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Everything posted by jordan

  1. What do you propose we discuss? What would you like to argue that hasn't been argued several times?
  2. Well, over here he's made out to be some kind of English demi-god for you, so the fact that he missed a goal of such magnitude (whether it's his fault or not) just seems ironic to both sides.
  3. Yep. I did mean the developed world. Sorry about that. But to think how many of this ships would have to by built (which implies major funding) to be able to give 20% of the population a reasonable shot at it is pretty big. Right now, we have one that can take civilians into space. It holds two passangers. At the high cost and low number of people it can take, it isn't for very many people. We would need to build many, many more before most people have a reasonable shot at getting into space. This will take time.
  4. I was thinking (until the last sentence said it) that it is only common sense that aggresive drivers wont cause traffic problem. They'll get out of the way of the slower drivers who then have fewer people to hold up, thus less traffic. However, if you cause a huge pile-up, then you've really stopped traffic for a while. If everyone found a good compramise the world would be better. Oh, and it said these drivers from Bogota are more aggresive than New York drivers? I always thought New York City drivers were about the worst. (Not from personal experience, though).
  5. Everything was going smoothly. Faf was on enough to watch what was happening and keeping order. There was no need to suddenly change everything around. I'm sure there is a reason I don't know about because I can't access the mod. forums, though. I just didn't see anything worth kicking an origional founder out for after he had been doing fine for a few years.
  6. Yep. I didn't really see any need for change. It was working fine the way it was. To quote YT from another thread:
  7. I don't think it is really fair to comment until we've heard from blike on this. Just one question though, why is it insulting that Sayo became and admin for a day? I understand that he did something you like, but why was the act of him becoming an admin offensive?
  8. AOM, I believe he just means into space in general. The guy who made it 62 miles up was in space and I think that's what Fafalone is talking about when he said the "established boundry of space". Just a short trip up and back. I would guess by large scale you mean maybe 20% of the world's population has access? In that case I'd go with 50-100 years.
  9. I would read a lot. As much as I could. And the library is free so that would be helpful. Since this is the ethics thread, I'm assuming the ethical answer would be working for charities and helping people in need. I probably wouldn't do that. It just isn't as fun for me as learning new stuff. Oh, and I'd attend lots of college classes becuase I haven't been there yet. I don't know how I'd fund that though. Take out a lone and tell them I'd have it for them in 366 days?
  10. I think you are missing the third on that they have been talking about. They were refering to the state where nothing is "real" but everything is just created by your mind. You believe it's real only because that's what your mind tells you to believe. However, it is all an imagined world, kind of like a dream.
  11. Has anyone read the book Cap'n's site advertised? Or better yet, can anyone just explain what theory this guy presents? I don't have time to look through and read all of that. I was just wondering if anyone could summerize this guy's theory for me. I'm kind of interested now to see what he thinks.
  12. I understand exactly what everyone has said and can agree. I guess the biggest problem is that it is ingrained in our minds for so long that 1>.9 and so anything after the .9 brings you closer to 1 but you'll never reach it, just get closer. Until you get more and more advanced, you are presented no reason to change that view. Then you get some more complex stuff like you guys all explained and you see why it was wrong.
  13. I have no clue why this happens, but I get that a lot. I used to get more sleep than I do now and back then I would wake up around three (after falling asleep around 11) every night and just lay there awake for what felt like forever but only was about a half an hour. Then every morning around 5:30 I would wake up again and fall asleep around 6:30 only to be awoken for school at 6:45. This would happen just about every day at the same times. I found that it was some great time to think about what had to be done for the day or just think about some neat things I had just read in a sciencey book. I almost began to not mind it after a while. I don't have enough time for that anymore, though.
  14. I believe the reports today said they began design before the prize was anounced. The ship that went before the spaceship to film the flight when it got higher up was also designed by them. They have been into this stuff long before the prize. It's just nice that half of their expenses will be recovered if they win.
  15. Easy to say when you already have a custom title YT. But really, it wouldn't have to be for many people. Just the ones that are very controversial or for ones the admin/mods. can come up with something very clever. For the most part, like YT said, we could just leave them the same.
  16. I like any darker green and the number 13 (my birthday).
  17. You can make it automaticly refresh? How?
  18. Ok, so that was a proof for the FTA you had before. I wasn't sure how it worked then. It looked very similar to the proof that there are an infinite number of primes, but I understand what you were saying. Thanks.
  19. It looks like you were stating the proof that there are an infinite number of primes. I was looking for the proof of the FTA. Thanks for any and all help.
  20. That's kind of important is proving there are infinite primes. I have heard of it. Do you know the proof?
  21. I'm not familiar with the Fundamental Theory of Arithmatic. Can you explain? It might just be one of those cases where I didn't recongize something by it's name. I find the name pretty trivial and tend to forget them easily.
  22. I'm really not sure on this, but a quick google search produced this idea: Hold the ring parallel to the table and have the line of symetry for the flashlight between 45 and 90 degrees with respect to the table. I really can't visualize how this would work, but it might help.
  23. You seem to think in much the same way I do. I was just interested in seeing if you were around my age or older than I was. Turns out you're the same age I am.
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