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Everything posted by KFC

  1. Still deciding wether to get it.
  2. Yah, I'm still waiting on it.
  3. KFC

    Tracking System

    If I had some type of triangletion system and I on one of the systems I have a laser that hit the target. Then I have a modle rocket equiped with four photodiodes that interceps the target in the triangletion zone. Would this work?
  4. I was going to get a mircoscope and I was searching on ebay. I found a Amscope that sold superizingly cheap microscope and I was wondering if anyone bought a microscope from them and how relayiable they are and if it is worth buying? Site: http://www.amscope.com/ Product: http://store.amscope.com/b100b-ms.html
  5. Cool thanks for the Info.
  6. I did not mean sterilize agar and petri dishes in the same pot, I was wondering how long a steril petri dish can stay in open air before it is not steril anymore? Also, does anyone know a "cheap homemade" way to keep steril glass petri dishes steril? I was think jaring them or something like that.
  7. That's to Bad, I know a pressure cookers can sterilize agar, but can pressure cookers sterilize glass petri dishes. If they can would it be better to sterilize the agar and the petri in two pressure cookers instead of letting one sit wile the other is cooking, or is doesn't matter?
  8. If the bacteria have water in them wont it boil and kill them?
  9. I was wondering if I could sterilize glass petri dishes and melted agar in a microwave oven and how long would I put it on for, if possible?
  10. Thank You,
  11. KFC

    Avocado Fruit

    Cool, Thanks
  12. KFC

    Avocado Fruit

    If you grafted more branches could to speed this up?
  13. KFC

    Avocado Fruit

    Thats a real time saver. Another question, can I use gibberellic acid with a bansai to make it look older faster?
  14. You can use Boric acid. Its available at grocery store. Mix it with water and put it in a spay bottle. I'm not sure what concentration you should use. May be can a glue or something to make it stick better and not come off when it rains.
  15. KFC

    Avocado Fruit

    If you use rooting hormone to start a root from a avocado branch will it make fruit as soon as it gets big enough or do you still have to wait four year until it starts make food?
  16. Does anyone know of any websites on preparing slide, stain, and handling slide and stuff like that?
  17. Cool Thanks, I was wondering if the proteins made from the Plasmid are they moved out of the cell or Kept in the E. coli.
  18. Is this it
  19. (Sorry empty post)
  20. No, I'm at your local KFC Ecoli, Is that where i get the chemical?.
  21. How much times harder is this then making Nitric acid?
  22. Transfering a gene from a Eukartoyic cell to a E. coli Bacterium using a Plasmid with an AMPr gene using ecoRI, CaCl2, and DNA ligase. I'm not sure what the process is named.
  23. Can someone tell me in depth, the process in E. Coli Plasmid Cloning and the chemical that are used"?
  24. Here some for text.com: (first one does not work of course) SMOKE BOMBS I don't know if this one works, but it might. Mix six parts Epsom Salts and three parts sugar over a low flame. When it turns into a gel, pour it into a container and stick a few matches in as fuses. Four pounds is supposed to fill a city block. 4 parts sugar to 6 parts potassium nitrate (SALT PETER). Heat over low flame untill it melts. Stir well. Pour it into a container and stick in a few matches as fuses. One lb fills a block nicely with thick white smoke. HTH smoke bomb: Using HTH pool chlorine (2 parts) and non-silicone brake fluid (3 parts) makes one hell of a smoke bomb. When you add these two together, it gives off really thick smoke. SMOKE SCREENS Here is a somewhat explosive composition uses by the Germans in WWII for black smoke: Hexachloroethane - 60% Anthracene - 20% Magnesium(powder)- 20% Brown Smoke: Pitch - 29.2% Pottasium Nitrate- 47.4% Borax - 10.6% Calcium Carbonate- 4.9% Sand - 4.0% Sulpher - 3.9% Note: You may substite pitch by soaking liquid tar in sawdust. This has better effect. Grey Smoke: A: Hexachloroethane - 50% Zinc Powder - 25% Zinc Oxide - 10% Pottasium Nitrate- 10% Colophony Resin - 5% B: Hexachloroethane - 45.5% Zinc Oxide - 45.5% Calcium Silicide - 9.0% Note: Because of the high vapor presure of HC, HC smokes must(be sealed in and artight container. Also the Zinc Powder one may react with water so be carefull. White Smoke: Potassium Chlorate- 20% Ammonium Chloride - 50% Naphthalene - 20% Charcoal - 10% Pottasium Nitrate - 48.5% Sulpher - 48.5% Realgar - 3.0% Pottasium Nitrate - 50% Sugar - 50% Yellow Smoke: Potassium Nitrate - 25% Sulpher - 16% Realgar - 59% Other Black Smoke: This one make the most beautifull black smoke but is expensive. Potassium Perchlorate - 44% Antimony Trisulphide - 24% Naphthalene - 26% Soluble Glutinous Rice Starch - 6% Potassium Perchlorate - 56% Sulpher - 11% Anthracene - 33% Hexachloroethane - 62% Magnesium - 15% Naphtalene (or Antracene) - 23% Red Smoke: Potassium Chlorate - 25% Rhodamine B - 24% Para Red R - 15% Blue Smoke: Potassium Chlorate - 28% Methylene Blue - 17% Indigo Pure - 40% Wheat Flour - 15% Green Smoke: Potassium Chlorate - 28% Auramine - 10% Methylene Blue - 17% Indigo Pure - 30% Wheat Flour - 15%
  25. Around 3000F, CaazK101
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