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Everything posted by jordan

  1. I just thought that the lightning theory was worth asking about because it came from a reliable source...Someone much more educated and experienced than Blke What is zetatalk?
  2. 1) I wasn't aware it was that outraigious 2) Google gives too much information. I thought asking you might be quicker 3) Braindead seems a little harsh
  3. Can you explain Occam's razor. I'm aware the theory is flawed, blike, but he said he heard it from an engineer who worked on many space projects (designing engine systems). He said he might join now that I showed him the site. Mabey he can explain himself better.
  4. Sorry, can't give any. Does it seem logical or make any sense, (ignoring the lack of evidence)?
  5. A freind wants me to ask this.... He was told by a freind who works inthe science field that the fifth dimension is created by lightning. Lightning traveling in a straight line would reach the ground in the same time it takes a bolt traveling in the well-know, less than direct routes. If the lightning traveling in a straight line travels at the speed of light, the one not traveling in a straight line would have to exceed the universal speed limit, thus requiring a new "fifth" dimension. I have never heard this but my friend is pretty sure. I am looking for any quick posts that could help us out.
  6. Thanks for the post iglak. The Bose-Einstein one wans't what I was thinking of though. I looked through my old chemistry notes this morning and found: "Plasma- a state of matter found in stars, space, and the inside of flourescent lights. In this state, atoms are torn apart into smaller pieces. Neutron star- A fifth state of matter about which little is known." I don't know that the teacher was the most trustworthy source on this so I want to know if anyone has ever heard of this.
  7. That seems to happen to a lot of people. Even so, you all are devided on what the reason we yawn is. Emmon's post is new stuff to me but gene's sounds familiar.
  8. I seem to have been on the right track. Any ideas on that fifth state?
  9. I too read that article along with a few others in previous Newsweeks and Reader's Digest. I found them interesting enough to try to write a school research paper on them but the teacher wouldn't let me because she thought the topic was too advanced. The evidence does seem strong for Religion being a "medicine" but it is difficult to say wether it is the mind that makes the body better or it is God. I think you hit a key point when you said those who have faith are spiritualy happier than those who don't.
  10. Let's see if I remember correct... Plasma is a theoretical state of matter above the three fundamental ones. It is found in the cores of stars and breaks down beyond regognizable atoms to subatomic particles. I also remember hearing of a fifth state but don't recall much about it.
  11. I seem to have a lot more questions than answers, and here is one that fits. What is the purpose of yawning? I remember hearing that there still isn't a definate answer. Does anyone know?
  12. What do teeter-totters have to do with this? Are you saying if the neck moves forward quickly, the top of the head will move in the opposite direction?
  13. That John Titor site held my attention for a suprisingly long time. His one response on the Olympics ending in 2004 was interesting, but mostly his answers were a little vague. He did what religions do and left it up to the faith of the reader.
  14. Does pyrogens refer to the bodies internal respnse rather than an external stimulus or is that just the way you worded your response?
  15. The extreme lowering of the body's intenternal tempurature to the point where it begins to, in response to the cold, funtion differently than normal. This is just my general understand though and am also interested in learning more. Also, what about hyperthermia?
  16. Thanks YT I new a little about metabolism before, but never enough to get that answer.
  17. Stundents tend to respond best to the hand-on learning rather than to lectures. My sixth-grade teacher liked to work on his computer while we students read from the book and filled out work-sheets. I don't remember anything about that class.
  18. I seem to eat all I want and not gain weight I don't smoke As for excercise, I walk home from school (2-3) miles and try to always do so at a quick pace. This is to make up somewhat for the fact that I don't play any sports right now. Up to the begging of this shool year I was on a swim team and up to several years ago I had been playing soccer almost every day.
  19. On days I walk home from school, I notice that kids will all be wearing coats while there are just two or three who don't. Those who do comment on how cold I must be without one. I guess this means I don't feel cold in relation to them. I do get cold, but I seem to have a greater tolerance. As for fat, how much can this effect a 5'9'' 130-140 guy?
  20. I have to agree with blike. This seems too commenly forgot. Mabey because the "Big Bang Theory" theorizes about the very begin of the universe while religions tend to focus on the beggings of Earth.
  21. Metabolism changes depending on the weather. If I never seem cold in comparison to people around me, what is this saying about my metabolism? Does it means it's faster, slower or just a matter of efficiency?
  22. Isn't a little more difficult to determine morality of a future life than of an present death? There are many more births than abortions and those lives could continue in many different and often unexpected ways while abortions all end the same.
  23. dave Out of curiosity, why did you say 15-16 year olds obviosly can't do calculus? NSX, you inplied this also. Am I wrong in wishing math class moved quicker each year rather than slower? I am just frustrated right now because my pre-calc class has been stuck on graphing basic rational functions since the begging of the year. Are you are telling me I will have to take calculus for the next few years?
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