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Everything posted by jordan

  1. Well, in words it would be that since lABl equals the positive value of A times B, then lAl times lBl would be the same. The absolute value for both would be a positive number and since a positve times a positive is a positive, it would be the positive value of A times B. Don't know if that's what you're looking for, probably not. It's not really a mathematical proof, but it's what came to mind first.
  2. It's weird and a little unnerving when that happens. Makes you wonder about if you miss a turn one time down the road. If you don't remember anything about driving, how are you sure you will never miss a turn. Anyway, that's only happened to me a few times and mostly on the interstates after driving for an hour or two. I find myself thinking of some strange science thing, either that or trying to remember what I had for breakfast. That can bother me for a while sometimes, too.
  3. A. Jordan, who would've guessed that one. Q. How tall are you?
  4. Do you have any calculations to back that up?
  5. The log was never lifted up and dropped in, it was placed at the bottom of the tank and allowed to float up.
  6. Sure, but where does the energy come from?
  7. Like YT said, the energy you are forgetting comes from lifting the log. The equation for Potential Energy of Gravity requires a height component because the work done to get it to that height is the "Potential Energy" you are exploiting later on. It is not just appearing. Now, if you found a way for the log to simply reappear at the top without any work being done on it, then ok, but you'll have a tough time finding one.
  8. A. Sure, them and adam. Q. What do you think technology will be like in 250 years? (This is for a final project I am currently working on, so a serious answer would be nice, but as always is not required.)
  9. Modern/Theoretical Physics is a lot of the same stuff. It's used for discussion of atomic structure, nuclear physics, etc. http://www.scienceforums.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=42
  10. I like the Copenhagen Interprtation, but Pilot Waves has this strange appeal also. It's really tough to say.
  11. Just curious. You're on here later than me every night and there's the whole 5 hour time difference and all. A. New Age Q. What event or discovery would you like to see take place in the world of science within the next 10 years?
  12. A. Fortunatly no. Just a couple jobs and some volunteer work and required summer reading and fun summer reading and trying to decide what college is best for me so I don't waste my future. Fun. Q. What time do you get up?
  13. Mooeypoo, Mods and Administrators seem to have this super-human ability to spot idiots already. The reputation system was mostly for new users.
  14. I did see that web site but wasn't sure that was what you were talking about. I do go back to the forum after I read the thread, but it doesn't work. Mabey I'll PM faf or blike. A. SCSI Q. How late are you up on an average night?
  15. A. Not exactly. Q. Why don't the forums mark the threads read after I read them? They just constantly tell me there are new threads to read.
  16. Home page Top Left Under Main Menu Click on "Top Lists" [Edit] Sorry, it's "Top Lists"
  17. A. Civilization Q. Why have the questions digressed so far form blike's intent?
  18. 1 Sayonara³ 5047 Posts 2 YT2095 3980 Posts 3 fafalone 3576 Posts 4 blike 2469 Posts 5 MrL_JaKiri 2067 Posts 6 Radical Edward 1852 Posts 7 dave 1215 Posts 8 aman 1214 Posts 9 Cap'n Refsmmat 1205 Posts 10 atinymonkey 1093 Posts 11 Dudde 988 Posts 12 -Demosthenes- 985 Posts 13 aommaster 844 Posts 14 Glider 797 Posts 15 Skye 697 Posts 16 NSX 662 Posts 17 mooeypoo 563 Posts 18 wolfson 556 Posts 19 greg1917 495 Posts 20 KHinfcube22 475 Posts You mean like this?
  19. Which one didn't work for you? Or did both fail?
  20. Alright, a better way would be: 1) Create a new program with desired title 2) Start to edit the program and under the first line of text hit [2nd] and [RCL] 3) Hit program 4) Go to EXEC 5) Hit the program you want. At the bottom of the screen it should now say RCL prgm"*". 6) Hit enter and it should copy the old program into your new one. This comes with the added bonus of being able to delete the old one. Hope this helps a little.
  21. The only one I think I can help with is #2. The simplist way I've found is to first create a new program with the desired name. Then, while editing it, hit the program button and move over to "EXEC". From their select the program you made before. Under the first line of text in your new program should be the comand to run the old program.
  22. Not so much I do know what each means, but I don't know how they have been labeled. I would guess that the "many worlds" one is the one that says each action creates a seperate universe for all the possible consequences. The "time reversibility" I would think is the one that says if the universe stops expanding and starts compressing, time will run in reverse and everything will play out backwards. I'm open for definitions of any of the other ones, or corrections to the ones above.
  23. I would say that it is becuase light moves at the same speed for every observer, independent of their speed. Therefore, the light reflecting off his face and the mirror would be going 30km/s and he would see his reflection. It wouldn't matter what speed he was moving, he light would always reflect off the mirror and back to him at 30km/s.
  24. A. I don't have a car, only a licence, but I'm open for any donations. Q. What killed the dinosaurs?
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