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Everything posted by jordan

  1. Do you remember way back to our 2000 election. I can see us having more tough times like these on all the controversial bills. The smaller, less impacting bills we might be fine on, but not the big ones. And would anyone happen to know how many bills we're talking about here, per year. The government goes through a lot of them each year and I can't see the public keeping informed enough to vote on a bill or two after dinner each night. I could be overexagerating though. Mabey it would only be a few a month. Is this directed at me? I had no plans to defend Bush or draw on any of that kind of stuff. I just wanted to be sure Tesseract wasn't doing what everyone else is and saying Bush is bad for the sake of saying Bush is bad. I've heard too many of these kind of plans recently, all boiling down to "how do we get Bush out of office and make sure only democrats ever get back in". I just wanted to make sure this was an honest oppinion and not something impulsive.
  2. What exactly do you propose? I always thought a system of checks and balances between braches of the government in which all members are elected was fairly acceptable for a country of our size and wealth. One last time:
  3. Sorry, I don't have time to read these right now. I'll get to them another day. These are your ideals. What if I thought taxes should be spent in another way? I personaly am in favor of pouring a lot more money into education (in a productive way, of course) so that the problems we have can be solved, rather than pouring money into welfare and social security and hoping a few can make it through school and carry the future of the country. You complained about us having elections every four years. Four years is apropriate to allow a president to carry out his actions. After this time you are allowed to not vote for him. If we only gave him a year, not only would he/she not have enough time to enact and show the country the benifits of their work, but they would spend half their presidency campaigning for next years election. Again:
  4. I think our current system is fine. Is this just about Bush and the war? More for our tax money? What are you proposing? What works for Sweden doesn't neccesarily work for us. Sweden is smaller in area and in population. Mass referendums wouldn't be practicle in our country.
  5. Well, at first it was the detection of gravitons, then in post #3 he changed it to "Theory of Everything", so I've always assumed it had to do with the fact that Einstein worked on the Theory of Everything but never aceived success. I thought finding the unifying theory is along the lines of what blike meant, although I don't know how this would be Einstein's downfall.
  6. Sorry. I'm still not sure what you are saying here and how the fact that you and I don't understand how these devices work pertains to the discussion. I'm pretty sure this is possible. Also, the speed has no effect on the question. If the conditions remained constant, only the position of the photon would be important. We cannot measure the speed of the photon when it strikes the mirror, but we do know it was traveling at the same speed as before (the exact number isn't important). If it traveled at the same speed, but the mirrors were farther apart, the speed must have increased (again, the exact number isn't important). All we'd need is when the photon left one mirror and struck the other. If I wasn's so tired I'd be insulted.
  7. Thanks blike. All is well again. I changed it before because it was easier to get back to the top of the page when I was done reading the thread. Now everytime you guys refrence the "post above" it will actualy be above the one I'm reading. Thanks again.
  8. What? Uh...sure. Do a quick google search on that one. How is that relevant?
  9. From what I was told in physics class, this is true. When the angle is not 0o with respect to the normal, the tip of the light enters the new material at different times. The light can be visualized as a long rectangle. When one corner of this rectangle hits the new material (becuase it is entering at an angle) it changes direction. The front of the light beam continues to enter until the other corner reaches the new material and it has all bent. The light continues for however long the beam is until the two corners at the other end enter and the light has bent completely. When the beam is moving along the normal, both corners of the beam enter at the same time and so they aren't bent. The beam moves through until the other end passes completely into the new material. I don't know how much sense that made. I don't even trust it, I'm just reiterating what I was told. I never pictured a beam of light as having mass or width and so I don't know how it can be pictured as a rectangle. This is just what I know off the top of my head.
  10. A few things come to mind. 1) The distance he would have moved the mirror would be so minute that the change in the time interval would be hardly detectable. I would imagine a guy like Heisenberg would take this into consideration, though. He was the one with the uncertainty principle, right? 2) What were the x and z axis in his experimen? I would think only one axis would increase distance between the mirror and the other two would change their verticle and horizontal alignment. And Tesseract, how many times have you been asked not to spam? Really, it doesn't help the thread.
  11. So, in your own unique fashion, this is your way of agreeing with me?
  12. No. It's back. Well, it was. I ran the CW program again and now it's gone. Is there any way just to have the system automaticly run the CW program when I turn on the computer?
  13. Live news update: I'm on a new computer in an enitrely different building. I was searching the forums and had no problem searching in my usual way. The links cleared as "read" instead of their usual "unread". Unfortunatly, I wasn't logged on under my username. As soon as I logged on, it didn't work. This leads me to beleive the error is somewhere under my user on the server, but as you all know, I'm not any sort of computer genius. Just thought I'd let you know.
  14. Just in general, it was version 6.0. There was more information if you want me to type it out. I don't have time to right now, but I can do it later today.
  15. I wish my highschool offered any of those classes. Let's see, I'm taking: Classic Liturature AP Literature AP Calc AP Physics AP Economics and a few others.
  16. I didn't read the thread too carefuly, but just my quick thoughts: The very fact that we are here has much to do with the design of the universe. We have no way of knowing how many different universes were tried or how many currently exist. We do know that humans needed certain, very specific conditions to be where we are today. Anything different and we wouldn't be here. So the very fact we are here to contemplate the questions shows how the extreme improbability of our universe being created was overcome. If it weren't, we wouldn't be here to contemplate it. The odds don't matter because the odds of any universe being created is the same. It just so happens we give this one special meaning becuase we are here to wonder about it. [Edit] On second thought, that made more sense in my head. Oh well.
  17. I wasn't aware women were eligable for the draft. And no I don't think the war could continue for 30 years. The first two have been to much of a national crisis. Nor do I think there will be a draft. I really can't see one ever again as the military is working to reduce need for humans to fight and moving control to the computers. If a war every got so great we needed to start a draft to increase the size of our already very large military, everyone in the world might be in danger.
  18. So autopreview has the same effect as opening the e-mail? If a virus is in an e-mail and Outlook automaticly opens it, the virus gets into the computer? Not a very tough question, I know, but I want to be sure. And if so, how would I turn it off. Sounds like it was a good decision to use Outlook instead of Outlook Express.
  19. Wow, blike. I saw the subject for the thread and thought I was in some kind of trouble or someone was really mad at me for something I said. I was just reading the thread about why Truelove was banned and seeing the title just made me a little nervous. Anyway, I thought I'd say thanks for any help anyone could give since the thread is for me.
  20. Thanks' date=' it says my system is now clean. We'll see how long it lasts. From post #62. Is the problem e-mail in general or were you saying Outlook causes problems too?
  21. You never cease to confuse me Tesseract. Oh well, I too am leaving for the night. My head now hurts.
  22. You can't conclusively prove which object isn't moving. I wouldn't think it would deform, but rather expand and that is how it would show acceleration. The world would spin really fast if everything was measured with respect to a yo-yo.
  23. Not sure what this says, but I think it might be on the right track. Precisely the point. Where is point A at when you don't have any refrence. You're in black space without anything but two planets, which one is moving? Let's add three. The converge towards a point, then move away at 120o to each other. At least two would have to be moving, but could you prove which ones are if you don't have "point A" to refrence everything to? I could continue adding objects until we get to a more realistic situation.
  24. And which planet would that be? Planet A or Planet B?
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