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Everything posted by jordan

  1. Depends on how you're talking about marriage.
  2. What you should read all depends on what you want to right. Read stuff along the same lines (obviously, if your writting sci-fi you don't want to take your cues from Shakespear). Just read to uderstand how they make sentences and ideas flow and then tweek it to make it more your own.
  3. So what you're saying is that if I were to examine every aspect of a proton and nuetron, I wouldn't find anything different that could possibly lead to one being positive and one being neutral? Is this because we don't have the technology to analyse this in-depth yet or because there is just some yet-undiscovered difference still eluding scientists? Or am I misiterpreting your answer?
  4. And reading a lot of well-written stuff might help.
  5. It does, just not accesable to you right now. I've seen him around here and there, and his profile says he was last online on the 7th.
  6. What makes the proton and electron different from the neutron, and each other for that matter? What causes one to have positive charge, one negative and one no charge?
  7. Don't you think the fact that it's officialy logged and reported by Sayo means you don't have to witness it firsthand for it to count?
  8. I hate to ask because there was very little good posted yesterday, just a lot of playing around with the bubble tags, but what'd we manage to get?
  9. What exactly does that mean, as far as what kind of problems does it cause? [edit]Should've read the link. Sorry.
  10. Well it wasn't a good use of the tags... And the link isn't working right now. I get an error. Is that happening for everyone?
  11. I must applaud Sayo for the work on the great looking bubble/picture tags as well as bloodhound for the idea.
  12. So then what gives the particles their charge?
  13. stranded= don't know where you are A man walked into a bar
  14. I was centered right on the origin. I didn't like this test though, because you had to guess at what the questions implied. This one for example: If I vote "agree", does that mean I think that this is an advantage to the idea, or that I think it is an advantage and the idea should therefore be instated? I guess it's that I agree with the statement but not the implications. How should I vote? Then the party that stayed together probably had a better idea to begin with. If the new party that just split was really that much better, then it wouldn't be a "split" but a conversion and therefore no majority transfer. But I think you'll find people are happy with the way the two parties handle things, or more sadly, don't care.
  15. I've got to stick with the classic: Simpsons. I wasn't aware family guy was made by the same guy as the other two.
  16. But if the people didn't feel well-represented, wouldn't they make more parties?
  17. I wanted that picture to open up in my post, but I only have the link there. Oh well. Now, for L1, the perpedicular bisector is obviously the y-axis. So our answer must lie on the line x=0. L2's perp. bisector slope is [math]-(\frac{y2-y1}{x2-x1})^{-1}[/math] With the other variables and all worked out it's: [math]-(\frac{b-a}{c})[/math] which will yeild a positive slope, which is good. So the equation is y-y1=m(x-x1) or [math]y-(c/2)=\frac{-(b-a)}{c}(x-(b-a)/2))[/math] or [math]y=\frac{-(b-a)x}{c}*(\frac{(b-a)^2+c^2}{2c})[/math] L3: m=[math]-(\frac{b+a}{c})[/math] which is negative. Good. Subing in the equation: [math]y-(c/2)=\frac{-(b+a)}{c}*(x-(b+a)/2)[/math] or [math]y=\frac{(-bx-ax)}{c}+(\frac{(b+a)^2+c^2}{2c}[/math] Wow, that took forever and I'm still not sure it's all right. Then I don't know where to go. Any help is apreciated.
  18. Here's a picture of the problem, just for refrence:
  19. Quite a little battle going on here. I'm going with the best answer, and that is "don't know".
  20. Speaking of tall buildings, here's a picture I really like.
  21. A simple search...
  22. I had to start a little work out of the old calculus book today. The teacher's want to make sure we understand how to calculate the slope of a line when given two points before we get into the really tough stuff like the slope of a curve and logarithms this fall. (I know I might not be the best at math, but come on). Ths is a question I came upon in the book that I just couldn't find a way around. Incidently, the only reason I saw it was because the teacher told us to skip over that section. So I naturaly tried some of the problems. One of them has me a little stumped though. It came with a diagram, but since I don't know how to paste pictures on here, I'll just describe it. On a basic graph, we have a point on the x-axis at (a,0) and a symetrical point at (-a,0). To complete the triangle in a point in the first quadrant (doesn't matter where since they're only variables) at point (b,c). Now, the question: "Find the coordinates of the point of intersection of the perpendicular bisectors of the sides?" Explanations are always apreciated.
  23. I don't understand where philosophy comes in either, but then again I still don't even understand what the moon has to do with the Earth being labled "Earth".
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