says "now watch this drive". One camera remained on thus capturing the clip. Moor then criticizes Bush for not thinking about the war at all times and not taking anything serious. But then again you wouldn't hear the interview in which he explained the context of the quote unless you were watching TV at 2 am EST. The ties to Al-quida: In the movie Moore accuses Bush of getting illegal payments from Al-quida. What he said in the interview is that Bush never actualy recieved the few billion that was reported. Rather, Bush or some of his family were average investors in some of the companies that recieved the money. I see a little difference there. I'll remind you this is all said by Moore, thus he understands exactly how far he distorted things to pass his agenda. I don't like it.
  18. What was the principle of the matter? Wasn't the story falsified for attention?
  19. No, though I can see how it sounded that way. Sorry. Mossoi is on the right track. I just want to be able to open programs but not have them show up on the taskbar along the bottom. I really wasn't expecting there to be a way to do it, but if anyone has an easy way, that would be appreciated.
  20. OK. I'll just have to wait until college or something to learn a little more about this stuff. Thanks for the help.
  21. Hhhmm... Perhaps that wasn't the right word then. I'm looking for the row program files along the bottom that open when you open a new program. Example: open firefox and you get a box that says firefox. Open 8 and they all join together into one etc. Sorry I can't think of the word at the moment.
  22. So hydrogen, having 1 electron would have reached absolute zero if its electron went to the lowest energy level? Or does T=0 not refer to the absolute zero concept?
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