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Everything posted by jordan

  1. Although I enjoy a good challenge, you just about summed up my problem right there. Sorry, but I have no idea what to do on this one. And don't mind Tesserect's cordial way with words.
  2. The motion of the other object could cause the force you feel. If two planets were in space, planet A is stationary and planet B passes by, wouldn't planet A have the appearence of feeling a force? The point is that acceleration can not absolutely determined for one object. We only say everything is in motion because it is the most convenient. It would be too difficult to calculate everything if we assumed you, Tesserect, we stationary and the universe revolved around you (though you may like that idea ). Therefore, you need to determine how you are establishing something has a definite velocity before talking about how velocity effects acceleration. *Disclaimer: everything written above is from memory. It is taken from a book read years ago and may not be eniterly correct.
  3. My computer keeps finding some kind of spyware also. It seems to only change the homepage of my IE. When we get rid of it, IE works fine, but then it always comes back in a few hours.
  4. And what problems does this present to manned space flight?
  5. I wasn't too sure of the question either, Crash. I think he was asking whether it's easier to make sound waves in solid, liquid or gas, but I'm really not sure.
  6. For levers, I immeadiatly think of torque. Torque is proportional to the distance from the fulcrum times the perpendicular component of the force applied at that point. Therefore, increasing the distance from the fulcrum on the lever would increase the force exerted on the other side. The advantage to inclined planes are that they increase the distance over which a verticle force must be aplied. If you need to exert a force of magnitude X to lift an object straight up, you can make it easier by using a inclined plane. The same force of X would need to be applied, but not all at once. It would be spread out over the inclined plane. There are many of them to see. Some simple ones are the hammer (lever), bike chains and pulleys (pulley) and so on. I'm sure you can come up with a few more good examples. The main problem as I understand it is the time factor. The moon isn't a problem as it's only a matter of days, but the next closest planet requires months. Obviously, months in a confined spacecraft with few other people can be very difficult. Also, giving the men and/or women all the conveniences we take for granted causes problem. Cost is difficult. Extended periods in zero-gravity is yet another problem to be overcome.
  7. Go to the links across the top, find "Quick Links" and hit "sidebar off", Tesserect. That should fix it for you.
  8. One thing that doesn't seem to happen to anyone else: When I go into the forum it tells me there are new post (as indicated by the little evelope with the paper sticking out). However, when I read the posts, I doesn't mark them as read. It only marks threads as read under the debate forum, so I have to go to the bottom every time and hit "Mark threads read". Does this happen to anyone else? Any ideas?
  9. Designer Babies: Many of you have expressed this as the best possibility of the choices. Are we really that close to being able to manipulate a babies DNA to whatever characteristics the whims of the parents decide?
  10. That's almost more work than writing the paper in the first place, fafalone. And writing it yourself does carry less risk of this plagerism problem.
  11. Hey blike, would you be able to remove a vote for designer babies for me. I will move it to second from the bottom on my list now, too.
  12. I guess that is dependent on what blike ment by "designer". I saw it as saying that we can make the odds of a baby having a certain trate (brown hair) better or worse dependent on the parents wishes. I guess it could be saying that all physical and mental characteristics are completely controled. If that is so, I would lower it on my list.
  13. I would say all of them are reliant on some major hurdle. Should we get over it, I see most of them coming true. I don't think teleportation will happen. I don't see the detection of gravitons very soon. Should we see nuclear war, there's a good chance or lifetime will be over. I would rank them, in order of most likely: -Designer Babies -Mars Colonization -Fusion Power Plants -Longer Lifespan -Nuclear War -Graviton Detection -Teleportation [Edit] Well you changed one on me. I would still say it goes in the same spot, though.
  14. Glider, Since you mentioned it, the piano analogy happens to me all the time. When I have a song down well, I drift right off when I begin to play. What is interesting is that this is usually when people say it sounds the best. They like the expressiveness, but I can't remember a thing. With driving though, I wasn't driving for more than a month before that happened to me. Maybe the difference was that it was interstate driving, which is pretty mindless. It hasn't happened on any city roads, yet. That could be why.
  15. Well I try not to spam too much, and compaired to your 5,100 and something post count, mine doesn't really matter. Thanks though. You mods and administrators probably keep them around for laughs, right?
  16. I didn't see any that were marked as deleted. How can I tell which ones those are?
  17. Fair enough, just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything. Were you the one that deleted them?
  18. We would be boycotting gas because the prices are so high recently, which leads me to beleive it wouldn't be today. The problem has just come up again recently now that people have become sick of complaining about the war and so I don't think taday would give everyone enough time to know and plan for it.
  19. It will never happen, but what day are they planning it for?
  20. I remember the "thinking makes you said" one and I thought there was a science one too, but I don't remember of the top of my head.
  21. I made a few posts earlier today from a computer other than I normally use. Now that I'm home the threads a posted on seem to be cut short, like they're missing the last few posts, occasionaly mine. Did anyone delete them or am I just going crazy?
  22. So, why do we even have an idea of tachyons if none have been seen. Did the idea come from the equations, or is it some unexplained experiment result that needs acounting for? There might be another reason, but what I'm trying to get at is: is there any unexplained evidence that leads to tachyons, or are they just what happens when v>c?
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