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Everything posted by SmallIsPower

  1. Histroical events are definately have the Butterfly Effect Rosa Parks not standing up caused the Civil Rights Movement The Assasination of the Archduke causes WW1 Martin Luthor's resentment of the Pope causes the Protestant Reformation A conquerer chooses to battle a city where a defender just happens to be at the wrong place, changing the future of his empire, advancing or retarding a keyn technology In fact, a quantuum glitch could start WW3!
  2. I'd think a single quark/antiquark pair would annihilate, creating an explosion that would blow the rest of this hybrid atom to bits, becacause there would be more enrgy released than in the oppsite fusion reaction(which converts 1% of the mass or less.)
  3. No, I'm not ghost. I have 2 semesters of physics, and enough of a science background to try to visualise the problem, then work it out. It took me a long time to believe the conspiracy theory, it pains me greatly to think our government could sink so low, but it sure looks to me like physics backs it up. If you can refute my contentions, please do, while I'm knowledgable, I'm no expert.
  4. Thermite. All 3 buildings collapsed symetrically. Collapse happens when the fractures PLUS the melting of the steel weaken the structure so that it can't support the weight above. How could the fractures be equal everywhere? A fraction of a second would produce noticable assymetry. Designed that way? How could the architects (around '74) believe that it would fall in anything but a controlled demolition. If a HUGE wind (maybe 180 mph) were to hit, I doubt it would pancake. The quake by the fall of WTCs1&2 would have also caused an asymetical fracture as well in WTC7.
  5. 26 tropical storms in the Western Hemisphere in 2005. Isn't this enough to convince you things are totally our of kilter? IIRC 3 or 4 were Category 5.
  6. I'm not happy, back in '98, I knew agenius in the field of energy research, his avocation was ecology. I asked him if he thought that the fires that were hitting North America and the bizzare weather then was damaging earth's carryng capicity. His answer was yes. We'll have to take some artifical meaures to save Earth. Genetic engineering better carbon sequestering trees and plankton come to mind. Possibly orbital sunlight reflectors etc. I hate to say this, but maybe James Lovelock is right, we'll need nuclear power to save us from fossil fuel, Uggggh! Proliferation.... Some locals think these are Canadian geese.... I suspect, at the very least, the flyways are being changed by global warming. Here in Eureka, redwoods have been clearcut, metrologists say the local atmosphere is drier as a result, temperature here in the winter rarely go below freezing, but maybe as a result of lower humditity its gone as low as 22. Eureka, being by the Pacific is more temperate. Maybe normally inland birds found their normal flyway to cold, and the huge size of flocks is what caught my notice. Herpguy, are you noticing the birdsnear the water OR over the city of Detriot itself, both would be warmer than the surrounding area?
  7. I'm glad some spacefaring nation had the sense to do this!
  8. I don't think the avain flu has hit the Western Hemisphere yet. I hope you're right about breeding. The birds here are the talk of the town, and on top of that, several parks here look trashed, trees destroyed. It reminds me of my disappointment as a child seeing Germany's Black Forest. Weather in America in 2005 certainly has been bizzare. I hope we can save the world's ecosystem before it collapses. I hope at least these migration patterns have more down-to-earth explanations.
  9. At the moment of the big Bang, entropy was negative. If most of the material that falls into a septillion-year old black hole is very weak radio wave background radiation, and it explodes into say gamma rays, that would be a reversal of entropy, too. If I'm wrong about this, please tell me how. It seems to me that very intellegent people hold onto the idea of Entropy Uber Alles so strongly that they contort physics beyond all common sence to conform.
  10. I've known a few recovering heorin addicts who where so easy during their addiction that what they really wanted was a kind, nonsexual friendship after a past of abusive sex. Tell her you care about her as a friend, and if she's willing, you'd like to show her how warm and kind sex can be. Then hope she gets horny enough to give it a try. This isn't brain damage, a woman does it when she decides it makes sense, sometimes the wait has seemed absolutely absurd to me.
  11. I've seen this 4 times this month, around 7AM, others in my hometown claim to see it more often. It seems to happen on colder than average mornings. I live in Eureka CA., 100 miles south of Oregon, on the Pacific Ocean. Is this happening elsewhere, anyone? Huge flocks, bigger than I'd ever seeing the 7 years I've lived here. One person here says sometimes they will head south several hours later. What is this global warming? a shift in the magnetic field? HAARP? any explanations?
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