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Everything posted by jordan

  1. I'm still a little confused about how you used to own a company and yet look young in the picture. What company is this?
  2. Well, I guess that's one way to try and instill a love of math on the kids. It'll be their favorite subject.
  3. If I knew what I was doing, I might be tempted to ship a few bucks to blike. How many people here have donated?
  4. Wow. 648. I didn't really want to know about yesterday, though. There wasn't anything good posted. But today's another day.
  5. Moral of the story: Spam blike and Sayo with PM's. Really, the reason to charge is that this site takes donations to remain up and running. Depending on how much money blike is getting in donations, charging for titles might be a good way to get people to donate so it's not all coming out of his pocket.
  6. jordan

    Iraq Handover

    Exactly my point, when Hussein killed them for speaking out or practicing a different religion, he was resticting their freedom. Glad we agree.
  7. jordan

    Iraq Handover

    I really like sources. I'm still not sure why you say you would leave the military if you didn't have a voice in anything and then say it was bad we freed the Iraqis from a dictator who restricted all his people's freedoms for personal gain.
  8. Do you mean scienceforums.net? If so, blike. This forum For now, that's reserved for mods, but voice you oppinion here Here No idea. Happy reading.
  9. jordan

    Iraq Handover

    Not my responsability as I did cite them. The mystery country is Iraq.
  10. jordan

    Iraq Handover

    I disagree. I always thought they were put through tough situations for the reason of knowing exactly what to expect. I haven't seen those stats. What do you know? That sounds a lot like the situation from a couple months ago in a certain country I've been hearing about.
  11. I'm seeing grey myself.
  12. jordan

    Iraq Handover

    I don't want to speak fo jgerlica on this but my oppinion: He was there, in Iraq himself. What images have you seen that have led you to believe you have more knowledge of the situation than he does? Our soldiers are being used as pawns? They are the military. This is what they signed up for. Their job is not always to agree or disagree with the cause. I wouldn't bet that a lot of them disagree anyways.
  13. jordan

    Iraq Handover

    He could still be tried on the world court for humanitarian violations. Instead, it will just be Iraq deciding. I like jgerlica's view. From someone whose been there the story is always different than those who rely on the news. That's generaly what I've heard from the people who have been there.
  14. I'm still not too sure, though I never did know much about this stuff. Whouldn't the attraction of the protons and electrons take over when the electrons stop moving?
  15. Dividing it into three equal angles. This is the popular one that can't be done with just a compass and straight edge.
  16. You all can be very proud. In the time I wasted to read this thread, you managed 7, yes 7, additional posts i had to read after reloading the page. Wonder how many you guys made in the time it took to type this post...
  17. jordan

    Classical music

    Schumann's piano stuff is amazing. I don't have any cd's or anything, but I play a lot of them. It's my favorite stuff.
  18. I was going to point out that similar to the moon, I would guess that it is the momontum of the electrons that keep them in orbit. If the moon stopped moving, it would just fall in and colide with the earth. Way to spoil the fun dave.
  19. Wouldn't the electrons be drawn into the nucleus if they had no momentum?
  20. Sorry. Strong and Weak.
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