This is not some random pyro question I always wanted to know this. What is in snaps or drop poppers those little rocks wrapped up in paper that pop when you throw them against a hard surface, what makes them pop?
Is there any hydrogen left in the bottle and it could not escape from the cap I turned the bottle up side down so that the water blocks the cap for that reason?/.
I had a bottle that had the consistence of milk hug plastic. It was fill half and half water and hydrogen. I left it to sit for a week at room temp. and half the hydrogen was gone. Did it leek though the plastic or did it turn in to Dihydrogen Dioxide?
Like this for the receiver, don't laugh:
I didn't get what you me to do, and how do I Increase the range?
Feel free to edit my picture or don't if I got it completely wrong.
If I change the Inferred Diode with this product: CHOKE,AXIAL,RF could I make it in to a radio controller?
How would I change the Inferred Receiver with another CHOKE,AXIAL,RF and would I use a to transistor?
How would I Boost the signal a couple of hundred feet?
All schematics make by Paul Oh
Does anyone know a video encoder and video decoder that would work with these products Color LCD and Color Camera, Also how do you hook those up with the schematics that YT2095 gave me?
If you eat a Habanero Pepper it will kill your taste buds, then you will not sense the lemons. Eat one about two days before the lemon eating contest.
Warning eating a Habanero Pepper will kill your taste buds for about seven days after that they will grow back!
What Are Those Rare And Expensive Catalyst And What Pressure Do I Have To Do At And I'm Assuming That There is Heat, What Temp. Do I Have To Heat It Up At.
I Saw A Show Television(About Chemistry) And They Had An Experiment. They Had A Flask Liquid And A Clear Gas Then He Shook The Flask And The Liquid Turned Blue, After 30 Seconds It Turned Clear Again. Its A Reaction That You Can Do Over And Over Again. What Was The Liquid And The Gas?
I Have Some Ethylene How Would I Change It In to A Monopolymer Then How Would I Put It Through An Adatoin Reaction To Make Polyethyle Or Way Way To Hard To Do. By the Way If Put A Banana Under Water Will The Ethylene Gas Bubble Up(Over Time) Or Will It Rot?
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