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Everything posted by jordan

  1. If I understand what the site said, it seems as though yahoo is #1 followed by MSN then Google then Microsoft, Passport.net, ebay and Amazon. We'll take them all over soon enough, though.
  2. I just wanted to make the biggest scientific discovery in history. Of course, I had no idea what this involved. I just wanted to be the next Einstein. And I wanted to be a teacher. I always wanted to see if I could do a better job then they did.
  3. I see now. Thanks kjitta.
  4. Yes, you made a good point, but I still have one question. I'm feeling really dumb for not picking up on this, but why does your example math problem not work? Bloodhound pointed out a step where the error was, but I still don't see the problem.
  5. True, but I can really see the conversation going: <question> <"wait for ______"> <"yeah, he'll know"> <"just wait for him"> <"he knows all this stuff"> <lengthy response from professor> end of thread
  6. I don't like this idea, myself. Then we'd have people who ask a question the next post is a long post written by a professor that gives the perfect answer that no one can debate. The fact that people aren't always right is what makes it fun. Also, I would bet people will shy away from posting becasue they don't want to look like an idiot when the professor comes along and picks apart everything they say.
  7. jordan

    Big Brother 5

    I don't perticularly like the reality shows either, but any idea what the record was on this show? I was just interested how long these guys would stay awake for.
  8. Great idea. It will be good for refrence, too, at least for people like me who can never remember the formulas or theorums. Sounds good to me.
  9. I can see we are not completely understanding one another, so I'll make one last post on it. Consider it carefully and if you have any questions that don't already have answers, I'll answer them. One can't know for sure who they are talking to. That's the point. We do have a law restricting the age of voters to 18 after all. We don't want just anyone answering the phone and giving a vote off the top of there head because they feel powerful when they pretend to be someone older and vote. We want to ensure that the sample of people are who we chose and and who they say they are. If only 1 in 100 vote under someone elses name, and you're only talking about a few hundred votes, that can make a difference. The added responsibility is on the whole lot of people you are calling. They have to deal with issues they've never been able to vote on before and make sure they know where they stand so if they get called they can answer. Not everyone will take the time to care. Besides, our current system has people voting for congressmen who then vote on the issues, much like your proposed system. The only difference is that in your way you pick a new guy every issue, my way every two years. Future refrence is all. Don't do it again.
  10. This is still fairly simple to obtain. It's drastic in the sense that people now have much more responsability and power. Not everyone is prepaired for this added responsability, hence the campaign posters and TV comercials to sway the votes of the people who don't actualy listen to the issues. Like our electoral college? That doesn't always go over so well. People don't like having a few hundred votes in the hands of one man. (Cite the 2000 election). Oh, and for future refrence, please try to consolidate everything into one post, especially when you're adressing the same person and the same post. If you are just doing it for the post count, really stop doing it.
  11. Well, you have to take everything into account when you plan on making such a drastic change.
  12. About the "how do you know who answered the phone" thing, the reason for the question is, how do you know it isn't a 16 year old saying he's John Johnson and voting when he shouldn't be alowed? You can't just ask for ID or anything.
  13. Sorry everyone for keeping this going, but I thought it might get some laughs. ES, what does this all mean? What is your theory to explain all of this? I'm not sure whether this is in psuedoscience or not, but I have a feeling it's about to go there.
  14. What? How does that help? Right. So how do you justify a person missing their chance to vote because they were at a perfictly ligitimate place when you called. We don't vote at the polls by saying "OK, Tesseract can only vote at 4:56, but don't tell him. If he's not here, oh well, he must not care that much." You'd have to give people a fair chance or they'll get really mad.
  15. Yeah, I guess I did know that. I'm just really tired right now. Your last question, Phi for All: I guess we would have to get a good handle on what the dimesions are, other than the math, to understand how they relate to one another. Basicly, they are there to discribe the motion of "stings". Therefore, they are the building blocks for the other dimensions to be built around.
  16. A few follow ups: How do ensure the person on the phone is the person they say they are? What do you do when the angry mob attacks you at the White House because they were at their kid's music recital and missed their only chance to vote on the issue of abortion? For question two, you misunderstood what I was saying. If you don't reach them, do they lose their chance after one call? If so, see above. Or do you give them X number of days before they lose their chance?
  17. I always thought I was rather slow and mythodical at typicing. I try to make a few errors as possible so it ends up taking me 10 minutes to type that post. This one took four. M Theory? Last dimension? How about we call it dimension X where X is denoted as the correct answer? I have no idea, alt_f13. I've never heard of "M Theory".
  18. Believe me, Tesseract, nowhere in the rules is it stated replies are manditory. If you dont' have something that adds to the thread in a postive manner, don't reply. Back on topic: From what I understand, the higher dimensions come from the math used to describe the world. Most are from the new string theory which proposes 11 dimensions (at least the most common version of string theory). The scientist/mathmeticians will usually give an explanation as to what each dimension is, but they seem to know more about them from the math than actual tests and observations. The purpose seems to be to make the math fit the real world. Without them the math doesn't work. It always seemed that the dimensions were used to describe the math and not the other way around.
  19. Uh.....Ok. Then how about another one, preferably one you weren't drunk when you posted. Good luck on that quest.
  20. Ah yes. Everyones favorite tellemarketers. Except when it comes to the laws and regulations that govern our country. Then he has to go through the system. I don't care if the president wants a new car and he gets one without congress' aproval. That doesn't affect me. He can't raise taxes and dip into social security to pay for the car without some repercussions though.
  21. I remeber saying somewhere back in the thread that you can't expect people to vote on a few bills every night after dinner. They just won't be informed on them all, nor will they have the desire to do so. You're saying the same thing, for the most part, only even once a month, people don't show up. So, it's one of those things that is good in theory but very difficult to impliment in the real world. Too lazy? Not at all. I am simply saying that we can't micromanage our own goevernment on all issues. BY electing them to office, we grant them a cetain trust to do what is best. Should they abuse this trust, we have elected more officials who can veto what they say or kick them out entirely. Should you really hate what is happening in office, run for yourself. If you truely have a better solution, you'll get elected. It all does work pretty well as far as keeping a few hundred million people as happy as possible.
  22. Good point fafalone. Nonetheless: 16/m/USA
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